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Only Indian troops withdrawing, Chinese troops continue to patrol area

From Chinese Department of Defense:

"We remind India to draw lessons from the stand-off, abide by established treaties and the basic principles of international law, and work together with China to safeguard peace and stability along the border and promote the healthy development of the two militaries," he said.

The dragon is converted to lizard by India. you accept it or not.

This land does not belong to India, neither India CLAIMS IT. We wanted to stop the road and we did with a big slap on china and its cheerleaders faces.


The original thread title is:
India withdraws troops from disputed border zone, China says

Thread titled edited signifies change of goal posts:

Goal before Indian intervention :China will build road in its territory

Goal after Indian intervention :China will continue to patrol in its territory :rofl:

I suggest all Indian members here to pretend this is a victory for China in the interest of the metal health of Chinese posters.
Modi's India is a corrupt, poor and overpopulated state fueled by Hindu nationalism. I'm not sure what you're getting at here, but ignoring the obvious shortcomings of Modi doesn't help your argument.
not nationalism, Hindu fascism like nazis
This could be one of the reason why India withdrawing today in its national interest:

From Chinese Department of Defense:

"We remind India to draw lessons from the stand-off, abide by established treaties and the basic principles of international law, and work together with China to safeguard peace and stability along the border and promote the healthy development of the two militaries," he said.

And, our clueless Pentagon boys have been dreaming that India will offer the "Chinese head" on a golden platter like the way Pak did with the USSR!!!!! Indians are clever folks. They're not keeping any open wounds before the upcoming BRICS summit!!!

This could be one of the reason why India withdrawing today in its national interest:

View attachment 421550
Looks like Indians don't want to fight other's wars!!!! And, it hasn't taken them a few decades to say "no more"!!!!
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What does it mean when Hua Chun Ying said " China will continue to exercise soveignty right"? what I know of is that a sovereignty nation can do what ever they want within their country, is this a hidden message that China will continue build road? of course this is a pure deduction still need to confirm.

There is every indication that after the winter is over, you will see the Chinese bulldozers, excavators & road rollers:


The road to prosperity will continue.

Even the US is inclined to China after knowing that India has transgressed and abused the International laws:

There is no elbow room for Modi.

3 days ago there WAS a veiled warning from the US to India.
There is every indication that after the winter is over, you will see the Chinese bulldozers, excavators & road rollers:


The road to prosperity will continue.

Of course that's only a deduction, I have not noticed this sentence...until now, but base on soveignty notion China will build road and construct what ever we want within our nation unless India has other interpretation about Soveignty.
Please don't cry, my little indian friend, your tears are affecting us all.
But, I have to admit India is playing smart here. What can't be cured needs to be endured. What will India gain by getting into an open confrontation with China aka OBOR???? Rather, they have many staffs to gain with accommodation - not that they're doing it for the first time!!! Even India isn't counting on the USA, especially after Trump's Afgan speech!!! And, IMO, it's the biggest take-away from this episode. And, what a loss for the US Empire!!!!!!
Of course that's only a deduction, I have not noticed this sentence...until now, but base on soveignty notion China will build road and construct what ever we want within our nation unless India has other interpretation about Soveignty.

The word sovereignty stands on its own, don't need any dictionary or judges to interpret it. India knows very well what it is. Failing to respect it is akin to itching for a second wave of Doklam - Which China will more than happily offer to Indians.

India is weaker nation economy wise & military wise. It does not auger well for India to bully a nation like China and transgress its territory which 10th pass Modi did.
It was a misunderstanding. The confrontation is NOT over. India did NOT capitulate. IA said they will transgress again if China builds the road, which throws down the gauntlet.
I hope its not over too, but its for the Chinese to decide what is best.
We will have to see what happens after the BRICS meet because this road at Donglang is in reality not that important or urgent. I believe China decided to extend this road after being dormant for so many years is mainly to irritate India due to the annoyance that India keep causing China recently. Or else what for the need to inform India in advance that China is going to extend the road.

I just feel that this is a good time to break India up as they do not yet have missile shield.
Virtually guaranteeing that India dare not target China's ships and cities or else India's cities and ports will be sitting duck targets for Chinese missiles.
After this, India will be in a hurry at exorbitant cost, buy more anti missile defence.
Good for Russia and Israel.

There will be some financial and human loss, but it would be worthwhile in the long run, rather than have this belligerent irritating and filthy neighbor giving trouble every now and then.
Atleast modi had brains to take a step back and not to destroy his country for uncle sam. Cant say same for our rulers. Destroyed every thing for usa and still we are the bad guys.
China decided to extend this road after being dormant for so many years is mainly to irritate India due to the annoyance that India keep causing China recently. Or else what for the need to inform India in advance that China is going to extend the road.

Within very soon the tri-junction imbroglio would take different shape as China is working on Bhutan, too woo it with 10 billion worth of goodies.

Once Bhutan enters the door, India would jump through the window in a sly & sneaky way.

Mark my words.
India has no class.
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