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One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

Majority of Indians and/or Hindus do not claim that Scientific theories have been predicted in hindu texts.

If you have a large enough sample, you are bound to end up with some supremacists.

The thing with philosophies are that they are so vague, often deliberately, and people with agendas could twist them as per their wish.

For example, i could write a 500 word essay as to how David hume's critique of Berkley's instrumentalism predicts quantum theory which would be factually correct but absolutely rubbish and a gross distortion.
Looks like they are here.

Karma = Newtonian physics.
Atomic spaces = spirits.

There is no arguing with these types, really...
Looks like they are here.

Karma = Newtonian physics.
Atomic spaces = spirits.

There is no arguing with these types, really...

Go through previous posts, and relive the torture I've been through for being a skeptic. :D
What are you talking about? West may have had its religion superimposing on the society and ridiculing science. It was not the case in Dharmic religions. All Dharmic religions never found themselves at variance with science. Do you see protests in India about stem cell research or protest about abortion? Do you see Sadhus who come out and condemn these researches? The belief that every action produces a commensurate reaction has been part of Dharmic knowledge systems like forever. There is no "I can miss the reaction to my action by accepting the name of Jesus as my savior" kind of $hit ever here.

Indians contributing to evolution? When you Western apes were doing grunt grunt and foraging for food in wilderness, the Hindus had a civilization. It was not until the 17th century when your Western guy landed up on our shores and stole our knowledge systems shamelessly that you guys even got around to understanding science. This was your understand of even cotton then including Sun going around Earth.


Cop-out. Your entire reasoning was like the person holding the stop clock timing Usnain Bolt running and then claiming since you measured the time he took to complete his round, you are superior whereas his running amounted to nothing at all.

Do you understand metaphors? Or are you too literal and left head dominant to miss out nuances and interpretations entirely.

I don't post news articles without proper understanding to substantiate my claim, everything I'm posting is from peer reviewed journal.
I don't post news articles without proper understanding to substantiate my claim, everything I'm posting is from peer reviewed journal.

Your peer reviewed journals are as much tainted as the peer reviewed cabal at University of Chicago which was run by the likes of Wendy Doniger.

Looks like they are here.
Karma = Newtonian physics.
Atomic spaces = spirits.
There is no arguing with these types, really...

Sugar means sweetness for a spiritualist. Sugar means sucrose/fructose with molecular formula C6H12O6, molar mass, exact mass and shit for the nonspiritualist.

Different people, different interpretations.
Your peer reviewed journals are as much tainted as the peer reviewed cabal at University of Chicago which was run by the likes of Wendy Doniger.

Don't be paranoid, there is an Asaram Babu lurking inside everyone. :D
Don't be paranoid, there is an Asaram Babu lurking inside everyone. :D

There is nothing to be paranoid about. Some people miss the woods for the trees. Like we had the saying in Hindi, Aam kha gutliyan kyun ginta hai.

You will attempt to measure the mass of electrons and come up with electron cloud and what not, but you will miss the simple message that electrons have the ability to turn into waves without any mass or dimensions at all. That ultimately all the mass in the world is but illusion.

Here one more Asaram Bapu for you to laugh at.

Nope...Just having fun at some people's intellectual inconsistency and watching them squirms.

Right...That mean some day when the scientist reached the top of the knowledge mountain, he will find the yogi, the imam, the buddha, the rabbi, and the priest already there.

Got it...
Whatever you think,justifies your means and your ends! :) be happy and appreciate with what you got in life and stop comparing yourself to someone, You do good you get more good back you do bad you get more bad in return
Rest everything will be fine in ones life.
Another thing when a kid is born are they not told what is wrong and right by parents? say your mother said don't play with fire or dont touch that pressure cooker , dont put your hand in the flame etc. you as a kid wouldn't have known what will happen next? Yet you followed her commands,those who are too inquisitive they get accidents because their parents didnt warn them sufficiently.
likewise people who already experienced it put up warning signs, that one should avoid these things etc. If you want to go through it then fine, burn your hand or face.Learn it all over and be the one warning the next generation!

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Does this statement even make any sense?

sure it does. Every invention that Mankind has made Has been due to god, it's all part of his divine plan you see.

1500 years ago, we knew that Thundestorm, Rain, Earthquakes happened because of god.

Oh wait...
People can believe evolution for animals but they don't need to when it comes to humans from a method based on carbon dating by anti religion industrialists, LOL!
Looks like they are here.

Karma = Newtonian physics.
Atomic spaces = spirits.

There is no arguing with these types, really...
These are but merely my grasping of things , i applied my thought process and when it came to me such and such i posted.
Likewise i have a quote from Bible "Thou shall reap what ye sow" you plant rice you reap rice, in same sense, you plant bad you reap bad! :D
you bomb Libya and get your embassy bombed? and AL-Qaieda bombs wto 9/11 and you bomb Afghanisthan? see the karma chain keeps going on and on.
Don't you see the Equal and opposite reaction here?You might think for now its unequal but balance of nature will be restored.Wait and watch!

About atomic spaces, when you delve deeper than chromosomes and etc. you get to the basics called ATOM! Everything in Earth is Carbon Based! Unless you are other element based please tell me i'm wrong, cos everything on earth is carbon based. So are the plants,rocks and surroundings carbon based life forms or not? :P
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Looks like they are here.

Karma = Newtonian physics.
Atomic spaces = spirits.

There is no arguing with these types, really...

It's the Hindu version of the creation museum.

Hindu, Islam, Christianity. The Fundoos of that religion have the same trait in common. They believe that their word is right, they possess the flame of truth and act self righteous because of it.

It's like the God of the Margins argument, 2000 years ago, Humanity believed that the God/Gods controlled the elements, every mundane aspect of Human life.

Now God's dominion is pretty much restricted to the dominion of the question of how we got here.

Don't be paranoid, there is an Asaram Babu lurking inside everyone. :D

So I read the last few pages. To me, the argument so far has been.,

God did It am i right?

Indians contributing to evolution? When you Western apes were doing grunt grunt and foraging for food in wilderness, the Hindus had a civilization. It was not until the 17th century when your Western guy landed up on our shores and stole our knowledge systems shamelessly that you guys even got around to understanding science. This was your understand of even cotton then including Sun going around Earth.


No racism in India right? None at all.
No racism in India right? None at all.

Yup no racism at all. I was arguing for civilizations and not for race. That point was made to bring in home the contribution of Hindu to evolution. Hindu is not a race, nor is West a race. Hope your left-dominant brain can grasp the difference.
Or we dumbed down religion to being a belief in ones head? o_O:-)

When has humanity progressed furthest and fastest?In the last 2 centuries of the scientific revolution when religion was 'rationalized' or dumbed down as u put it,or in the heydays of all encompassing religion -the thousand year old middle ages - The pope and his clergy,the brahmin and the caliph and his ulema having the final say?The highest development in human living standards has been brought forth by science,not religion.
Or we dumbed down religion to being a belief in ones head? o_O:-)

My Atheism has as much validity as your belief (Islam I think). Now you definitely won't think it, but in my eyes that is what it is.

This is a free world, and you are free to preach your religion, worship any god/gods.

I believe it is only the insecure, who puts up blasphemy laws or whatever.

And I understand, the importance of religion, because for a lot of people, that is their social life, where you meet your friends, your identity and your family.

But my problem is, when people find out I am an Atheist, they think since I have no god to worship, I have no morality, I have no compassion.

I have said this before, just because you believe in a god, doesn't make you more right than me. One of the biggest questions Humanity has faced, is why are we here. Religions were formed because of it.

Just because you are a Muslim, Atheist, Hindu you are not likely to commit more crimes or whatever, people can always find rationale for their horrible deeds.

I do have a problem with certain people claiming that they know what happens to us when we die, and how we came here. No one yet completely know.

Those who are certain of our creation, Those who claim to know the answer, those people I will watch out for.
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