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Op-Ed: Pakistani Supreme Court Judges Brought This Problem On Themselves


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

These judges are at fault---it is because of their incompetence and weakness that the politicians are talking like that against the judges on public forums.

These judges have created situations like these by not nipping the problems in the bud in a timely member---the only thing that they have uttered is " don't challenge our patience "---which meant that these judges are basically cowards at heart and neither do they have the courage and nor the force to take these corrupt politicians to task who threatened them.

These judges had neither provided justice to the public and nor had they forced the rule of law---their judgements are worthless---worthless than even a toilet paper---worthless on the paper that they are written on---worthless in their implementations---but when you listen to them---they claim to be the most honorable people of the realm of islam---how disgusting.

They had the opportunity to nip this problem in the bud---the nation was ready for the final verdict and they screwed up on that as well.

They will pay a heavy price for the drama that they have created---this problem is the creation of their own inaction and inability---.

The judges of the pakistani supreme court must look inside of them and see what have they done to themselves and the nation to be in this position that they are in.
Although i agree with you in principle but i am optimistic on account of at least one of the three judges, if not all, without naming any of the honorable judges.

PMLN has developed a cunning strategy of extreme escalation and then immediate compromise on the basis of give some and take some. And thats the game... They give some and take some and simply get away with it every time. They have successfully tried and succeeded, improvised and improved this strategy so much so that they have neutralized even the security establishment of the country using the current geo political situation in their favour. We should be thankful that sanity prevailed on account of Dawn leaks due to an unpopular decision as the other option was simply unfeasible.

What the honorable judge(s) are trying to do is overcome all this using the law to the letter. This mafia has had more than 30 years of corrupt practices to establish its roots and branches in EVERY INSTITUTION. Lets hope the rule of law is established despite the fact that a vast majority of people of Pakistan don't deserve rule of law on merit but may be, just may be, this time around Allah Subhan Taala may shower blessings on this forsaken nation despite everything and after all. Why do i think so poorly of so many? Well, people voted for these thugs, didn't they.

I'm just hopeful that our judiciary takes the slow but steady baby steps and succeeds in establishing the rule of law. The result will sort everyone out.
If not then it will be business as usual for Qom Mulk Saltanat.
@MastanKhan do you need to reflect here whether you are becoming the latest victim of the generalisation syndrome in this assesment of yours?
@MastanKhan do you need to reflect here whether you are becoming the latest victim of the generalisation syndrome in this assesment of yours?


Sir---the reflection is not on me---the reflection is on what the judges have not done---. So---you need to direct your focus elsewhere---.

See what the problem is---and act to correct it.

Although i agree with you in principle but i am optimistic on account of at least one of the three judges, if not all, without naming any of the honorable judges.

PMLN has developed a cunning strategy of extreme escalation and then immediate compromise on the basis of give some and take some. And thats the game... They give some and take some and simply get away with it every time. They have successfully tried and succeeded, improvised and improved this strategy so much so that they have neutralized even the security establishment of the country using the current geo political situation in their favour. We should be thankful that sanity prevailed on account of Dawn leaks due to an unpopular decision as the other option was simply unfeasible.

What the honorable judge(s) are trying to do is overcome all this using the law to the letter. This mafia has had more than 30 years of corrupt practices to establish its roots and branches in EVERY INSTITUTION. Lets hope the rule of law is established despite the fact that a vast majority of people of Pakistan don't deserve rule of law on merit but may be, just may be, this time around Allah Subhan Taala may shower blessings on this forsaken nation despite everything and after all. Why do i think so poorly of so many? Well, people voted for these thugs, didn't they.

I'm just hopeful that our judiciary takes the slow but steady baby steps and succeeds in establishing the rule of law. The result will sort everyone out.
If not then it will be business as usual for Qom Mulk Saltanat.


Slow and steady steps of the judicial system are the enemy of the justice system---justice needs to be swift---justice needs to be obvious---justice needs to visible---justice needs to look like that justice is happening---justice needs to bring closure to a case as fast as possible.

Looking at this case from the american perspective---the pakistani justices are not in sync with the international law---they are not in sync with the money laundering law---.

In the 80's in los angeles and miami and new york---a lots of cops were on the take of drug money---. To find who they were---an internal security task force started looking at the physical changes in the habits of the cops---like what kind of shoes they are staring to wear---dress shirts---suits---ties---watches---cars that they are driving---house they are living in---houses that mother and father are living in---.

They looked at spending habbits---where are the cops under investigation eating out or the bars they are visiting---then they would match the information to the cops income and determine the outcome---.

They did not have to prove the source of funds or the money trail---the cop had to prove his innocence---.

I mean to say---these judges are acting totally dumb to the changes that have happened in the world---.

The pakistani supreme court judges have been criminally negligent for being out of touch from reality---.

They talk too much---they need to keep their mouths shut and let then pens do the talking---.
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Looking at this case from the american perspective---the pakistani justices are not in sync with the international law---they are not in sync with the money laundering law--

In US you cannot prosecute financial crime older than 5 years.. there is a time limitation on that... this case is 25 years old. Check your facts first
I agree that justice delayed is justice denied. I tip my hat to the American judiciary, it has a much longer and richer history. I am sure the number of pending cases in our judicial system speaks volumes of the condition of our ailing judicial system. What more can we hope for despite such a hopeless situation. It seems hope against hopelessness but these honorable judges are all we've got. One way or the other, its history is in the making.
In US you cannot prosecute financial crime older than 5 years.. there is a time limitation on that... this case is 25 years old. Check your facts first
i dont think so there is a 5yrs old limit
In US you cannot prosecute financial crime older than 5 years.. there is a time limitation on that... this case is 25 years old. Check your facts first


Simple simple simple guy---we just use that technique to start and then use it to our advantage to trap the criminals---.

Young man---when you fight with the criminals---you have to be more devious than them in fighting a crime.

You are the judge---you claim to be n honest judge---then you can project your agenda by any means---.

The cases against politicians---public servants or etc---the judiciary can declare that they do not have any statute of limitation against financial crime---just like there is no statute of limitations against a murder.

If there is loot and plunder---and the public servant living beyond means---they will have to prove where the money came from---.

You pakistani kids are so innocent at times. You have to fight for the law to be in your favor and to work for you---rather than giving flimsy excuses of 5 years term.

You could have come up and said---hey---in the U S---there is a 5 years term on financial crime---why don't we make it a no time limitation crime---?

In the USA---these remarks are considered as a TERRORIST THREAT---the FBI would act immediately and take the person in for questioning---.

He maybe charged for making those threats. These threats against the judges are taken very very seriously and if the family comes into picture---then more so---.

That is why I stated multiple times---Gen Raheel had two opportunities to kick Nawaz out---once during Dharna---second during the APC attack---.

The general should have seen the writing on the wall---but tragically---the punjabi generals have never proven to be not too bright in these matters---.

That was a great opportunity---and there was a genuine excuse to kick him out---and then he would have placed a civilian govt in its place.
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You pakistani kids are so innocent at times. You have to fight for the law to be in your favor and to work for you---rather than giving flimsy excuses of 5 years ter

I m telling u the American law uncle
judges are in it, they were probably not given enough plots that why they are upset, this is what our senator was saying, that guys you will get your plots in Islamabad..but people took it out of the context

on series note whole system needs a revamp, this is where i like imran khan, he has shown lot of practical reforms in KPK, I know of the health system, where he has faced tough opposition and hurdles from every "patriotic"(Kaam choor, haram khoor/corrupt) pakistani including doctors, clerks, para medics etc

These judges are at fault---it is because of their incompetence and weakness that the politicians are talking like that against the judges on public forums.

These judges have created situations like these by not nipping the problems in the bud in a timely member---the only thing that they have uttered is " don't challenge our patience "---which meant that these judges are basically cowards at heart and neither do they have the courage and nor the force to take these corrupt politicians to task who threatened them.

These judges had neither provided justice to the public and nor had they forced the rule of law---their judgements are worthless---worthless than even a toilet paper---worthless on the paper that they are written on---worthless in their implementations---but when you listen to them---they claim to be the most honorable people of the realm of islam---how disgusting.

They had the opportunity to nip this problem in the bud---the nation was ready for the final verdict and they screwed up on that as well.

They will pay a heavy price for the drama that they have created---this problem is the creation of their own inaction and inability---.

The judges of the pakistani supreme court must look inside of them and see what have they done to themselves and the nation to be in this position that they are in.

Hi Mastan Khan you are absolutely right but i would like to give them benefit of doubt till conclusion of this case as NS is trying its best to have direct confrontation with Supreme court and establishment so that things can be setelled on streets rather than in a civilsed manner ...

We are in a historic moment where either these judges will set the things on right direction or will destroy them forever ...

The last thing we want something like Iftikhar Chaudhry who miss used his position to the highest possible level ...

I think that corruption cannot be cater with corruption as it will not set things right in long term ...

What i am assuming is majority judges are tring to do it in a legal impartial and open method so that it can set the direction in the long run ... sometime i also feel the same as you are but believe me if i would have been at such a position than i would have done it same way by showing patience and restrain ... as the bottom line is not to punish NS but to set the method of accountablity than can be equally applied on zardari, altaf, imran khan, me and you ... so i think they need to ensure that they set the method right and process right ... although from core of the heart everyone knows the reality but we need to make this reality visible otherwise supreme court will become another mafia like army ... miss using of its position will become a norm ...

So lets just give them some more time... may be i am wrong ... but if i am right then this will set our future on the right course ...

We just have to show a little more patience ...

These judges are at fault---it is because of their incompetence and weakness that the politicians are talking like that against the judges on public forums.

These judges have created situations like these by not nipping the problems in the bud in a timely member---the only thing that they have uttered is " don't challenge our patience "---which meant that these judges are basically cowards at heart and neither do they have the courage and nor the force to take these corrupt politicians to task who threatened them.

These judges had neither provided justice to the public and nor had they forced the rule of law---their judgements are worthless---worthless than even a toilet paper---worthless on the paper that they are written on---worthless in their implementations---but when you listen to them---they claim to be the most honorable people of the realm of islam---how disgusting.

They had the opportunity to nip this problem in the bud---the nation was ready for the final verdict and they screwed up on that as well.

They will pay a heavy price for the drama that they have created---this problem is the creation of their own inaction and inability---.

The judges of the pakistani supreme court must look inside of them and see what have they done to themselves and the nation to be in this position that they are in.
past does suggest the same. In current referred case I was also of the opinion that they missed the boat by forming a JIT. However, I am forced to change my opinion, as things unfold. At this point, if what I perceive is correct, this will bring an end to organised corruption in Pakistan. And if Mr Nihal Hashmi is sentenced for his speech, it will zip up all in future. This is an ideal case to be tried under contempt and anti terrorism. a sweet and smart 5-7 years RI will send across the message to all loud mouths.
Although i agree with you in principle but i am optimistic on account of at least one of the three judges, if not all, without naming any of the honorable judges.

PMLN has developed a cunning strategy of extreme escalation and then immediate compromise on the basis of give some and take some. And thats the game... They give some and take some and simply get away with it every time. They have successfully tried and succeeded, improvised and improved this strategy so much so that they have neutralized even the security establishment of the country using the current geo political situation in their favour. We should be thankful that sanity prevailed on account of Dawn leaks due to an unpopular decision as the other option was simply unfeasible.

What the honorable judge(s) are trying to do is overcome all this using the law to the letter. This mafia has had more than 30 years of corrupt practices to establish its roots and branches in EVERY INSTITUTION. Lets hope the rule of law is established despite the fact that a vast majority of people of Pakistan don't deserve rule of law on merit but may be, just may be, this time around Allah Subhan Taala may shower blessings on this forsaken nation despite everything and after all. Why do i think so poorly of so many? Well, people voted for these thugs, didn't they.

I'm just hopeful that our judiciary takes the slow but steady baby steps and succeeds in establishing the rule of law. The result will sort everyone out.
If not then it will be business as usual for Qom Mulk Saltanat.

Thanks Shane for taking on such a positive stance. There is always a first time. We have to vane away from the common myopic bias. I share ur sentiment with respect. It takes a brave heart to be positive n hopeful. Allah is Kareem and we hope and pray best for Pakistan. Ameen
These judges had neither provided justice to the public and nor had they forced the rule of law---their judgements are worthless---worthless than even a toilet paper---worthless on the paper that they are written on---worthless in their implementations---but when you listen to them---they claim to be the most honorable people of the realm of islam---how disgusting.

Every single institution without any exception in Pakistan is worthless than even a toilet paper, and full of haramkhors.
It hurts much more when you visit Pakistan from a western country.
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