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On ‘high alert’: Pakistan listed 10th on fragile states index


Feb 21, 2014
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Pakistan is ranked 10th on the annual Failed States Index, renamed this year as the ‘Fragile States Index’, asurveycarried out by the Fund for Peace, a Washington-based research organisation.

Pakistan ranks just above Zimbabwe and Iraq, while South Sudan tops the index of fragile states. Afghanistan is ranked 7th on the list while India ranks 81.

In 2013, Pakistan ranked 13th on the index, which collates data from 12 indicators including demographic pressures, refugees and internally displaced persons, group grievance, human flight and brain drain, uneven economic development, poverty and economic decline.

The index categorises countries according to a spectrum of warnings, ranging from ‘very high alert’ to ‘very sustainable’ – Pakistan is described as state on ‘high alert’.

“Pakistan began 2013 on a promising note,” a statement from the Fund explains, but “one year later, the atmosphere of optimism that surrounded the elections is fading fast.” Sectarian violence, attacks on minority groups particularly in Balochistan, the failed peace talks between the government and the Taliban, and obstacles faced by humanitarian aid workers and health officials in the battle against polio are considered while categorising Pakistan as ‘very fragile’. However, the statement adds, “Pakistan moved up the list since 2013 not because of the worsening of its own scores but the improvement of others around it.”

“We won’t be seeing any countries turning their economies around overnight if they are facing demographic pressures or have huge political concerns, like corruption or human rights abuse,” remarked the Fund’s Executive Director Krista Hendry.

On ‘high alert’: Pakistan listed 10th on fragile states index – The Express Tribune
With the Extreme decrease in terrorist activities in Pakistan,Don't be surprised if in the next 2-3 years Pakistan is pulled out of the top 20.

Major Reason for Putting Pakistan into the list are "Terrorism and Internally displaced People"
Who cares where they stand.But we need to focus on our country,why its even on 81 it should be among European ranks. :angel:

This is one mistake we Indians and Pakistani's do in PDF..... It can be called taking cheap shots......

The best thing one can do is.... Look at the positives of the other country and learn from it..... rather than getting satisfied on the negatives......

Negatives need to be looked in.... But
This is one mistake we Indians and Pakistani's do in PDF..... It can be called taking cheap shots......

The best thing one can do is.... Look at the positives of the other country and learn from it..... rather than getting satisfied on the negatives......

Negatives need to be looked in.... But
Actually sir! I don't care about Pakistan.All we need to do is to strengthen our borders with double fencing laced with survillence equipments and sensors.Just keep those yahoo out of our lands.:angel:


Pakistan is ranked 10th on the annual Failed States Index, renamed this year as the ‘Fragile States Index’, a survey carried out by the Fund for Peace, a Washington-based research organisation.

Pakistan ranks just above Zimbabwe and Iraq, while South Sudan tops the index of fragile states. Afghanistan is ranked 7th on the list while India ranks 81.

In 2013, Pakistan ranked 13th on the index, which collates data from 12 indicators including demographic pressures, refugees and internally displaced persons, group grievance, human flight and brain drain, uneven economic development, poverty and economic decline.

The index categorises countries according to a spectrum of warnings, ranging from ‘very high alert’ to ‘very sustainable’ – Pakistan is described as state on ‘high alert’.

“Pakistan began 2013 on a promising note,” a statement from the Fund explains, but “one year later, the atmosphere of optimism that surrounded the elections is fading fast.” Sectarian violence, attacks on minority groups particularly in Balochistan, the failed peace talks between the government and the Taliban, and obstacles faced by humanitarian aid workers and health officials in the battle against polio are considered while categorising Pakistan as ‘very fragile’. However, the statement adds, “Pakistan moved up the list since 2013 not because of the worsening of its own scores but the improvement of others around it.”

“We won’t be seeing any countries turning their economies around overnight if they are facing demographic pressures or have huge political concerns, like corruption or human rights abuse,” remarked the Fund’s Executive Director Krista Hendry.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 28th, 2014.

On ‘high alert’: Pakistan listed 10th on fragile states index – The Express Tribune

@[COLOR=#0000ff]Indians[/COLOR] Dont miss that map...:D

@Koovie @acetophenol @Abingdonboy @karan21 @ptltejas @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR @Bang Galore @Ravi Nair @nair
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People unnecessarily keep criticizing Pakistan. see they have improved their tally ....

They are ahead of India in this field ...


They might as well include Afghanistan , China etc also in that map ....

It will definitely look bigger ....
Pakistan once again comes in the top 10 of the failed state list.Well, that does not surprise me.What surprises me is the map that they use.

They got the map right :enjoy:
Right.. now try walking down there and see for yourself what happens.
Well the ranking is going to improve massively when the operation Zarb-e-Azb is successfully completed (Insha'Allah) and IDP's are sent back to their respective homes.

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