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One of Russia's neighbors may join NATO 'at any time'

Hey do you remember not long ago when half of the country you are in was a puppet state under the Soviet's thumb..

I do remember and as far as I can see, there is no Soviet anywhere in Europe, it's rather the other way around, the EU is becoming more like the EUSSR under the thumb of the USASR.
That's right...the plan is to keep it that way.

By inundating us with refugees and creating around us and within us complete chaos? I'd rahter have a Soviet Union but there is no one in the horizon wiht that pan, not even Putin. So stop being a paranoid prick.
Leadership of EU is a bunch of criminals, in this case the European citizens are the real victims.
I wonder why israeli politicians do not take some of the immigrant on their territory ?
Ministry of National Defence Republic of Lithuania :: News » News Releases

“We support and will continue rendering political and practical support to Georgia’s aspiration to become a member of NATO, we will spare no effort to ensure that Georgia gets prepared for NATO membership. We will continue providing bilateral assistance in the area of military training and will share our experience of integration and reform,” Minister of National Defence Juozas Olekas underscored at a meeting with Minister of Defence of Georgia Tinatin Khidasheli on a visit in Lithuania on September 14.

According to Lithuanian Minister, Lithuania will continue supporting Georgia both, on a bilateral basis, and as part NATO-Georgian cooperation initiatives.

In the recent past Lithuania has posted an officer to serve with the NATO-Georgian Joint Training and Evaluation Centre (JTEC) opened this August as our country supports a closer NATO cooperation with Georgia and the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package agreed to at the NATO Summit in Wales.

J. Olekas maintained that Lithuania will send its military personnel to exercises held in Georgia and invited Georgian soldiers to attend training events in Lithuania. He also underlined that Georgian officers and civilian officials were welcome to study at Lithuania’s military education institutions and the Baltic Defence College.

At the meeting J. Olekas pointed out perspectives of enhanced cooperation between Lithuania and Georgia in strategic communication, cyber defence, and energy security. “These are the sectors were we can learn from each other,” Minister J.Olekas said.

Minister J.Olekas also thanked his Georgian counterpart for Georgia’s contribution to NATO and EU-led multinational missions and operations, encouraged to continue the defence reforms underway and to firmly stay the chosen course.

Lithuania and Georgia have been developing defence cooperation since signing an agreement on defence cooperation in 2001.

Lithuania supports Georgia’s aspirations for Euro-Atlantic integration by political means and through practical assistance to the implementation of Georgia’s defence system and armed forces reforms.

Georgia is one of the partner countries that contribute the largest numbers of troops to EU and NATO-led operations. In 2007–2013 Georgia’s military personnel served in the Lithuanian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team of Ghor in Afghanistan.

Swedish center right in favor of NATO membership| Reuters

Sweden's Christian Democrats voted on Friday to push for Sweden to join NATO, meaning all four parties from the center-right opposition are now in favor of NATO membership while the present red-green coalition government is against.

Tensions between Sweden, which has not fought in a war for more than 200 years, and Russia have been rising as Moscow flexes its muscles in Eastern Europe and around the Baltic Sea, pushing the debate about NATO to the top of the political agenda.,

With a snap election possibly on the horizon after a deal between the center-right opposition and the minority center-left government over the budget broke down, the views of the center right could become more significant.

Sweden spent weeks last year hunting for a submarine many believed to be Russian in its waters while intercepting Russian fighters over the Baltic has become an frequent task for Swedish and NATO jets.


"Let's sign this insurance now," said Lars Adaktusson, Christian Democrat and member of the European Parliament.

A poll in October last year showed more Swedes were for joining the alliance than against for the first time. The most recent poll showed a further rise in support.

Sweden last month called in Russia's ambassador to explain comments by a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman who said any Swedish decision to join NATO would have unspecified consequences.

In 1994, Sweden joined the Partnership for peace program and has participated in NATO operations in from Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan. The alliance's website describes Sweden as one of its "most active partners".

(Reporting by Johan Ahlander; Editing by Alison Williams)
what kind of delusion this is? did US send anyone fighting in China? you fight japs cause you got butched by them in the first place. or I shuld say if not for China to drag 2/3 of japs' troops, they may already rule US.

LOL , last I remember it was the US that destroyed what back then was the most powerful navy in the Pacific , and then invaded Island by Island until only the mainland was left, but yes live in your delusion that US had nothing to do with it and China won all by itself
what kind of delusion this is? did US send anyone fighting in China? you fight japs cause you got butched by them in the first place. or I shuld say if not for China to drag 2/3 of japs' troops, they may already rule US.
He is delusional? You are delusional, do you live in North Korea? lol ww
One of Russia's neighbors?

*looks at map*

North Korea... welcome to NATO.


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