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Open war in the South China Sea

What's wrong with the allegedly 50 cents?

They earn their honesty money: legal and paying taxes. 1000000 times better than those who undergo starvation and many millions die per year.

Those alleged 50 cent are the envy of your many jobless and starving Indians.

Nothings wrong in earning their honesty money...and no one is envy of them (lol :lol:) they can very well write in their signatures that they are posting for their money and earning it by doing honest job on PDF..belive me we willhave no complainst with that. Just what is wrong is that for the sake of their salary, anything gets posted. as an advocate of these honest workers erning their money on PDF, i sugest you to go thorugh their posts which is no mor than crap..also do see the post against which i had posted my comment. hope you'llbe honest like your fellow honest workers and condemn such act by them :)
I think, this '50 cents' policy should be started in India too.....our starving population can benefit from it.....
Here comes the ritualistic lie, :lol:

Show us statistics of starvation in millions in India as of 2012. Don't run away! :laugh:

lol..dude he posted cause his sentiment were hurt..these chinese love to exaggerate...a chinese just said China is 100 years ahead of India and now he comes to say millions starve in India..these exaggeration is all they know when out of debating points.
lol..dude he posted cause his sentiment were hurt..these chinese love to exaggerate...a chinese just said China is 100 years ahead of India and now he comes to say millions starve in India..these exaggeration is all they know when out of debating points.

He has repeatably lied about 2 million Indian starving to death , every year, which i have repeatedly debunked.

I guess is perversion of fantasizing deaths of starving children, maybe a mental trauma associated to the Great Leap.

If China has hard evidence, we CAN'T see it!!! Your evidence is invisible to us, you(Chinese) are the only one claiming to have a hard evidence, you are just fooling yourself. Where's your 1279 map??? Did your gov't offered any evidence to support it's 9-dash claim??? Answer: NO!!! There are Chinese propaganda propagator here who fabricate facts to support China's 9-dash claim.

I will say this one last time, because you Filipinos seem quite retarded.

Maybe you are describing what you are seeing in a MIRROR???

No one cares about words. We need PROOF. Proof means real hard PHYSICAL EVIDENCE that everyone can see, not some words you Filipinos cooked up.

How many times have we caught Chinese propaganda propagators who are making up stories, altering facts and posting lies???
On the other hand, we, Filipino posters, have been consistently using facts and acceptable evidences under international law to prove the validity of our claims.

Show me a Filipino shipwreck in the South China Sea that pre-dates the discovery by French oil company ELF of a 15th century Chinese galleon with tens of thousands of artifacts off the coast of Borneo.

Having Chinese shipwrecks in our seas doesn't equates to having Chinese sovereignty.

If you can't, it proves Filipinos could not build ocean-sailing ships. You Filipinos are trespassers in the South China Sea

Maybe you should read this to cure your IGNORANCE:

Artist Tawasil Visits Sulu Sultan’s Tomb in China

TAUSUG artist Rameer Tawasil and Cagayan de Oro congressman Rufus Rodriguez were official guests of the city government of Dezhou, Shandong Province for five-day visit of the tomb of a Tausug sultan who died in the place in China way back in 1417.


You should also read this:

Writing out the non-han
Philip Bowring May 18, 2012, 12.00AM IST

Writing out the non-han - Times Of India
How many times do I have to keep telling you Indians that international guideline UNCLOS (which the U.S. refuses to recognize) specifically states that it does not pre-empt pre-existing 2,000-year-old Chinese historical territories from the Han Dynasty in the South China Sea?

1. Stop calling it a law. It is not a law. The U.S. does not recognize UNCLOS.

2. Article 15 of UNCLOS specifically exempts pre-existing historical claims from its guidelines (see citation below). Stop lying to people.

You can claim "2,000 years of history" or "200,000 years of history"... that is meaningless because you dont have any evidence to prove that SCS is the so-called "historic territory" of chinese. LOL :lol:

Some chinese wrecks in the sea floor can't prove that SCS belong to your chinese. :lol:

We hold dozens of official maps of China before 193x, all of them were not mentioned the two archipelagoes of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa, and also not claim SCS [Of course, because it is not Chinese territory].

This is an official map of China, which was published by Shanghai publishing house in 1904 under the Qing dynasty. Map admitted both Paracels and Spratlys not Chinese territory [again, Of course]:

lol..dude he posted cause his sentiment were hurt..these chinese love to exaggerate...a chinese just said China is 100 years ahead of India and now he comes to say millions starve in India..these exaggeration is all they know when out of debating points.

India exports food while millions starve
While on the one hand India is overladen with mounting food stocks, on the other nearly 320 million people go to bed hungry. The number of hungry and malnourished in India almost equals the entire population of America. When it comes to malnutrition, several studies have pointed out that nearly 50 per cent of children are malnourished. India fares worst than even sub-Saharan Africa. According to the 2011 Global Hunger Index India ranks 67 among 81 countries, sliding below Rwanda

Is the Global Hunger Index lying then?

About the part of 100 years behind. It is certainly not true, however a few decades behind is true enough.

People are more worried about Indian people then their own.....solve your problems first.....
India exports food while millions starve
While on the one hand India is overladen with mounting food stocks, on the other nearly 320 million people go to bed hungry. The number of hungry and malnourished in India almost equals the entire population of America. When it comes to malnutrition, several studies have pointed out that nearly 50 per cent of children are malnourished. India fares worst than even sub-Saharan Africa. According to the 2011 Global Hunger Index India ranks 67 among 81 countries, sliding below Rwanda

Is the Global Hunger Index lying then?

About the part of 100 years behind. It is certainly not true, however a few decades behind is true enough.


Yes! India is food insecure, but where are the 2012 or atleast 2011 figures for millions of starvation deaths in India?
I know one thing is China has done excellent job but that does not mean you ridicule India.

I want to ask several chinese posters here who post photos of development of CHina where are poor people in CHina, where have you kidnapped them.

There are around 150 000 000 or 150 million poor people in China , It must have been good job by CCP to hide hundred million people from cities and throw them in rural backyards.
Poor Chinese, they are alone here :laugh:

Once again, a non-sequitur. What's wrong with you stupid people? I've explained the concept of non-sequitur (e.g. an unrelated event) over and over again in different threads.

Vikings can decide if they want to relinquish their sovereignty or not.

China has chosen not to let go of its sovereignty claims. That is China's historical right as first discover and current sovereign.

Tell me what laws say that a fisherman passed a place mean the whole country had sovereign over that place?

Even if you came first and has chosen not to let go *something something*, then what were you doing when we were claiming sovereignty, patrolling, exploiting, administrating, pitching flags, drawing maps, building temples & weather stations in 17th, 18th, 19th, early 20th century?

How dumb are you? We're not discussing rivers. We're talking about large ocean-sailing ships to traverse the South China Sea. Only China could build such ships.

You Vietnamese can only build river rafts. You were never in the South China Sea.

Then why we came to Taiwan and Korea in 12th Century?
Ly Long Tuong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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