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Once a pride today a ditch. IAF only oversea base and gem of R&AWs effort.

Not a combat base,was a supply base for NA.In any case central asia access is obsolete argument now.Oil and gas is now too abundant and about to end soon.The only other thing of value in C.Asia is uranium from kazakhstan which we buy huge amounts of anyway.
You have any proof of this claim? Why would tajiks in 2013 go to a CM of an Indian state of Gujarat to refuse the request of a new base rather than going to then Indian PM Manmohan Singh?
read the post again.

Not a combat base,was a supply base for NA.In any case central asia access is obsolete argument now.Oil and gas is now too abundant and about to end soon.The only other thing of value in C.Asia is uranium from kazakhstan which we buy huge amounts of anyway.
for india dependence on oil and gas will be there for couple of decades :) . no matter what you says even Europe isnt in position to dump oil and gas .:)
In 2002 Musharraf threatened to level this airbase in case of hostilities. That may have been the reason. No one wants to get caught up in a war between two nuclear States. Then there's the fact that this base could be neutralized at any moment of our choosing due to its proximity.
Farkhor was never major base. It was used for logistics support to Northern Alliance in 1999-01.
It was closed down in 2003 after our NA allies came to power in Kabul.
As it was no longer needed.
Know something funny

Pakistan while Musharraf was in office whined to Tajikistan about this base

The Tajikistan response was really funny


Our MFA contact had an interesting anecdote. When Pakistan confronted the Tajiks with news that India was building a base in Tajikistan and said that the base meant Tajikistan "was against Pakistan," the Tajiks quickly countered that they had another military base that the Pakistanis were welcome to upgrade. The Tajiks have heard no further complaints from Pakistan. :lol:

Tajiks are epic trolls

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In 2002 Musharraf threatened to level this airbase in case of hostilities. That may have been the reason. No one wants to get caught up in a war between two nuclear States. Then there's the fact that this base could be neutralized at any moment of our choosing due to its proximity.


I doubt it the Tajiks would let the Indians use their soil for the IAF to carry out combat sorties against Pakistan. That is literally a declaration of war against Pakistan on part of Tajikistan. This is why i believe the Indians have not been allowed to base combat assets in the airbase.

I doubt it the Tajiks would let the Indians use their soil for the IAF to carry out combat sorties against Pakistan. That is literally a declaration of war against Pakistan on part of Tajikistan. This is why i believe the Indians have not been allowed to base combat assets in the airbase.

India had a logistics base and had some IL bombers from IN and helis to support Afghan faction till 2003.
While Tajiks wanted India to upgrade Farkor AB using own money India wanted Ayni air base which the Americans had just vacated. The
Ayni was upgraded by India using military credit extended by us. The interesting bit was it was Russia which pressurized Tajiks not to allow Ayni to be used by Indians as they considered Tajikistan as their sphere of influence.
I thought senior members know better.
It was Russia who forced Tajiks to not allow india any air base, As it stil considers them part of its influence circle etc.
It has nothing to do with pakistan lol
Pakistan did protested but was given a very clever reply by tajiks. I think you can search for it on internet.

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