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Ongoing terrorist attack on Chabahar port, Iran

Hambantota is now a dodo port as all chinese dreams of using it as naval port has been removed as deal strictly makes port fully commercial only.
Hellooo, mr paranoia...since when was it a naval port? We even invited India to join in to develop it, it's just that whenever there is the word CHina, you get chicken shit and scared. Have some confidence, we don't bite and get over the 1962 loss. Move on and do business, make money. hahahahaahah
Nope the attack was not on port I think they are saying it was police headquarters.
Let's wait for ful report on the news.

Yea the attack must be several kilometers away from the port, but as usual the drama queen Indian media made it appear as it was an attack on "Chabahar Port'. Typical 'indian loosers'
99 years lease for what? a cat ? its a 99 years liability!! and no one is gonna pay you anything for your investments in Maldives our investment is for a base not for paying your high interest loans :lol:

For now please go save your kidnapped Huawei CFO from Americans :lol:
Sure sure, and Chabahar ? hahaahahha

You do know those are not commercial loans right, those are sovereign debt, guaranteed by the gov. No one is gonna pay? Maldives is asking slumking Modi to pay. Not sure he even has any spare cash left. I heard our best friend Rajapaksa is back right? heheh. Interesting game indeed.

It's a great game, and you are just a pawn for the US, and now poor lady is also a pawn. If Trump got his deal last week, he wouldn't need to do that right? He got grilled by the US press and now he is pissed. You expect us to kidnap a US exec, we won't. After some 'punishment' it will be over, business as usual, surplus as usual just like India. Year by year our surpluses increase, indian industries are decimated and you cry. It's just an act of desperation when you can't compete. :lol:
Yea the attack must be several kilometers away from the port, but as usual the drama queen Indian media made it appear as it was an attack on "Chabahar Port'. Typical 'indian loosers'

Yep they wanted to make it look like India was the target while them selves making this attack happen on call of Israel.
Hambantota is now a dodo port as all chinese dreams of using it as naval port has been removed as deal strictly makes port fully commercial only.
as far i know that port is under Chinese authority and activities will be monitored by Chinese only.
as far i know that port is under Chinese authority and activities will be monitored by Chinese only.
As per the deal the security and naval activities of the port will be under full Sri Lankan control.
No foreign navy allowed at port.
Attack was on police post not port. Report says 2 people dead. Suicide attack.

Tandem news agency

Sure sure, and Chabahar ? hahaahahha

You do know those are not commercial loans right, those are sovereign debt, guaranteed by the gov. No one is gonna pay? Maldives is asking slumking Modi to pay. Not sure he even has any spare cash left. I heard our best friend Rajapaksa is back right? heheh. Interesting game indeed.

It's a great game, and you are just a pawn for the US, and now poor lady is also a pawn. If Trump got his deal last week, he wouldn't need to do that right? He got grilled by the US press and now he is pissed. You expect us to kidnap a US exec, we won't. After some 'punishment' it will be over, business as usual, surplus as usual just like India. Year by year our surpluses increase, indian industries are decimated and you cry. It's just an act of desperation when you can't compete. :lol:

Trust me no one is gonna pay you anything! Srilanka already gave you the port, accept it. The real deal is Rajapaksha is not even back in any game. Keep yourself updated as it was turned down by Srilnakan High court. There is no interesting game here. Boring as that boring port of yours! and BTW we have an airport next to it. Just to keep an eye. That too for couple of millions :lol:

and one must be utterly foolish to think Trump is afraid of US press. You can dream of decimating Indian industry, it was nt happening the last time I checked backed by data. Our CFOs dont need to be kidnapped nor our embassies in Belgrade to be bombed in order to compete. We are clever , while we let you 3 compete and eat each other!!!
As per the deal the security and naval activities of the port will be under full Sri Lankan control.
No foreign navy allowed at port.
ahaan ok holding a port at very strategic location (Hambantota) and artificial islands near strait of malacca (South China Sea) plus a port near strait of hormuz (Gwadar) and a port in dijiboti .
thats a very effective strategy . now all they need is fleets (which they are constructing rapidly) and they will have a solid grip on indian ocean .
south china sea to gawadar will be their patrolling area in the future and i am 90% sure they will deploy 2 or 3 fleets for these area only .
ahaan ok holding a port at very strategic location (Hambantota) and artificial islands near strait of malacca (South China Sea) plus a port near strait of hormuz (Gwadar) and a port in dijiboti .
thats a very effective strategy . now all they need is fleets (which they are constructing rapidly) and they will have a solid grip on indian ocean .
south china sea to gawadar will be their patrolling area in the future and i am 90% sure they will deploy 2 or 3 fleets for these area only .
Hambantota is useless now for Chinese navy (big loss).
Also no artoficial islands near malacca straits.
Djibouti port is surrpunded by US Navy.

No wonder PLAN is very weak in IOR.
Trust me no one is gonna pay you anything! Srilanka already gave you the port, accept it. The real deal is Rajapaksha is not even back in any game. Keep yourself updated as it was turned down by Srilnakan High court. There is no interesting game here. Boring as that boring port of yours! and BTW we have an airport next to it. Just to keep an eye. That too for couple of millions :lol:
Yah, sure I am gonna trust an Indian's word. hahahah. After taking a port for 99 years, they still owe us 8 billion$, you wanna help out bhai? ahahahah. When we took over Colombo Port, it was a mess, now it's Chinese managed, I believe it will make money, COSCO will just make it their berthing port, we control the lines and goods. =)

You have an airport? DO you? You mean the airport offered to us and we rejected coz it made no commercial sense? hahahahahahahaahahahahahaha. Last I head was Modi talking, no more news of it now. The usual Indian talk talk talk. h:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

and one must be utterly foolish to think Trump is afraid of US press. You can dream of decimating Indian industry, it was nt happening the last time I checked backed by data. Our CFOs dont need to be kidnapped nor our embassies in Belgrade to be bombed in order to compete. We are clever , while we let you 3 compete and eat each other!!!
The media is playing trump like a fiddle, Trump used to be pro-Russian after a few SNLs, he is trying really hard to hate his lover Putin. haahhaahahahha

Hhahaha, I bet you must have a trump idol in your house, do you pour milk on his head daily? We already decimated your industries, 50 billion surplus bhai. Tht is a B in the BILLION. Get it? You are clever? If your gov is clever, you won't have such a big slumdog population starving ok. you are just licking balls, that's your only talent. Whenever, trump comes, you hug him like a lost child. hahahahah

In the end countries like India get used like pawn in the game between real powers. =)
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