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Operation 'Decisive Storm' | Saudi lead coalition operations in Yemen - Updates & Discussions.

Indians evacuated from Yemen in an IAF C17 Globemaster-III aircraft reached at Mumbai airport on April 03, 2015.


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I think you misunderstood his statement. I think he is trying to say that weapons supplied to Yemeni Loyalists should have "Made In Iran" written on them so in case Aden ever fell and the weapons were captured, the Houthis would assume that Irani weapons were given to the Loyalists.

To be honest, that's what I could make out of what he said.
No, that's not what he was trying to say. Iranians, especially after Decisive Storm deny any arm supplies to Huthies before to spare themselves the humiliation of Saudi warning for Iran not to get close to Yemen, noting that Iran and Huthies after capturing Sanaa airport agreed on more than 10 air flights from Tahran to Sanaa, and of course these flights are not carrying tourists, they were carrying arms and humanitarian aids as well as military advisers who BTW called for help to be evacuated few days ago. Further, there was an Iranian transport ship full of tons of arms had docked at Yemenite sea port before the operation.
No, that's not what he was trying to say. Iranians, especially after Decisive Storm deny any arm supplies to Huthies before to spare themselves the humiliation of Saudi warning for Iran not to get close to Yemen, noting that Iran and Huthies after capturing Sanaa airport agreed on more than 10 air flights from Tahran to Sanaa, and of course these flights are not carrying tourists, they were carrying arms and humanitarian aids as well as military advisers who BTW called for help to be evacuated few days ago. Further, there was an Iranian transport ship full of tons of arms had docked at Yemenite sea port before the operation.
So Iran is denying that it provided armaments to the Houthis in order to make Saudi Arabia appear as the aggressor?
Coordinating a national effort
4 Apr, 2015
Coordinating a national effort abroad. MoS External Affairs General VK Singh in Djibouti overseeing the evacuation from Yemen.





Fighting intensifies in the streets of Yemen's Aden

Rebels have engaged in intense street battles with forces loyal to President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi in Yemen's southern port city of Aden.

The UN Security Council is set to meet on Saturday to discuss a Russian proposal for "humanitarian pauses" in Saudi-led air strikes, which have targeted Houthi rebels over the past nine days.

As the country continued to spiral into chaos on Friday, Houthi fighters and their allies withdrew from Aden's Crater neighbourhood, as well as one of Aden's presidential residences which they had seized a day earlier, residents and a local official said.

Their withdrawal followed clashes and an air strike on the presidential palace at Ma'ashiq, overlooking Crater. At least one Houthi tank was destroyed and another taken over by Hadi's loyalists, they said.

Fighters backing Hadi said they had killed at least 10 Houthis in the clashes in Aden, but did not comment on losses in their ranks.

The Saudi-led coalition dropped weapons and medical supplies to aid pro-Hadi forces in their fight for control of Aden on Friday. The crates of light weapons, telecommunications equipment and rocket-propelled grenades were parachuted into Aden's Tawahi district, on the far end of the Aden peninsula which is still held by Hadi loyalists, Hadi loyalists told the Reuters news agency.

Despite the assistance, pro-Hadi fighters called for further help.

"We urge the coalition to parachute troops on the ground because the strikes from the air and sea won’t be enough," said one fighter, who identified as belonging to the Southern Youth Resistance.

"There must be forces on the ground, the people here are under bombardment... there are deaths, and families remain under siege, we can’t get to them."

Brigadier General Ahmed al-Asiri, a spokesman for the Arab coalition told a news conference air strikes had significantly degraded the Houthi fighters' military capabilities and Hadi loyalists had gained ground in Aden.

The Saudi-led coalition involves five nations that belong to the Gulf Cooperation Council.

The Houthis are backed in their push by military forces and police loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

Houthis advance despite strikes

Despite inflicting heavy losses on the Houthis, the Saudi-led air strikes might not be enough to halt their advance, said Al Jazeera's Mohamed Vall, who has reported extensively on Yemen.

"They [Saudi-led coalition] know they cannot win this war without putting troops on the ground...they are probably waiting for more weakening of Houthi defences [before they do that]," he said.

The UN Security Council will meet to discuss Yemen's crisis at 15:00 GMT on Saturday.

UN aid chief Valerie Amos said on Thursday she was "extremely concerned" about civilian deaths after agencies reported that 519 people had been killed and nearly 1,700 injured in two weeks of fighting.

Also on Friday, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, as the Yemen branch is named, consolidated its hold of Mukalla, which they overran on Thursday, seizing its port and a major army base there.

The group has benefited from Yemen's political crisis ever since the Houthis first surged from their northern strongholds last year to seize Sanaa, and much of the north.
houthis will keep on advancing and nothing will be achieved without a saudi ground force.
(Reuters) - Tribal forces in Yemen's eastern Hadramawt province have taken over two army bases, a day after soldiers there left their posts, and plan to retake the provincial capital Mukalla from suspected al Qaeda fighters, army sources said on Saturday.

They said a tribal alliance took control of the bases in Shihr and Riyan, which lie on the Arabian Sea coast northeast of Mukalla, after the army withdrew from them on Friday.

It was not immediately clear why troops had abandoned Shihr and Riyan, nor why they pulled out of Mukalla after offering relatively light resistance, but their withdrawal highlighted the further collapse of any central authority in Yemen.

"The leadership of the tribal alliance of Hadramawt...calls on tribes to mobilize towards Mukalla to keep the peace and stability in Mukalla and other towns in the province," the statement said.

Witnesses and tribal sources said armed men were gathering outside Mukalla, and were waiting for reinforcements before advancing on the town itself.

They retreated from Aden, some of them captured wearing women clothes.

This is just the second week. Sending air-drops and cosmetic air-strikes isn't going to work forever not matter how hard Hadi urges people to fight for Aden from the comfort of Riyadh. The coalition don't have any clear goals it seems other than beating houthis and allies into submission
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Well, there should be third party coming in to solve this conflict. The ideal one is Indonesia since it has good relation to all the powers . Some one need to bring the letter to us. But, we are not going to be active if not requested since our internal problem is quite big as well. If requested, our Vice President can do this task, since he is seen as leaning toward Islamist power than nationalist one regarding our internal politics, so quite eligible as a mediator in the Muslim world internal conflict like this.

If there are ground troops deployed, it can only push back the rebel into their hometown where they will get much people support there. So, nothing can be solved 100 % by military means. It is better for Houtis to negotiate now, while their power are still quite strong because they still have many cards at hand to get long term political gain.
Well, there should be third party coming in to solve this conflict. The ideal one is Indonesia since it has good relation to all the powers . Some one need to bring the letter to us. But, we are not going to be active if not requested since our internal problem is quite big as well. If requested, our Vice President can do this task, since he is seen as leaning toward Islamist power than nationalist one regarding our internal politics, so quite eligible as a mediator in the Muslim world internal conflict like this.

If there are ground troops deployed, it can only push back the rebel into their hometown where they will get much people support there. So, nothing can be solved 100 % by military means. It is better for Houtis to negotiate now, while their power are still quite strong because they still have many cards at hand to get long term political gain.
Yes i believe more than Pakistan Indonesia can play that role more effectively provided it chooses to do so
But i don't see Indonesian public ready for it because unlike Pakistan they are quite unaffected by the events taking place in the Middle-East
Yes i believe more than Pakistan Indonesia can play that role more effectively provided it chooses to do so
But i don't see Indonesian public ready for it because unlike Pakistan they are quite unaffected by the events taking place in the Middle-East

In my opinion, if it is requested, the VP will definitely come and start working. Why...? Because our VP is considered as Islamist, so he also has personal interest to do it as a good Muslim. And Today, Islamist parties are in opposition seat, challenging the government all the time ( since Jokowi performance is under people expectation on him).

By sending his VP to mediate the conflict, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) can gain some huge political gain at home, since his government right now is seen not quite good by the Islamist voters, in which those voters has more seat in parliament ( + coalition with other power (nationalist-religious party) ) than Jokowi nationalist party. So I believe this task will be welcomed by current administration if we are really requested to do so.
This is just the second week. Sending air-drops and cosmetic air-strikes isn't going to work forever not matter how hard Hadi urges people to fight for Aden from the comfort of Riyadh. The coalition don't have any clear goals it seems other than beating houthis and allies into submission
The objective is to force Huthis to surrender and submit to the state law.

Can you show any proof?
I'll post it as soon as I find it. I honestly forgot where I read it.
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