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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Lol no, this tyrannical dictator is no friend of the Arabs. However, we are because they are our brothers. He is not even a member of the Arab league nor willing to, it is well known he detest them and why would he support Arabs when he is known to be a fierce anti-Muslim dictator or why would he and his cronies known as EPLF fought to finish the first independence movement (ELF)who began maintaining ties with Syria, Iraq and Egypt, trained and financed by them and had interest joining the Arab League (a laughable organization) and all of sudden, when they succeeded crushing the ELF (through Ethiopia, Israel and US support) then after the independence, he maintained his alliance with ISRAEL instead. If people learn what actually happened in the war then they would understand.

So please stop fooling others, the way you praise him is disgusting. 'Army? HA!, don't make me type another 200 word. The only reason why Saudi Arabia are interested because of the Islands to counter Iran's influence, there are 220 small Islands between Eritrea and Yemen, an important strategic to control the traffic entrance in the Red Sea, only 25km from each other and they are rented by Iran who use it for training the Houthis since all of the borders and seas are monitored by anti-Houthis. Saudi Arabia wanted to stop this and remove all their influence to stop them in Yemen. That's why they wanted to see him, not because of the diplomatic relations or whatever you think of.

Them handling the Islands is no big deal, let them do it but Eritrea involving in this, no. Not their business at all, I'm sure you know there are bigger problems to deal with.

you looking at things at surface level, if you know what happened since 1995 to Eritrea you would think our president was just in the wrong place at the wrong time to lead. he has many faults but i tell you if it would've been any of those opposition muppet we have today we would be talking about ending a long civil war in the country today.
Iranian frigate is escorting the cargo ship on its way to Yemen.the cargo ship is going to have a short stay in Djibouti in order for UN inspection and later it will deliever its payload to Yemeni people on its own.


This picture is taken from deck of the cargo ship "shahed".
I thought you wont let be inspected, what happened..?

It won't be inspected by anybody participated in this criminal act against Yemen and after inspection it will deliver its cargo to Yemeni people directly .
I suggest you read the news more thorowly.

Footage of clashes between Houthi forces and KSA military near Najran


1 KSA border guard killed in clashes with Houthis along the Saudi Arabia border with Yemen east of Jizan

I heard houthis entered KSA and KSA forced to withdraw from one of its barrack or check point is it true ?you knew it's eery hard to get unbiased news about this fight .
It won't be inspected by anybody participated in this criminal act against Yemen and after inspection it will deliver its cargo to Yemeni people directly .
UN does NOT have an inspection force in Djibouti (As the Deputy Foreign Minister claimed) nor does the Red Cross (as the Iranian captain said) The two contradicted each other in a desperate attempt to save face. Those mentioned organizations have no need to inspect any ship, since the UN just RECEIVE! aid shipments from providers to be stored and distributed accordingly.

If the Iranian ship went to Djibouti to be inspected in hopes of DOCKING at a Yemeni port, then they will be inspected by the COALITION inspection force IN Djibouti, and not anyone else.
UN does NOT have an inspection force in Djibouti (As the Deputy Foreign Minister claimed) nor does the Red Cross (as the Iranian captain said) The two contradicted each other in a desperate attempt to save face. Those mentioned organizations have no need to inspect any ship, since the UN just RECEIVE! aid shipments from providers to be stored and distributed accordingly.

If the Iranian ship went to Djibouti to be inspected in hopes of DOCKING at a Yemeni port, then they will be inspected by the COALITION inspection force IN Djibouti, and not anyone else.
When the coalition of criminal inspected the ship then we will talk .
And by the way what is inspection force ?is it a new sort of force that we are not aware of it .
Smoke rises from al-Qahira castle, an ancient fortress that was recently taken over by Shiite rebels, as another building on the Saber mountain, in the background, explodes after Saudi-led airstrikes in Taiz city, Yemen
Houtis are a lost cause in Yemen and by any chance if they relied on Iranian weapons then its not the sharpest knife in the arsenal!

Seriously ?

Saudis have lost Yemen and killing thousands of people has not only made Yemenis united but also determined enough to kill every single pro Saudi terrorist in the country .

You will never be able to have Yemen under control and despite 60 days of Air campaign Houthis are still advancing in Yemen and that will never stop as they have people behind them .
Seriously ?

Saudis have lost Yemen and killing thousands of people has not only made Yemenis united but also determined enough to kill every single pro Saudi terrorist in the country .

You will never be able to have Yemen under control and despite 60 days of Air campaign Houthis are still advancing in Yemen and that will never stop as they have people behind them .

Sooner or later the low price of oil will bring Zoroastrian-stan to its knees.
Seriously ?

Saudis have lost Yemen and killing thousands of people has not only made Yemenis united but also determined enough to kill every single pro Saudi terrorist in the country .

You will never be able to have Yemen under control and despite 60 days of Air campaign Houthis are still advancing in Yemen and that will never stop as they have people behind them .

Marking the start of Operation Restoring Hope - Saudis have launched a drive to legalize the status of illegal Yemni migrants affected by war as well as refugees without any official identification documents. This also provides them opportunity to work and take up regular employment in Saudi Arabia. Only victors can opt to offer facilities of rebuilding in a war defeated nation.

Taking off goggles of religion one has to be realistic in war. And call spade a spade.
Iran expressed all evidence of involvement by being a party in a conflict strictly between two neighbors.
As Yemen shares border with no one else than Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Rather than arming and bolstering Houtis for Armed revolt - Iran has better chances in Yemen by pushing for education, reforms, jobs and investment.

A common habbit among the Persian clergy and communist is to instigate a conflict and run away at the helm of it. Leaving people to suffer while doing an absurd propaganda media service.
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