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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

New footage: Saudi Apache hunting Iranian Backed Houthi terrorists in Sa'daa

How can you say they were Houthi militia? In all probability they were just villagers going around.

And the level of incompetence is glaring on that video. They emptied almost the entire gun ammo box of Apache and could not get the three guys and in the process hit everything but those three guys including some shots on the cars passing by about a kilometer from the target. At the end, when they are nearly run out of ammo, start calling "mesile mesile" and they fire a hellfire. And still they got only two of them. So the they had to fire another hellfire. The clip also has been cut and edited. So in all probability they had fired many more hellfires and even more gun shots, to get just three people.

But it is amazing with this level of competence, they have managed to keep the Apache airborne. The helicopter was still swinging around abit but at least it remained airborne during the duration of the clip.
How can you say they were Houthi militia? In all probability they were just villagers going around.

And the level of incompetence is glaring on that video. They emptied almost the entire gun ammo box of Apache and could not get the three guys and in the process hit everything but those three guys including some shots on the cars passing by about a kilometer from the target. At the end, when they are nearly run out of ammo, start calling "mesile mesile" and they fire a hellfire. And still they got only two of them. So the they had to fire another hellfire. The clip also has been cut and edited. So in all probability they had fired many more hellfires and even more gun shots, to get just three people.

But it is amazing with this level of competence, they have managed to keep the Apache airborne. The helicopter was still swinging around abit but at least it remained airborne during the duration of the clip.

Oh look we got ourselves a sharpshooter here, they're firing at your backed Houthi rats from 5-6 KM away, for that distance they did a pretty good job. I'd like to see you using your so called "Iranian made" attack helicopter shooting anything over 1 KM away, that's if it was able to fly in the first place :lol:

Hadi is 70 years old.

Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.
Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.
Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.
Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.

Oh look we got ourselves a sharpshooter here, they're firing at your backed Houthi rats from 5-6 KM away, for that distance they did a pretty good job. I'd like to see you using your so called "Iranian made" attack helicopter shooting anything over 1 KM away, that's if it was able to fly in the first place :lol:


At least Iran does not fly helicopters bought from a heathen country the USA. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country, should not buy from a heathen country.
Hadi is 70 years old.

Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.
Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.
Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.
Happy happy birthday. Se ven ty. Happy happy birthday. Old man now.

At least Iran does not fly helicopters bought from a heathen country the USA. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country, should not buy from a heathen country.

China boy, all your posts on this forum have been extremely stupid since your superboy account, please refer from quoting me till you reach puberty.
Not only Alfara' and Alutaifian area in the north side of Sa'adah are being captured and controlled by the Saudi Army, but also Shada and Aldhaher provinces in the west side of Sa'adah.


Huthis are going to lose everything.
How can you say they were Houthi militia? In all probability they were just villagers going around.

And the level of incompetence is glaring on that video. They emptied almost the entire gun ammo box of Apache and could not get the three guys and in the process hit everything but those three guys including some shots on the cars passing by about a kilometer from the target. At the end, when they are nearly run out of ammo, start calling "mesile mesile" and they fire a hellfire. And still they got only two of them. So the they had to fire another hellfire. The clip also has been cut and edited. So in all probability they had fired many more hellfires and even more gun shots, to get just three people.

But it is amazing with this level of competence, they have managed to keep the Apache airborne. The helicopter was still swinging around abit but at least it remained airborne during the duration of the clip.

area of operation is infested with manpad's....hence the distance u can clearly see the difference b/w time of fire and round impact

that structure housed some ranked houthi terrorists in numbers......why would gov make this millitary video public unless its an important achivment?....it could have been any other building among the million in yemen.

iN THE END we got dead terrorist's....Bird's looking solid "JOB WELL DONE" :enjoy:
Fact checks about Yemen.

1) >65% were already in poverty during peace time so tbh 15% increase is actually not as bad as i would have thought
2) when people say houthis they dont mean only the houthi family, the support base and their troops are also called houthis.
3) Well it was him, the houthis couldnt enter sanaa until they brokered a deal and he let them in, and his affiliation with AQAP is well known.
4) That is true.
5) It was bound to happen when a militant shiite group wanted to impose its rule on a sunni majority.
6) There is no government at this stage whatsoever.
7) Thats defiantly bullsh*t, his support base is probably in the <1%
8) isis is not there so that is bs. AQAP in the north of south yemen yes.
9) They have been found so no point denying it
10) It will get worse before it gets any better

At least Iran does not fly helicopters bought from a heathen country the USA. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country, should not buy from a heathen country.
Look up the Iran-contra affair (receiving arms from a country you call the big devil while under an arms embargo by them, such dirty games being played and what great hypocrisy huh?), dont make more of a fool of yourself please.
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Friendly fire from Saudi-led coalition kills seven in Yemen: tribal sources| Reuters

Seven supporters of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi were killed on Tuesday by friendly fire from a Saudi-led air strike in north Yemen, tribal sources said, as pro-Hadi forces converged on Marib in preparation to attack Houthi fighters in the region.

Yemen crisis: 'Serious abuses' against Aden detainees - BBC News

This is the "liberated" Aden. Lucky Yemenis for having a good friend like the Saudis.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Tuesday that it had documented several cases of serious abuse committed by southern militiamen and Houthis against civilians and fighters in their custody since the battle for Aden began in late March.

On 23 August, southern militiamen are alleged to have placed an unidentified group of Houthi prisoners in orange jumpsuits on a boat in the middle of the port of Aden and then blown the boat up.

They reportedly filmed the explosion to the backdrop of IS flags raised on the port buildings.
if Sauds where smart they would have GPS locations of all vehicles they abandon on purpose and have a look out watching it for the Houthis to pop up and then boom blow them up
5 million dollars for each 3 houthi fighter . yeh okey .

cause you know whats the other option don't you ? houthis using that piece of crap against saudi forces :lol:

that'd be lots of fun to watch IMO .

abandoned tank is easy pickings.
as opposed to manned tanks ? how's having humans inside that can help ? you know why they ran away don't u ?

besides , most of the abrams destroyed were manned :)

all credits to towsan .
5 million dollars for each 3 houthi fighter . yeh okey .

cause you know whats the other option don't you ? houthis using that piece of crap against saudi forces :lol:

that'd be lots of fun to watch IMO .

as opposed to manned tanks ? how's having humans inside that can help ? you know why they ran away don't u ?

besides , most of the abrams destroyed were manned :)

all credits to towsan .

they are going to abandon them anyway.. might as well use them as bait :D

i don't mean abandon m1 abrams.

but smaller armored vehicles sure.

lol, 4 them went flying 10 meters in the air :sick:

this is what I am talking about. they stick out like a sore thumb. just need to locate and execute them :butcher:
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