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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Many SAA soldiers were secretly Islamist sympathesizers and so they joined Islamists. I say about 10% of SAA did so.
WOW I just told you that everything you say revolves aroung one narrative. Is your brain made of brick clay or something?:)

You better log out if you don't have nothing more to say superdumpboy.

Stop editing your post and reply back like a man. So tell me, when Islamist militias captured the biggest depot next to the town of Mahin in Hims governorate, they took 38 large ammunition storage warehouses and rooms full of small arms in less than a day. Apparently here were only 26 soldiers guarding the largest base in the whole country. So how's that competent? .
Unless the whole SAA leadership is infiltrated, why would a sane person make a strategic miscalculation like that!

The commander of Hims decided to take all his forces to attack Homs city and in return he lost the biggest base in the country. And the funny part is that he is still commanding the SAA:yahoo:
Unless the whole SAA leadership is infiltrated, why would a sane person make a strategic miscalculation like that!

The commander of Hims decided to take all his forces to attack Homs city and in return he lost the biggest base in the country. And the funny part is that he is still commanding the SAA:yahoo:

Lost arms can be easily replaced with shipments from Russia. Who is this commander you speak of?
Lost arms can be easily replaced with shipments from Russia. Who is this commander you speak of?
Not really, Russian Arms manufacturers were sanctioned in 1999 as a result of them selling Syria thousands of KORNETS and METIS ATGMS. Apparently all those goodies were kept in the depot in the Mahin desert. The second largest base in Latakia is nothing but a soviet junk collection site.
Not really, Russian Arms manufacturers were sanctioned in 1999 as a result of them selling Syria thousands of KORNETS and METIS ATGMS. Apparently all those goodies were kept in the depot in the Mahin desert. The second largest base in Latakia is nothing but a soviet junk collection site.

ATGMs meh. These days it's all about Kords and ASVKs if you want to hit people 8-)
No I mean that SAA lost more than 2000 Kornets that day. That's a big problem. plus one of the warehouse was reportedly packed with konkurs ATGMs. Now, the SAA has demolished all 30 empty warehouses trying to bury their shame. Anyhow, don't try to portray the SAA as some kind of professional, unbeatable, Super-army. Thanks superboy

No I mean that SAA lost more than 2000 Kornets that day. That's a big problem. plus one of the warehouse was reportedly packed with konkurs ATGMs. Now, the SAA has demolished all 30 empty warehouses trying to bury their shame. Anyhow, don't try to portray the SAA as some kind of professional, unbeatable, Super-army. Thanks superboy

It's true SAA sucks. SAA is one of the worst armies in the world. In 1973 got beat by IDF quite easily too at that.
It's true SAA sucks. SAA is one of the worst armies in the world. In 1973 got beat by IDF quite easily too at that.
True! The army generals made a lot of mistakes. That's why the Ayatola sent a bunch of veterans to advice their Levantine clients on how to properly run a war. If it wasn't for them, they would've probably collapsed by now!
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