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On ‘health of democracy’ under Modi, US says ‘go to Delhi and see for yourself’

Poor gutter oil connoisseur got his bum on fire out of jealousy just because of one comment lol
It did happen in some poor region in China a decade ago, now we use it for flying airplanes

When or where did this happen ? This is one of the many false narratives that has been proliferated.
Does 'creeping' sound like an abrupt fall through an open trap door to you?

What proof will satisfy you that in terms of access to education, including government-sponsored education, housing, access to drinking water, roads, electricity, and financial instruments such as bank accounts and credit cards, the Muslim and the Dalit are both left far behind by a freezing paralysis of government will in BJP ruled states?

Take the vital life-supporting aspects of access to legal methods and processes and access to healthcare. Would you condescend to do your homework and check what happened, in pitiless detail, to victims of the Ahmedabad riots of 2002? Their ordeal was not quick; it was not over after assault, rape, injury, loss of habitation or livelihodd. It lingered on, an exquisitely refined and long-drawn out process of denial of justice. There is ample detailed documentation available. While you flaunt your conversion to The Cause, have you bothered to look into the documentation that I refer to, or is it so remote and so esoteric - research papers, graduate and post-graduate theses, books written by scholars who have worked on the subject - that it just has not been possible for anyone willing to turn to 'bhakt' to even go through them?

Please, PLEASE, don't humiliate yourself and every sensitised Indian by asking with ingenuous air for leads to this evidence. Restrict the humiliation to those of you who are willing to turn and become shills for the brave new world; leave the rest of us out of it, please.

I just do not yet see a better alternate to Modi.
How about nobody, as an alternative to brutality and daily humiliation, and an extension of the Kashmir fate of Indian citizens to the other Muslims, and Dalit in India? How about feeling glad that nobody will hound agitating farmers, and run them down in SUVs, nobody will mishandle purchase and distribution of vaccines, and management of health-care facilities, and kill millions of citizens who fondly believed that their government would be responsible and alert to their interests? Should I go on about pockets of oppression that have escaped the restrictions even on godi media and come to people's attention?

Any alternative, no alternative is better than Modi. The illusion of helpless commitment to governing efficiency placed on display by hypocrites who hide their personal biases and prejudices behind 'efficiency' is quite sickening. It is worsened by even a cursory examination of the 360 failures of this government in every single aspect but one.
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The nation has survived the communalisation based on cast over the last 70 years. It will hopefully survive the communalisation based on religion now. Mind you I do not deny this. My point is that the nation has always been sliced based on caste, today it is being diced based on religion but the castes are coming together.(including the Muslim and christian castes)
Quite so.

It has always been like this. The oppressed are, actually, used to this, and wouldn't know what to do if oppressional abruptly ceased. It is good for them and keeps up their innocent high spirits to continue to be deceived and debased.

A most intelligent and sophisticated analysis. By all means, let them eat cake.

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