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Open your eyes to Shanghai (Indian perspective on China)

My dear, I can't tell you how deeply I desire India and China to have friendly relations.

There's just so much we can contribute to each other.

India can learn soooooooo much from China. The number of people China has pulled out of poverty in such a short period of time has no parallel in human histroy.

It's simply too mind boggling a feat to even think of.

Let me tell you something that not many Chinese members here believe.

The common Indian is very admiring of China and a little scared of China. Admiring because of what China has achieved, scared because of our checkered past.

But hopefully things are taking a turn for the better with trade increasing.

What we need right now is:

1. More people to people contacts.

2. More businesses venturing into each others' country.

3. More trade. This will reduce the hostility and increase our reliance on each other, thereby reducing the itch to go to war/confrontation.

4. Indian media, I accept, needs to exercise restraint while reporting about China but our Chinese friends must also understand that India being a democracy, we can't really tell our media what to do and what not to do.

5. We need to be much more proactive diplomatically in order to resolve our disputes and sort out the irritants.

I really wish to see a friendly relationship between India and China but sadly, right now, things look dismal.

however, good wishes
My dear, I can't tell you how deeply I desire India and China to have friendly relations.

There's just so much we can contribute to each other.

India can learn soooooooo much from China. The number of people China has pulled out of poverty in such a short period of time has no parallel in human histroy.

It's simply too mind boggling a feat to even think of.

Let me tell you something that not many Chinese members here believe.

The common Indian is very admiring of China and a little scared of China. Admiring because of what China has achieved, scared because of our checkered past.

But hopefully things are taking a turn for the better with trade increasing.

What we need right now is:

1. More people to people contacts.

2. More businesses venturing into each others' country.

3. More trade. This will reduce the hostility and increase our reliance on each other, thereby reducing the itch to go to war/confrontation.

4. Indian media, I accept, needs to exercise restraint while reporting about China but our Chinese friends must also understand that India being a democracy, we can't really tell our media what to do and what not to do.

5. We need to be much more proactive diplomatically in order to resolve our disputes and sort out the irritants.

I really wish to see a friendly relationship between India and China but sadly, right now, things look dismal.

Starting wars or creating hatred are business of rich rulers, fighting in a war or hating other's people is not.:buba_phone:

If learning is so important, why haven't they learn after so many years?:rofl:

I guess those rich are in no need to "learn", they are living comfortably.
And those who want a better life can't change anything.

Well, this is not something upset for a specific nation, because it happens everywhere on this planet for now.

Moreover, learning could not make a country strong, finding a suitable road for own self could, if you care about this country so much.

There is not much suitable or worth learning from others if you find the truth, they are just for reference.

Don't worry for the rulers, they are clear about what they did, are doing, will do, of course on their behalf.:pop::bunny:
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