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Op-ed: The 2014 Scenario; India’s Fear-Factor and the Chaos Theory PKKH.tv

No nation is idiot enough to give up their own interests for sake of some ally that back stab you at any point. Americans back stabbed us after soviet war and this time we did the honors. I don't even want to imagine a scenario in which they had won and looking for their next prey most likely Iran or Pakistan. At least for now afghans scared the $hit out ov them.

You should under stand one there will be no permanent friends in this world ok..... Once EU fought with each other now they are.... and also US and UK...... all you need grow up on your own legs... no one will fight your war...... isn't US sent a CBG to attack us in 1971? ofcourse Russia forced them back... USA did help you in many ways.... PAF is strong just because of US birds.... otherwise.... without f-16's think about your PAF..
Guys, anyone falling for the really low quality debate with this gentleman is really being stupid. This fellow will just type crap, like ''all land disuptes are resolved but the current ones are martime... blah blah blah'' as if thats qualitatively different. He's plain illogical, will keep jumping from one rotten branch to another and keep changing topics as he finds fit as per his training.

Just ignore.
What you put is what you get no extra from here or there.

Pakistan supported khalistan and kashmir movement responsible for lost of so many innocent lives.
then we got the oppurtunity to inflict pain to pakistan by supporting TTP and Baloch movement killing lots of innocent people.
After 2014 Nato withdraw from AF then pakistan will use the same ****** or terrorist to kill some of our innocent people.
And the cycle will keep on going till one nation is completely destroyed.

Nothing gonna happen to India. NATO an alliance of 28 countries believe Pakistan double crossed them in war on terror and these countries control world economic institutions. Post-2014 period is going to a lot tough for Pakistan.

Even Iran is working against Pakistan's interest in Afghanistan and China fears spillover of Afghan war in Xinjiang.
if pakistan could not achieve anything when afghanistan was their backyard then what different will they do now ? @QayPKKH

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I believe China had settled all its land dispute with everyone except India. The dispute they have now are maritime disputes.

Its sad that India is being a bully to smaller countries and Indians here are supporting the bullying. Indians want to recreate the glory of British India, this time with Indians in charge. No wonder people are saying India is a 2nd hand imperialist. Thankfully that India is so incompetent that its not even able to bully small nations such as BD and SL.

If you are an Indian in America, please don't ever become an American citizen because you will be a traitor to America. If you support India so much, why not go back to India instead of help building America.

Marine disputes is also consider as dispute :rofl:.... Bully? you are calling Indian bully? we are soft power... you guys have influence in NK, Taiwan, vietnam,combodia, etc... you guys dictate their foreign policies.... not us..
You should under stand one there will be no permanent friends in this world ok..... Once EU fought with each other now they are.... and also US and UK...... all you need grow up on your own legs... no one will fight your war...... isn't US sent a CBG to attack us in 1971? ofcourse Russia forced them back... USA did help you in many ways.... PAF is strong just because of US birds.... otherwise.... without f-16's think about your PAF..

Exactly my point that countries join hands when their interests meet. As of now we have got no common interests in this region with US. We can easily approach china for Military hardware as their equipment is good enough for us as my point is proven by JF 17, FC-20 and ZDK03 for PAF provided by china.
Nothing gonna happen to India. NATO an alliance of 28 countries believe Pakistan double crossed them in war on terror and these countries control world economic institutions. Post-2014 period is going to a lot tough for Pakistan.

Even Iran is working against Pakistan's interest in Afghanistan and China fears spillover of Afghan war in Xinjiang.

I hope what you are saying is going to happen but in reality its different because after nato withdraw then BLF and TTP wont have any support and of no use for america so they will be discart them like they did to AF mujahideen.

And by bringing china in baluchistan pakistan has change the whole game plan of west to remove baluchistan from pakistan . China will bring prosperity to baloach people and thats why we are seeing disturbancing in baluchistan is sign of desperation of west and i think the hyderabad bomb blast is just the warning from our dear ISI that stop or we can also inflict damage on your side.
I hope what you are saying is going to happen but in reality its different because after nato withdraw then BLF and TTP wont have any support and of no use for america so they will be discart them like they did to AF mujahideen.

And by bringing china in baluchistan pakistan has change the whole game plan of west to remove baluchistan from pakistan . China will bring prosperity to baloach people and thats why we are seeing disturbancing in baluchistan is sign of desperation of west and i think the hyderabad bomb blast is just the warning from our dear ISI that stop or we can also inflict damage on your side.

:blah: :blah:

U.S will never leave afghanistan and why they will leave when they have to come back here after 20-25 years? so they will leave force of 10-12k here.Dint india handled pakistan when there was no U.S?

Kindly let us know how the china or pakistan removed U.S from afghanistan?
Likewise as man slumbers in his immediate calm, great waves of change are altering the course of the global scenario all the time, but man reckons them only when they have reached the threshold of his door. The Afghans, hardened by the terrain and cut off from modernity, would have had no clue, what fate was being planned for them in the think-tanks of the West, as they wrote their plan, prior 9/11, to occupy and devour this unalarmed people in the name of a un-called-for democracy. Nor would they be apprehensive of the possibility that India, having no connection with them via ground or water or culture, was to become their self-assumed savior, landing its troops, its intelligence and its technical funds on their ground.

Just as the same Afghans had no clue post Soviet Invasion their country would be ruled by savages with assistance from a nation they perceived as a foreign puppet.

Therefore with a full decade behind them and not a single parameter which measures in success, the US/NATO and their partner-in-crime India are indeed showing all signs of bafflement and fear in their act of retreat. It is fear that forces one to act irrationally and it is fear that one hides under his erratic and incoherent behavior.

India a NATO partner?

Never came across that phrase in relation to India in NATO official website

NATO cooperates on an individual basis with a number of partner countries which are not part of its other partnership frameworks (i.e. the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council/Partnership for Peace, the Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative). Formally referred to as “partners across the globe” – but often simply as “global partners” – they include Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and Mongolia

NATO - Topic: NATO

Don't see India among the above nations.

India in more on the hit-and–trial version, it has shown in time that its foreign policy is not based on long-term stability measures, confidence building or conflict resolution, like an aiming-to-be regional power, one sober with prudence and abreast with secular diplomacy, *should be behaving. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka; India poses to have great ties with each of them once they are ready to its intervention in their internal politics and foreign policy, otherwise ‘big-brother’ India is unhappy.

This is one part, i"ll partially agree with the author.

India lays claim on Kachativu Island belonging to Sri Lanka.

Crap quality journalism

Kachativu island now belongs to Sri Lanka

Kachativu Island now belongs to Sri Lanka and ''we frequently advise our fishermen that they should not enter the Sri Lankan waters,'' External Affairs Minister S M Krishna said today.

*Bhutan and India have a Treaty of wherein Bhutan agrees to let India "guide" its foreign policy and that both nations would consult each other closely on foreign and defense affairs. Therefore it can be clearly seen that India harbors an interventional, hegemonic foreign policy as opposed to an internal, progressive, secular policy it boasts of.

If Bhutan has chosen for willingly for such a treaty how this interventional, hegemonic foreign policy ?

With such a political mindset, when a most poorest

Last i checked India was among medium development level in HDI and improved on poverty

'Sharp drop' in India poverty due to welfare programmes

and over-populace country is not concerned with the welfare of its people but feeds at the extremist Hinduvta policy of a greater India,

More lies. How did HDI of India improve if India is not concerned about welfare?

This we see when we find an India having grave matters of mal-nutrition, under-growth and acute poverty in its wider population, yet it jumps across another country to become an acclaimed largest humanitarian aid provider to Afghanistan.

The above could be questioned if India is not paying attention to mal-nutrition, under-growth and acute poverty

Last i recall India had several Govt programs to counter those above

One example:

What is the need for that? What is the need for playing regional, when dozens of separatist’s movements are lurching upon its fate inside it.

The Author herself mentioned:

most of the time separatist groups of India take hiding in the closest neighbor, bringing terror on both sides.

So why wouldn't India attempt to eliminate external support?

It is evident that the lofty Hinduvta mentality likes to play on a grander chess-board, a trans-borders one, but the irony is that in this big-game, human rights, human society and even the very human existence is forsaken, populations are given into the hands of terror and genocide is permitted.


But the dilemma of this type of approach is that many a time when the game is inverted the rooks and the bishops all become falling pawns and the king is left alone, tumbling in its square. And tumbling is what India has shown, right from the onset of the 2014 withdrawal plan announcement. The very confident India, of its grand strategy of engulfing Afghanistan by its connivance under the US umbrella of ‘no-morals-only-interests’, that one day when the US will return the Afghans would proclaim them as their saviors. But no! India wasn’t thinking that the US was going to leave them alone on the throne, with no NATO and only the Afghans around, they would be torn to the bones before it was noon, and no one would even get the news from this remote highland of the world.

Its not rocket science to understand that only US and NATO are only entities that have the resources and political will to stabilize Afghanistan. Of course that is no concern to Pakistan as long Indians are out of Afghanistan even with 35k deaths.

So the Indians began shaking; not finding any option that would spare them the disgrace of absconding Afghanistan, where they previously declared to be aiding humanity and building infra-structure, an aid that never reached a people and infrastructure that is still on papers after 10 years.

Jealousy over Indian contributions in Afghanistan.

--------------------------------------------- ----
Indian Assistance Vital, Substantial and Targeted
--------------------------------------------- ----

¶6. (U) Rasool, Spanta and Charge Mishra all noted that
India's foreign assistance programs were very
successful--$1.5 billion dollars invested directly in
Afghanistan in the form of roads, schools and hospitals in
the past five years, successful education programs, including
500 higher education scholarships and the 500 vocational
training scholarships a year which is increasing to 675 each
as of 2009. India recently signed a deal to build an
agriculture university in Kabul, and will also provide solar
panels to power satellite television in remote communities,
in order to link well-trained teachers to the most remote
parts of Afghanistan--a tool also used in India. Charge
Mishra said that five medical missions in Afghanistan saw
30,000 patients a month. Meanwhile, Rasool said, private
Afghans with means increasingly send their children to Indian
schools and travel to India for medical care.

¶7. (C) From all accounts, and according to Embassy
information, there is no significant Indian assistance to
Afghan security forces or police. A senior MOI official did
travel to New Delhi last month but there is no reported
outcome of that visit. Charge Mishra said they did fund some
one-by-one military training to Afghans, all conducted in
India, but understood the sensitivity of being too visible in
this area--a sentiment the Afghan officials echoed.

Afghanistan's India Interests

So, when you observe increase of bombing and massacre of innocent Pakistani civilians, claimed by LeJ and TTP or any other ghostly entity, trained, financed and harbored by the cross border RAW facilities, dressed as Indian consulates; do consider that ‘somebody’ is believing that some ‘end’ may be speedily achieved through this chaos, no matter if human life is lost or people put to injury and terror.


Nothing like a bit Zaid Hamid literature to reach general Pakistani audience.

In the recent attacks in the Pakistani Punjab, TTP
appears to have, as they did in 2008, hired the services of
Punjab-based terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ). LJ,
which began as a violent off-shot of Deobandi sectarian
extremist group Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP) in the 1990s,
has steadily increased its target set from strictly Shias, a
minority in Pakistan, to any group which does not share its
strict, militant interpretation of Islam, including the
Pakistan government and western interests. Since 2001, LJ
has become essentially a "guns for hire" terrorist
organization, prepared to carry out attacks on any
non-Deobandi group in exchange for sizable cash payments.
The latest attacks are also tied directly to Ilyas Kashmiri,
who is affiliated with the anti-India terrorist group
Harakat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami (HUJI). HUJI, along with other
anti-India groups including Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LeT) and
Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), have increasingly shifted their focus
to include Pakistan government and western targets in
Pakistan and India. They are also actively collaborating
with Taliban groups, including TTP, sectarian extremist
groups such as LJ, and al-Qaeda.

Terrorists Increase Activity In Advance Of Waziristan Operation

And when you see a Pakistan furthering its inclinations towards granting the MFN status to India, allowing a long list of Indian produce to enter Pakistan and an India announcing to build dozens of dams upon its water source; and a Pakistan cherishing all Indian film and TV crap as the very gods of culture and lending a third of its air-time to it and an India plotting and executing large scale death in all it province, with special emphasis to destabilizing Baluchistan with a daily dose of chaos; then please consider that schizophrenia can be a national ailment too.

For which no proof has been provided to even India to this day.

So as India shivers in its own unfulfilled greed for hegemony, and as its prospects dwindle in its projected economy, its own national stability and its possible grab of more land and water; not only are its dreams of out-growth shattered, but neighbors like China have good plans to contain India inside its real worth too, as China turns India’s attention to the waters above its head and below its feet.

Here we go again, hiding under China's skirts :lol:

By the way, China turns India’s attention to the waters above its head has serious effects on Pakistan too as those river run through India first.
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@Syama Ayas The article is stupid in so many ways that even it's refutation would be a waste of time.The imbecile author has even manufactured conflicts where there are none.
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@Syama Ayas The article is stupid in so many ways that even it's refutation would be a waste of time.The imbecile author has even manufactured conflicts where there are none.

I tried finding sources for some the disputes and stumbled upon this as closest source:


My guess is she took a wikipedia article (with no sources or references) as facts, especially the Kachativu Island dispute part :lol:
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I hope what you are saying is going to happen but in reality its different because after nato withdraw then BLF and TTP wont have any support and of no use for america so they will be discart them like they did to AF mujahideen.

And by bringing china in baluchistan pakistan has change the whole game plan of west to remove baluchistan from pakistan . China will bring prosperity to baloach people and thats why we are seeing disturbancing in baluchistan is sign of desperation of west and i think the hyderabad bomb blast is just the warning from our dear ISI that stop or we can also inflict damage on your side.

Things are not as you areassuming. Even though all the regional powers dislike America but all of them are happy with American presence in Afghanistan. Do you remember Russia provided supply route to NATO troops spoiling everything Pakistan planned after Salala attacks. Have you heard of stories of Uyghurs inmates in Guantanamo bay, Chinese are terrified with Uyghur separatists link with Al-Qaida. Even Pakistan's western neighbour Iran has conflicting interest with Pakistan in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile America is keeping 12,000 troops in Afghanistan to assist ANA atleast till 2024 along with drone attacks in militant hideout. TTP is Pakistan's indigenous movement grown out extremism in Pakistan.
I believe China had settled all its land dispute with everyone except India. The dispute they have now are maritime disputes.

Its sad that India is being a bully to smaller countries and Indians here are supporting the bullying. Indians want to recreate the glory of British India, this time with Indians in charge. No wonder people are saying India is a 2nd hand imperialist. Thankfully that India is so incompetent that its not even able to bully small nations such as BD and SL.

If you are an Indian in America, please don't ever become an American citizen because you will be a traitor to America. If you support India so much, why not go back to India instead of help building America.

I am sorry i could not understand your point how come my stay in US is related with India not following Non violence..If you can explain it to me...then of course I would respond your point...
:blah: :blah:

U.S will never leave afghanistan and why they will leave when they have to come back here after 20-25 years? so they will leave force of 10-12k here.Dint india handled pakistan when there was no U.S?

Kindly let us know how the china or pakistan removed U.S from afghanistan?

US troops will leave Afgh soon. Why keep troops there when there is no need. Americans should not fight other peoples wars and maintain other people's peace. Each country is responsible for themselves.

Marine disputes is also consider as dispute :rofl:.... Bully? you are calling Indian bully? we are soft power... you guys have influence in NK, Taiwan, vietnam,combodia, etc... you guys dictate their foreign policies.... not us..

The question is how come India is not willing to settle disputes with its neighbors peacefully.
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