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On Diplomatic Front - Pakistan 1 Vs india 0


Aug 24, 2010
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United Kingdom
On Diplomatic Front - Pakistan 1 Vs india 0

After Uri attacks which were either false flag operation by RAW or Kashmiri people took things in their own hands , indian media and gov blaming Pakistan..

We can see more these sort of attacks in near future as Kashmiri people being killed for no reason..

There is clear difference between being terrorist or being freedom fighter, india need to understand that they cannot hold Kashmir any longer, if they do, alot more people will die ..

In case of indian gov decide to take any action against Pakistan, this will trigger more problems for india ...
India cannot stand the war due to all its economic activities .. where as in Pakistan which is fighting terrorist from last 15 years have very less to loose.

There are different statements from all over the world about this incident and both Pakistan and india cannot claim they have made other isolated. in fact to some extent india is in light now as people of country who were not involved in kashmir now know why this incident happened and what is kashmir issue from last 2 months with all the killings of innocent people by the hands of indian army.

This issue is not isolated from what else is going around the middle east specially Syria , Turkey, USA, Russia and China and south indian ocean as well.
There is clear difference between being terrorist or being freedom fighter, india need to understand that they cannot hold Kashmir any longer, if they do, alot more people will die ..

It's also a matter of perception, no? One man's terrorists is another man's freedom fighter? Isn't just a question on whose perception is prevailing?

In case of indian gov decide to take any action against Pakistan, this will trigger more problems for india ...
India cannot stand the war due to all its economic activities .. where as in Pakistan which is fighting terrorist from last 15 years have very less to loose.

If there's a war between India and Pakistan, both sides will undoubtedly lose economically, but Pakistan will lose more as it's in a more weaker economic state compared to India. And you can't compare fighting terrorism with fighting an army. Two different things.

Nevertheless, given the presence of nuclear weapons on both sides, I doubt we will ever see a major war between India and Pakisan.
It's also a matter of perception, no? One man's terrorists is another man's freedom fighter? Isn't just a question on whose perception is prevailing?

If there's a war between India and Pakistan, both sides will undoubtedly lose economically, but Pakistan will lose more as it's in a more weaker economic state compared to India. And you can't compare fighting terrorism with fighting an army. Two different things.

Nevertheless, given the presence of nuclear weapons on both sides, I doubt we will ever see a major war between India and Pakisan.

Perception is changed when 100s of innocent people are being killed by army... world failed to resolve the issue at UN ... its not perception , its business, one always like a perception where they see benefits ..

Yes both sides are armed with nukes and i hope what i see from indian media, the MODI who killed more muslims in other states of india can go to any level of stupidity. i just like to remind here MODI was banned to enter USA , its the tittle he is having now..

Pakistan has very less to loose , there is always a level of being weaker, if you have nothing to loose the only direction you can go is up.. Indain economy is booming, one wrong step and its all over ..
of course in 1971 and 1965 and kargil also you were on winning side.

What did you possibly gain? LOL Each year dead soldiers on a brick of ice? An expensive undertaking which burdens your economy? Wouldn't you rather spend that money on poor malnourished children in India? What is it that you are trying to prove?

You got balkanized by the colonialists. Try defending that.
Perception is changed when 100s of innocent people are being killed by army... world failed to resolve the issue at UN ... its not perception , its business, one always like a perception where they see benefits ..

Yes both sides are armed with nukes and i hope what i see from indian media, the MODI who killed more muslims in other states of india can go to any level of stupidity. i just like to remind here MODI was banned to enter USA , its the tittle he is having now..

Pakistan has very less to loose , there is always a level of being weaker, if you have nothing to loose the only direction you can go is up.. Indain economy is booming, one wrong step and its all over ..

On one point I agree....Pakistan rarely had anything to lose.
Just trying to stay neutral here.

India cannot label this a terrorist act as is clearly military action against a force the local population deems to be oppressive.

My 2 cents anyway.

You have said it exactly how it is. I'm glad the international perception is changing very quickly. Kashmir has been ignored for too long. Time has come to put it back on the world agenda. Let's see what India can do about it. They have militarized the whole place and put the Kashmiri people under curfew. They are only afraid of themselves. You are welcome to visit our beautiful Pakistani Kashmir. We have nothing to hide.
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Actually, now alot of countries understanding that Pakistan being already engaged with own problems cannot engage and support any activities in IOK ....

We do have attacks on daily basis and alot people have died in Pakistan , Pak army is doing alot of ground work to eliminate these guys...
Actually, now alot of countries understanding that Pakistan being already engaged with own problems cannot engage and support any activities in IOK ....

We do have attacks on daily basis and alot people have died in Pakistan , Pak army is doing alot of ground work to eliminate these guys...
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