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Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley

Bang Galore

Feb 21, 2010
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Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley

New York: The onus of creating an environment for improving India-Pakistan ties and normalising the bilateral relation is on Pakistan and it depends on the kind of "provocation" that comes from that country, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said today.

In his address at the New York-based think-tank Council on Foreign Relations, Mr Jaitley said: "I think the message in the context of Pakistan is that India is interested in improving the relationship with Pakistan and therefore the onus of the responsibility for creating an environment in which the relationship can grow would also depend much more on Pakistan and the kind of provocation that comes from there."

Mr Jaitley, who began his 10-day visit to the US yesterday, made the remarks while responding to a question on India's foreign policy.

"With Pakistan, the border frequently becomes tensed, where there are exchanges on that border," he said. "The message that we are interested in normalising our relationship with them or at least improving our relationship with them and the onus is on Pakistan for this purpose, has been loud and clear."

India has been underscoring the need for peace at the border and a "terror free" environment before a dialogue can be resumed.

Since last year, ceasefire violations by Pakistan became the norm in Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan also made repeated attempts to raise the Kashmir issue in international forum.

Last month, speaking on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Narendra Modi government, External affairs minister Sushma Swaraj had said, "Talks will be held only in an environment free of terror...

This zone will be created only when Pakistan takes action against the (terror) perpetrators like Lakhvi and others

Onus of Creating Environment for Talks is on Pakistan, Says Arun Jaitley
Talks will be held only in an environment free of terror
This is a logical and sensible policy that should have been put in place ever since the Mumbai attacks...................................................but for the Congress nincompoops :angry:
PM Nawaz Shareef visited India on Modi's oath taking ceremony and with this gesture, Pakistan tried to improve relationship. We've done our bit. Now onus is on India, on Modi to visit Pakistan and on its street tongue minister to keep their dripping holes shut, all the times.
PM Nawaz Shareef visited India on Modi's oath taking ceremony and with this gesture, Pakistan tried to improve relationship. We've done our bit. Now onus is on India, on Modi to visit Pakistan and on its street tongue minister to keep their dripping holes shut, all the times.

But India has no intention of improving relations. It's in their best interest to keep Pakistan unstable. All Pakistanis must realize and combat this ill will. The terrorist elements that create chaos does not benefit Pakistan. But guess which country benefits.
Why are these pathetic dogs keep barking, dont they have anything else to do, why do their life depends around Pakistan. Do they wake up every morning and Their Mom reminds them to say something about Pakistan to Bhagwan ki kerpa hogi.
I am so puzzled by the pathetic state of mind of these people, Did Pakistan call you and ask who has the onus Mr. 5 feet.
Someone please get these moron a life that they can enjoy, I know being born in India is no joy
You cant leave Pakistan out now can you, where ever you go the only thing coming out from your mouth is Pakistan this Pakistan that.
On topic while India takes prides in supporting terrorist activities resulting in loss of our territory, Indian ministers openly advocating use of terrorism as a state policy, even threatening of war and yet the onus for creating environment for talks is on Pakistan? You Mr. Finance Minister are delusional.:disagree:
But India has no intention of improving relations. It's in their best interest to keep Pakistan unstable. All Pakistanis must realize and combat this ill will. The terrorist elements that create chaos does not benefit Pakistan. But guess which country benefits.

Keeping Pakistan unstable is understandable but not improving relationship is now against India's own interest. We are their gateway to trade and energy needs. Where Pakistan stands today, it doesn't need India for anything at all but India needs Pakistan for multiple good reasons.

In terms of terrorism, India has lost on all the fronts it had invested on. Namely Afghanistan, TTP terrorists in FATA and western front and Political Terrorists in Karachi. Look where is any of its interest standing today? This is rather time for Pakistan to strike-back and I don't see why India should be spared. Good relationship or not, India will be paid for the service it offered. Now if India steps ahead and tries to improve relationship, that is for the 4th time in its best interest instead of ours.
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Keeping Pakistan unstable is understandable but not improving relationship is now against India's own interest. We are their gateway to trade and energy needs. Where Pakistan stands today, it doesn't need India for anything at all but India needs Pakistan for multiple good reasons.

In terms of terrorism, India has already lots on almost all the fronts it had invested on. Namely Afghanistan, TTP terrorists in FATA and western front and Political Terrorists in Karachi. Look where is any of its interest standing today? This is rather time for Pakistan to strike-back and I don't see why India should be spared. Good relationship or not, India will be paid for the service it offered. Now if India steps ahead and tries to improve relationship, that is for the 4th time in its best interest instead of ours.
But India is doing it covertly. Pakistan need to repay it in the same manner. It's not wise to escalate the issue beyond the level it's in. Do a better job at the current situation and let the other guy mess up because they can't handle it at the current level
But India is doing it covertly. Pakistan need to repay it in the same manner. It's not wise to escalate the issue beyond the level it's in. Do a better job at the current situation and let the other guy mess up because they can't handle it at the current level
so inshort you mean what pakistan did to india in 1948 and 1964 is OK ?

and how they with help of khalistani and kashmiri sepratists tried to create unrest in india is OK but since those spratists have gone owt of control of pakistani establishment india should be held responsible for it

and since india is a bigger nation it should forgive pakistan and let it do what it always did.....am i right or did i left something?

PM Nawaz Shareef visited India on Modi's oath taking ceremony and with this gesture, Pakistan tried to improve relationship. We've done our bit. Now onus is on India, on Modi to visit Pakistan and on its street tongue minister to keep their dripping holes shut, all the times.
your wrong NS onli visited india inNaMos oath taking ceremonny when Namo called him so it was Namo's vission for peace

but to divert pakistani awaams focus of attention fromTQ & IK Dharna NS as always plyed the kahmir card thinking even this time india wont mind it but when he got a rude shock

so he along with pakistani establishment and medias help blamed it all on modi but never talked why pakistani rangers openned unprovoked firring to scuttle in terroists from there side under fire cover which was to there surprise this time wasr esponded with exeptionalli high and disproportionate response and failed there intentions

and new goverment giving free hand to indian army to do what they require pakistan is now plying a victim card when actualli it itself destroyed all hopes of peace
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so inshort you mean what pakistan did to india in 1948 and 1964 is OK and how they with help of khalistani and kashmiri sepratists tried to create unrest in india is OK but since those spratists have gone owt of control of pakistani establishment india should be held responsible for it and since india is a bigger nation it should forgive pakistan and let it do what it always did.....am i right or did i left something?

your wrong NS onli visited india inNaMos oath taking ceremonny when Namo called him so it was Namo's vission for peace but to divert pakistani awaams focus of attention fromTQ & IKDharna NS as always plyed the kahmir card thinking even this time india wont mind it but when he got a rude shock he along with pakistani establishment and medias help blamed it all on modi but never talked why pakistani rangers openned unprovoked firring to scuttle in terroists from there side under fire cover which was to there surprise this time wasr esponded with exeptionalli high and disproportionate response and failed there intentions and new goverment giving free hand to indian army to do what they require pakistan is now plying a victim card when actualli it itself destroyed all hopes of peace

If you are not writing for slef pleasure and want others to read and learn your thoughts, consider best writing practices. A paragraph of emotions with no comma, colon or full stop doesn't make your words anymore meaningful.
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Laaton key bhoot baaton sey nahin maantey. There is no need to talk to Bhartis. We must strengthen ourself economically and militarily for through this might only we can make our eternal enemy understand ourself.
Pakistan(NS regime) has genuine intention of solving issues, India is sitting on it expecting time will solve everything. But then India likes status quo.

Solving what?...if Pakistanis want to solve issues with India, they would not have released Lakvi. The main player in India and Pakistan relations is their Army. Peace with India and Pakistan Army survival are mutually exclusive
If you are not writing for slef pleasure and want others to lead and learn your thoughts, consider best writing practices. A paragraph of emotions with no comma, colon or full stop doesn't make your words anymore meaningful.
so in short since you dont have any valid answer for my posts you are trying to proove yourself write by making fun of my gramattick mistakes than answering with some logic .... you know what this attitude of "mai nahi manta mai nahi manta" is the reson why pakistan finds itself where it is now and guess what india has shown this picture to every one else who matters for pakistan and that they too are victim of terror originationg from pakistan have given pakistan a cold shouldar and things will onli go to bad to worse ifit dosent changes its tracks

Laaton key bhoot baaton sey nahin maantey. There is no need to talk to Bhartis. We must strengthen ourself economically and militarily for through this might only we can make our eternal enemy understand ourself.
ya thats the right approach :devil: :butcher:

so when are you coming for Gazwa e Hind:haha:
Solving what?...if Pakistanis want to solve issues with India, they would not have released Lakvi. The main player in India and Pakistan relations is their Army. Peace with India and Pakistan Army survival are mutually exclusive
Lakvi was released by court. pakistanis do not have proof of his wrongdoings, that can hold in a court of law. If you understand how judiciary works(same in Indian judiciary), its not surprising that you cant hold a high profile prisoner for infinite time.
They tried trumped up charges just so that the guy is inside. They got more interest in keeping him inside than outside.

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