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On Balakot airstrike, former US NSA John Bolton says India's reaction was appropriate

One thing clear he said USA will not be a part of any conflict between India & Pakistan. It is their policy to not militarily involved in such kind of situation. They calculate if their support is worth it or not. So according to current situation India is standing alone except hollow words of support.
One thing clear he said USA will not be a part of any conflict between India & Pakistan. It is their policy to not militarily involved in such kind of situation. They calculate if their support is worth it or not. So according to current situation India is standing alone except hollow words of support.

Is it that one thing in the report that you accept or the rest of it as well?
Is it that one thing in the report that you accept or the rest of it as well?
Obviously that's the main point in this post. Rest of the thing world already knows in crystal clear. They didn't even bother to inform trump that you lost 2 jets out of utter shame.
On Balakot airstrike, former US NSA John Bolton says India's reaction was appropriate

India Today Web Desk
New Delhi
July 4, 2020
Here are excerpts from the John Bolton interview:

Q. A lot of phone calls were made during the Balakot strike, were you part of it?

Our immediate reaction was that it was a potential provocation from the Pakistani side that we understood could have escalated the tension. It was a developing situation.

Q. You had a conversation with NSA Ajit Doval. What was the impression you had about the Indian strike? What were the reports you got? What was the American intelligence saying about it?

I won't get into what the US intelligence revealed to us of course, but the US authority had a very good conversation with his counterpart. We came away from the crisis feeling that the Indian side had exercised appropriate kind of restraint and it was a real incentive for deepening communication in the future crisis. If we are prepared for it, there are chances that it can be resolved more easily.

Q. What was the US's reaction when the IAF reported casualties?

We were pleased by the way the crisis played up and the restraint showed by the Indian side and that it was resolved peacefully. We had a similar conversation with the Pakistani side. These things have different versions depending on what capital city you are sitting in. But it showed something of the enhanced communication with New Delhi in particular.

Q. You have revealed telling details in your book, why the restraint in this particular case?

I have been restrained in all the cases dealing with US intelligence or intelligence from our friends and allies as well. It is something which can only be revealed with permission, but in terms of the details of the crisis as it unfolded, it happened quickly. It was late in night and memory tends to fade after there was a long visit the next day for the meet between President Trump and Kim Jong-un who were called on the nuclear deal. That was quite the focus at that point of time.

Q. The next day, Pakistan retaliated but failed.

Our basic priority was to see the crisis winding down. I feel India's behaviour was appropriate and proportionate and should mark an opportunity to avoid this thing happening again and with the new government in Pakistan impending to see if it might provide any opportunity for bilateral discussions.

Q. India said it struck down one of Pakistan's jet, but the latter denied.

Both India and Pakistan gave their versions but I can't go beyond it.

Q. Did you also talk to Pakistan about the incident?

Obviously there were different perceptions of how the crisis had flared up and how it wound down. I would like to think that the US had played a constructive role. I think that we were interested and involved in communication even though we were in Hanoi to attend the summit. It showed how seriously we took any kind of fret in peace and security in the subcontinent.

We are helpful and certainly, we'll like to be, but we are not trying to get into the middle of it either. It is something we have to resolve under the terms of a similar understanding in direct negotiations between the two sides and ultimately to live in peace and security with your neighbours. If the two countries involved have gone through the arduous process of negotiating the understanding, nobody is going to impose it from outside for sure.

Q. Did you brief President Trump on the issue?

Next day, Mike Pompeo and I did speak with the president as we were in the process of the meeting with Kim Jong-un. The next day, the situation seemed under control and we did not want to drive our focus away from the important meeting with Kim Jong-un.

Bolton is a devious character and just like typical old white man, He isn’t a friend of Muslims or anything ME look alike. This doesn’t mean he like Indian either. He is a politician. He got paid for the interview and said 2 comforting things about India. Rest he basically dodged every question.
Obviously that's the main point in this post. Rest of the thing world already knows in crystal clear. They didn't even bother to inform trump that you lost 2 jets out of utter shame.

You didn't answer my question.

Are you agreeable to just this one point or the rest of the report as well?
You didn't answer my question.

Are you agreeable to just this one point or the rest of the report as well?
He knew you are searching for glorification out of this interview. So he pumped you as much he is allowed. So not everything he said are true. He even Dodged the question about F16 :(
He knew you are searching for glorification out of this interview. So he pumped you as much he is allowed. So not everything he said are true. He even Dodged the question about F16 :(

Got it.

Only that one point.

Good enough.
The fact that Indians need the valiadation of a foreigner for a response to an internal matter of india only shows what a impotent nation they are . weak and pathetic.

India has made it taboo for anyone in their country to speak the truth, so only a foreigner or an Indian willing to deal with the fallout from confronting their delusional narrative can do it.

Bolton is no foreign expert and is just a neocon shill. There isn’t a war him and his ilk don’t like and damn the consequences. I’ve met a Neocon once and they try to dodge any questions about consequences the audience asked. (We had to give the questions in writing and they only allowed questions he was comfortable taking)

Indian Analyst Parvin Sawhney is one such Indian. In 2018 he said the difference between the Pre-Modi and the Modi era Indian defense policy is just an increase in perception management (I.e. the BJP does even more BS talk then the previous government for its domestic audience) @4:45-6:55

In the middle of all of bravado and hubris, foreign analyst get to say things on Indian media that lets them know what the outside world sees as their options. For example, one case in point was a few minutes here and there by Vipin Narang of MIT; Indian origin but still a foreign analyst (I’ll give you exact times to spare everyone from listening to the posturing; from 22:18 to 23:58)


Another Indian carefully broaching the subject of India giving up expansionist aspirations, coaches it all the usual Indian rhetoric and narratives and then stands behind the words of a decorated Indian admiral, in hopes he won’t get the backlash, because he says even this former Indian Admiral maybe getting trolled for making this statement. (12:06-14:17)

P.s. I don’t watch these channels, just see a few clips of these foreign analysts here and there. Interesting quotes I thought I should share.
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Yes we Failed!
He is just feeding their ego and then quickly advising them to resolve issues through talks. How else would one deal with an interviewer who has pre conceived ideas as shown in the questions that are like verdicts.
Good air strike message delivered loud and clear we will strike terror camps by air if we choose too even it means crossing loc and use increasingly longer range stand off weapons

Spice has range of 100km
Now Brahmos has arrived this range is 400 km and Rafael has arrived carrying scalp cruise middle range 300km

Our options are so much better
Good air strike message delivered loud and clear we will strike terror camps by air if we choose too even it means crossing loc and use increasingly longer range stand off weapons

Spice has range of 100km
Now Brahmos has arrived this range is 400 km and Rafael has arrived carrying scalp cruise middle range 300km

Our options are so much better
Yes you will get the response in shape of ABHINANDANs. Next time we will not serve tea just to remind you. As for as Rafael is concerned, prior to it you had SU-30 Rapter of east.. Come on, after next face off IA you will say "Agar F 22 hota to nateeja kuch aur hota"
Q. The next day, Pakistan retaliated but failed.
Lmao that's Indian third rate jounalism right there. Answering their own questions. :lol:

Now Brahmos has arrived this range is 400 km and Rafael has arrived carrying scalp cruise middle range 300km
You have brahmos since ages. You couldn't do Jack shit.

Yes you will get the response in shape of ABHINANDANs. Next time we will not serve tea just to remind you. As for as Rafael is concerned, prior to it you had SU-30 Rapter of east.. Come on, after next face off IA you will say "Agar F 22 hota to nateeja kuch aur hota"
B21 raider hota to Pakistan ko dekh lete. :(
Yes you will get the response in shape of ABHINANDANs. Next time we will not serve tea just to remind you. As for as Rafael is concerned, prior to it you had SU-30 Rapter of east.. Come on, after next face off IA you will say "Agar F 22 hota to nateeja kuch aur hota"

There are Indians already claiming that they are about to get the F-35, and will still get the S-400. They will have a special relationship with the US because of what is happening with China, so they will be exempt from CAATSA. When the foreign military suppliers drain India of its $400 billion in reserves, that “special relationship” will be disappear.
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