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On Balakot airstrike, former US NSA John Bolton says India's reaction was appropriate

And our options are this



They already know this. The Americans came begging for the release of Abhinandan. The Americans had to do it on behalf of their little poodle Hindustan. Modi didn't have the courage to approach Pakistan.

Bolton is a little rat who already knows that Pakistan broke Indian nose in the aftermath of Balakot.
I feel India's behaviour was appropriate and proportionate and should mark an opportunity to avoid this thing happening again and with the new government in Pakistan impending to see if it might provide any opportunity for bilateral discussions

In general US supported India not becos of terrorism (as US supports terrorism its self) but for tonic relief for the humiliation it received from Afgan taliban which US believes Pakistan was behind them.

In reality india response was in appropriate, when Pakistan offered help India if led by reasonable people should have explored that option. but it didnt.. it very well knew the bomber was totally indigenous and the material for the bombs which india claimed came from Pakistan came actually from the Indian army. ie indian army used detonation materials to clear roads due to land slides etc the bomber over time siphoned material from there.

more importantly according to the bomber's parents he radicalised by abuse from indian forces earlier.
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