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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

278 pages of bullshit. the truth is that the Houdhi are roaming free in Saudi territory, something the Jordanian belly dancer is not aware of...It isn't in the golden Al arabiya TV...
278 pages of bullshit. the truth is that the Houdhi are roaming free in Saudi territory, something the Jordanian belly dancer is not aware of...It isn't in the golden Al arabiya TV...

Saudis need to pull their tanks back unless they want an armour charge into yemen.. let infantry deal with infantry...with helis covering...

Stationary tanks on front line are huge sitting ducks...
KSA continues it's humanitarian efforts to those it's been bombing and killing ..
It's like Daesh trying to help the victims of their suicide bombings. The irony
Speaking of irony, an outspoken supporter of a terror state which is the only country known of nurturing terror groups to destabilize calm countries. This very person can't just stop making a fool of himself by accusing others, mainly their terror victims, of being terrorists.
Speaking of irony, an outspoken supporter of a terror state which is the only country known of nurturing terror groups to destabilize calm countries. This very person can't just stop making a fool of himself by accusing others, mainly their terror victims, of being terrorists.

Serpentine is a Saudi supporter?
Dude, you mentioned Al Qaeda. Are you the only person left in the world that didn't know that Al Qaeda was Saudi Arabia's darling?

And also, do you know how wikipedia works?
Wiki attackes sources with every single line. You can check them. I'm not only talking about it's relations with Qaeda but also several other terror groups in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan and recently Jordan:

Wiki attackes sources with every single line.

Then talk to me about one of those sources. Here's a random source I checked out.

"On May 31, 2001, Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes wrote in The Wall Street Journal that "Officials of the Iranian government helped arrange advanced weapons and explosives training for Al-Qaeda personnel in Lebanon where they learned, for example, how to destroy large buildings."[50]"

Hmm. Interesting. So I checked out the source. I didn't read the whole article, but I did a search for Iran, and that was the only line out of the full article referring to Iran. That's a big accusation, what is the sources, evidence, etc? Just out of the blue, Hezbollah is helping Al Qaeda to destroy buildings?

So, we look at the authors. Who is Steven Emerson and Daniel Pipes?

Steven Emerson seems to be one of those Islamophobes who thinks Muslims are coming to take over America and is probably a darling on Fox.

This is what he said in 2015, "he claimed that in London, "Muslim religious police 'beat' anyone who doesn't dress according to Muslim, religious Muslim attire""

Apparently, "In response to these comments, British Prime Minister David Cameron said that he "choked on his porridge" when he heard them and observed that Emerson was "clearly a complete idiot".[81][82] Local MP Gisela Stuart described Emerson's remarks as "stupid" and that they had "no redeeming features""

How about Daniel Pipes? Cut from the same cloth. Here are some quotes I found, (Europeans) "are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and maintaining different standards of hygiene ... Muslim immigrants bring with them a chauvinism that augurs badly for their integration into the mainstream of the European societies."

"I worry very much, from the Jewish point of view, that the presence, and increased stature, and affluence, and enfranchisement of American Muslims, because they are so much led by an Islamist leadership, that this will present true dangers to American Jews."

I'm about to believe these two idiots when they give a random sentence accusing Iran without any evidence? And some idiot finds some random article from two islamophobes to source a wiki article just so people like you get a hardon?

Thats just ONE source. I could go through each one, but I know people like you. You aren't interested in truth. You look for information that just backs your already established mindset, no matter what the truth is.

I'm not only talking about it's relations with Qaeda but also several other terror groups in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan and recently Jordan:


All are bullshit and any honest person would know. Like your crap link about Jordan. Iran does not give a shit about your country. Why would Iran want to bomb Jordan? It has no effect on us. A stable or unstable Jordan makes no impact on the geopolitical scene for us. At no point in any government room, is any Iranian official devising plans for Jordan! Stop trying to be exactly like Israel! What's this low self-esteem? You guys lose in wars against Israel and now you want to pretend to be Israel?

Grow some spine, for fucks sake. You are not our enemies. You are not our friends, but you certainly have absolutely no political importance for you to be, in any way, our enemy.
That awkward moment when you spend billions of dollars to train idiots.

80 Soldiers loyal to President Hadi killed in a Raid Launched by The Saudi-led Coalition

More than 80 soldiers including high ranking military commanders were killed, and at least 100 others were injured in raids carried by the Saudi-led coalition targeting the 23rd Brigade Camp that is known to be allied with President Hadi in Alabr district in Hadramout south of Yemen on Tuesday.

“The raid targeted a military camp which is controlled by loyalist to President Hadi, commanders and leaders in the army were killed, many soldiers fled the camp fearing more strikes,” said a military source in Hadramout.

Our source, who preferred to stay anonymous for security reasons was very surprised and shocked by the coalitions’ mistake pointing out that this could lead Houthi militants and forces loyal to the Ex-president to attack Hadramout. “Their mistake can cost us a lot, it will weaken the army, soldiers were scared, they did not expect something like this to happen and might be a reason for Houthis backed by forces loyal to the former president to take control over Hadramout , they bombed the army which is supporting the president, how did they manage to do that,” he added.

Hadramout is considered one of the few provinces in the south that Houthi forces did not attack, there are no clashes on the ground between Houthi militants and Popular Resistance in the province yet.


@beast89 @ResurgentIran @haman10 @Ceylal @HAIDER @JEskandari

It seems Saudis are on a PMS or what? Since 3 days ago, they are killing any living thing on the ground, including 300 civilians, many livestocks (sheeps,goats) and now 80 forces loyal to Hadi. It's like giving weapons to a monkey, it could kill anyone.
well you knew its the story of Sharp blade and drunk Zangi or maybe someone Bentley was not to his liking.
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