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Only solution for Afghanistan - US forces get out’

TTP+ Afghan Talis all should be taken out, which ever side they reside on.

Of course, I mean everyone. Problem arises from failure of two nations to resolve our differences mutually. When there is a foreign player in the equation, do you think it is looking out for Afghan and Pakistani interest or his own?!
That is also a nightmare scenario for Pakistan and the rest of the world if Talis take over AF.
Where do you think their next destination be? For them Pakistan is the ultimate goal.

Thus GHQ is playing with fire by supporting these snakes, because these snakes will bite the master when confronted.

We can deal with them if they ever try to play naughty with us. Last time they were in power, they behaved very well and gave us no grief, kept our western flanks safe. Our clear present danger comes from the American-Indo terror nexus in which the northern alliance (read ANA and NDS), the farsawani lot are playing the front office role. Take America out of equation, this terror nexus crumbles.
You have an acute need of high doze of manners.

Stop quoting me, I have no time to to argue with trolls.

over 50 people killed in Quetta, mostly young and educated Pakistani a few days ago, does it register on your radar, doubt it as the summer in Germany is too comfy.

TTP+ Afghan Talis all should be taken out, which ever side they reside on.

Christopher Columbus Discovers America, 1492 - EyeWitness to History says that and now USA is full with them. Afghanistan discovered by USA in 2001 and they will going to live in it for next few thousand years. WHat ever you say , Afghanistan is occupied now and it belong to USA for forever. USA is on Afghanistan to trained there young people to do good studies if you have failed the high school , they would have to work in Afghanistan ..

Afghanistan is mostly occupied by those less educated and school drop out that have no job in USA but they got recurit by US army to work for them , Most of them are shitty people with no brain..

Shame on Lazy Pestuan and all the Afghans (What a lazy creature U are man??) to accept the Uneducated soldiers as there master , no body give $hitt to these bunch of Gun shooters those r staying in Afghanistan


Should We End Military Recruiting in High Schools as a Matter of Child Protection and Public Health?

Recruiters for the various US armed forces have free access to our nation's high schools, as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act. Military recruiter behaviors are disturbingly similar to predatory grooming.

USA army's Drug battalion almost made 30 billion US dollar through exports of Afghan drugs (they have hired the drug dealers all over the world to to sell drugs through black water private contractors )to meet the expenses of Afghan army and US army in USA

US army Drug unit those sell Drugs in world market
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war is not going to be stopped until and unless another great great depression hits America...
Failed in dislodging US forces , now begging for them to leave. No prizes for guessing at whose instance or where these statements are emanating from. Dont see nato leaving afghanistan any time soon. Guess tali & supporters will spend time crying for them to leave.:cry:

If the US leave Afghanistan than Afghanistan will loose it's No 1 position in exporting drugs
We can deal with them if they ever try to play naughty with us. Last time they were in power, they behaved very well and gave us no grief, kept our western flanks safe. Our clear present danger comes from the American-Indo terror nexus in which the northern alliance (read ANA and NDS), the farsawani lot are playing the front office role. Take America out of equation, this terror nexus crumbles.

Sitting in UK and cheerleading for Talis who have killed countless UK soldiers, dont you feel bad for being a hypocrite for sitting there in a comfortable manner and cheering for the Talis?

Sorry but I dont have time for double standards, I wont blame you for being a Tali cheerleader if you were in Pakistan and then taking a stand for Pakistani interests, but sitting in UK and then debating on how we should live our lives??
Sitting in UK and cheerleading for Talis who have killed countless UK soldiers, dont you feel bad for being a hypocrite for sitting there in a comfortable manner and cheering for the Talis?

Sorry but I dont have time for double standards, I wont blame you for being a Tali cheerleader if you were in Pakistan and then taking a stand for Pakistani interests, but sitting in UK and then debating on how we should live our lives??

Spare me the morality lessons and concocted ideas, we are here debating the state craft, gorund realities of present and past to be precise. I am neither a cheerleader of "Afghan Taliban" or Afghansitan itself. My thoughts are with my people and the land where I grew up.

So yea leave the non sense and talk about realpolitics, the geopolitics, that is if you got comprehension for that. I dont have time for silly personal jibes, its immature and childish.
That is also a nightmare scenario for Pakistan and the rest of the world if Talis take over AF.
Where do you think their next destination be? For them Pakistan is the ultimate goal.

Thus GHQ is playing with fire by supporting these snakes, because these snakes will bite the master when confronted.
GHQ want to send back all Afghan refugee , because Afghan govt is finger point at those camp being source of terrorism. But, Aghan govt doesn't want these people back in Afghanistan. GHQ also want to wired border.
Also , Pak army has more then 2000 security post along border and Afghan/NATO has hardly 5000. Border security is the issue and need to be resolved on emergency basis.
Spare me the morality lessons and concocted ideas, we are here debating the state craft, gorund realities of present and past to be precise. I am neither a cheerleader of "Afghan Taliban" or Afghansitan itself. My thoughts are with my people and the land where I grew up.

So yea leave the non sense and talk about realpolitics, the geopolitics, that is if you got comprehension for that. I dont have time for silly personal jibes, its immature and childish.

Says someone who has taken a jib at my people by calling them farsiwans and what not.
That land you are residing right now has the right to ask you and deport you for taking sides with the Talis.
over 50 people killed in Quetta, mostly young and educated Pakistani a few days ago, does it register on your radar, doubt it as the summer in Germany is too comfy.

Sad, 71 killed. They got one mega fish of RAW. There must be a deep rooted network.
nonsense! nobody expects taliban or isis or isi to have any solutions for violence in Afghanistan. because they are the problem.
That is also a nightmare scenario for Pakistan and the rest of the world if Talis take over AF.
Where do you think their next destination be? For them Pakistan is the ultimate goal.

Thus GHQ is playing with fire by supporting these snakes, because these snakes will bite the master when confronted.

They didn't bite us when they controlled Afghanistan before, they won't do it this time.

nonsense! nobody expects taliban or isis or isi to have any solutions for violence in Afghanistan. because they are the problem.

The problem is NATO. Afghanistan was starting to improve before they came and screwed things up.
Only solution is a strong Afghanistan Government with strong backing of US/Nato.

Only a strong government can handle taliban kind of insurgency,nothing else.Some Talib supporters are thinking only if USA withdraw,Afghanistan will be house of cards like 90s again.But they're wrong.What ISIS offensive in Iraq showed,even though in early stage,these democracies need help from powers like USA,once united,they can solve their own problems,gradually.Same will be for Afghanistan as well.Only problem is,in the case of Afghanistan,there is a massive backing for Taliban(some 40% of their armed caders belong to a perticular state) from foreign states,and it'll take time to win this war.

Time and tactics are the keys to wear down these sort of insurgencies.

First.. Defend against taliban offensive.

Second, Improve the talib affected regions to cut off these medieval swines from the mass.

Third, Counter Offensive and regular monitoring to keep their activities in check.

Fourth, Fence Af-Pak border and start strict vigilance.For India,fencing and placing sensors turned tide of the insurgency.

Fifth, Airpower.absolutely essential.

Sixth, highly motivated and trained professional soldiers.Not half hearten starving soldiers who readily surrender.For Afghanistan,sometimes help comes way too late.That should not be the case.

Seventh, Superior firepower.Afghanistan must bring armor to turn the tide.Talibs are armed with RPG-7,that means there is no means to harm MBTs.MBTs supported by AFVs can easily handle any talib offensives.

As brits say,Slowly slowly catchy monkey.
Says someone who has taken a jib at my people by calling them farsiwans and what not.
That land you are residing right now has the right to ask you and deport you for taking sides with the Talis.

That land where i reside impeached Tony Blair in starting a unjust war. The same Tony Blaire who send the British forces in Afghansitan in a war which had nothing to do with UK. So yeah, keep your bullsh|t to yourself. TBH, the way you are sounding, you are coming across as celebrating the forigen footprint on your soil. Good going!

Back to the regional affairs. Just today the Paksitan top brass emphatically mentioned that Pakistan is facing terrorism threat from "INDIAN CONTROLLED" territory inside Afghansitan. You see the problem with your kind is, that you are not realising that you have invited the devils, all sorts inside your home. Get rid of the cancer before it gets too late and proper proxy wars start in which you lot will suffer most. Take this from the neighbour who have sustained you for last 30 odd years but when you are hell bend on lighting up your own house, in a hope that the neighbour will get burned as well, we got no choice but to ensure that flames dont reach us.
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