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Open Letter to Barack Obama by Dr. Mahatir Mohamad


Dec 21, 2008
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January 1, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

I did not vote for you in the Presidential Election because I am Malaysian.

But I consider myself one of your constituents because what you do or say will affect me and my country as well.

I welcome your promise for change. Certainly your country, the United States of America needs a lot of changes.

That is because America and Americans have become the most hated people in the world. Even Europeans dislike your arrogance. Yet you were once admired and liked because you freed a lot of countries from conquest and subjugation.

It is the custom on New Year's day for people to make resolutions. You must have listed your good resolutions already. But may I politely suggest that you also resolve to do the following in pursuit of Change.

1) Stop killing people. The United States is too fond of killing people in order to achieve its objectives. You call it war, but today's wars are not about professional soldiers fighting and killing each other. It is about killing people, ordinary innocent people by the hundreds of thousands. Whole countries will be devastated.

War is primitive, the cavemen's way of dealing with a problem. Stop your arms build up and your planning for future wars.

2) Stop indiscriminate support of Israeli killers with your money and your weapons. The planes and the bombs killing the people of Gaza are from you.

3) Stop applying sanctions against countries which cannot do the same against you.

In Iraq your sanctions killed 500,000 children through depriving them of medicine and food. Others were born deformed.

What have you achieved with this cruelty? Nothing except the hatred of the victims and right-thinking people.

4) Stop your scientists and researchers from inventing new and more diabolical weapons to kill more people more efficiently.

5) Stop your arms manufacturers from producing them. Stop your sales of arms to the world. It is blood money that you earn. It is un-Christian.

6) Stop trying to democratize all the countries of the world. Democracy may work for the United States but it does not always work for other countries.

Don't kill people because they are not democratic. Your crusade to democratize countries has killed more people than the authoritarian Governments which you overthrew. And you have not succeeded anyway.

7) Stop the casinos which you call financial institutions. Stop hedge funds, derivatives and currency trading. Stop banks from lending non-existent money by the billions.

Regulate and supervise your banks. Jail the miscreants who made profits from abusing the system.

8) Sign the Kyoto Protocol and other international agreements.

9) Show respect for the United Nations.

I have many other resolutions for change which I think you should consider and undertake.

But I think you have enough on your plate for this 2009th year of the Christian Era.

If you can do only a few of what I suggest, you will be remembered by the world as a great leader. Then the United States will again be the most admired nation. Your embassies will be able to take down the high fences and razor-wire coils that surround them.

May I wish you a Happy New Year and a great Presidency.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad

(Former Prime Minister of Malaysia)
Now i think PM of Pakistan should also right this letter .. Each second day they come and visit Pakistan Y Dont v Say Them Openely to Oppose rather Stop Operations in GAZA
7) Stop the casinos which you call financial institutions. Stop hedge funds, derivatives and currency trading. Stop banks from lending non-existent money by the billions.

Now this is called talking.

Atleast someone said something about this unspoken matter.

I dont expect that Obama would do any of these things, He is one of the most hard-core zionists currently present in the world.
Now this is called talking.

Atleast someone said something about this unspoken matter.

I dont expect that Obama would do any of these things, He is one of the most hard-core zionists currently present in the world.

Yup you are right.... thanks God, that atleast we ultimately have some one courageous asian and muslim too who can boldly confront against wrong doings by the west:enjoy:

BTW Its was already post at: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/19036-mahatirs-open-letter-barak-hussein-obama-president-elect-usa.html#post260726
if US listens to all this, i would say no one would lik to see a superpower other than US. however even if obama wishes to work on few of these, he will have to face many hurdles within US establishment.
btw only a person lik mahatir can confront a super power lik this. other leaders in the world lack dignity lik that of mahatir's.
Dr Mahatar is right but USA crossed all boundries and now as nation they are moving towards complete distruction.
There are financial crisis in USA and recession in world before but this present crisis is last and final test for USA.

Miss use of power always leades toward complete distruction we have examples of rise and fall of great nations

Dr Mahatar is right but USA crossed all boundries and now as nation they are moving towards complete distruction.
There are financial crisis in USA and recession in world before but this present crisis is last and final test for USA.

Miss use of power always leades toward complete distruction we have examples of rise and fall of great nations


Sir Wariach 66, I beg to disagree on the assumption the Muslims were the same as others, let me give u simple example.

In north America Europeans came approximately 200 years ago, and look at the locals they have disparaged and those who live, live in reservations like prisoners in camps without wires. but still like prisoners as they are handed money to live if they leave reservations they are discriminated profoundly and cannot get a job easily. all of the aboriginals converted to Christianity, there were many treaties between Europeans and aboriginals which were never implemented and north American Indians have been fighting for their implementations for the past 200 years.

Now look at India, Mughal and other Muslims came to India and Hindus flourished as they were made part of kingdom and not put into reservations, they were free to practice their Religion as compare to aboriginals in Americas. with the result that when England gave freedom to India, their were more educated non Muslims than Muslims. Muslims ruled Indian for 500 years and when lost the kingdom there were still more non-Muslims than Muslims, had Muslim done what Hindus blame Muslims, there would haven not been millions of Hindus left and those left would have been in reservations, But in India Muslim did not use extreme punishment and force from their lands or homes.

So sir Wariach 66 I hope i have been factual and hope i have been truthful and not opinionated.

Thanks for allowing me to say what i thought. And have a good day.
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January 1, 2009But may I politely suggest that you also resolve to do the following in pursuit of Change.

LOL!!! Fat chance any of this BS will get 30 seconds of consideration. :usflag:

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