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Oman builds up air defences

btw im not even talking about the RSF, im talking about the peninsula force
Bahrain is a joke, thats not warfare, no I dont hold my breath until I see them in action about the 2 so called UAE islands.

You just said their interference in Bahrian doesn't demonstrate their capability, and I fully agree with you on that bro :smart: ...

IDK about the Islands dispute though TBQH.

btw im not even talking about the RSF, im talking about the peninsula force

I got that right brudder.
Sultan Qaboos isn't great for what he is , but he is a great leader to all for his reformist approach.

I feel sorry for those of whom they accuse him of being a tyrant because of the bloodless coup, Qaboos had turned Oman from coal to diamond over the last two decades. He opened Oman to the international market, develop Oman's infrastructure, sought a greater relations with Oman's next door friends, and boosted up Oman's economy.

Regarding the Peninsula Armor Shield, no body operates your equipments than Oman's military, but Oman spends too much money on its military, your armed forces are as strong as Bahrain and Qatar combined.

You've only seen them in Bharain, hold your breath, the RSF has over 200k..

He is a great leader but he takes his time in improving his country in different respects. Probably because he is too worried about the Omani cultures and wants to preserve them while modernizing the country. Sudden change might kill them. and I think one of the problems he's facing is the people themselves. Before the arab spring he made some good changes to the curricula in schools. After Arab spring things went back to usual. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos is a secular man, but Oman is not secular. Honestly I don't even think he's Muslim (or i like to think so lol). I don't think he's running Oman in the way he desires. He's taking into consideration a lot of things, including Oman's stability and peace

He is not a tyrant. He's a kind hearted dictator ;p I love him so much even though I am Dhofari, and have a reason to dislike him.

I thought Oman's military is much stronger, more organized and well equipped than what I have read here. I think I need to call the army or something and try to extract some information from them -_-" what I have been told here is different from what I've read in the internet. It could be that there isn't enough coverage of Oman's military (maybe because Oman doesn't like to show off :laugh:) or some of what I've heard is not true

ملاحظة لك عزيزي: لا تظن أني أكره السعودية. أبدا أبدا! بالعكس أحب الشعب السعودي وأفتخر بالمملكة لأني عربية وأفتخر بفتيات السعودية! لما مايعجبني شي تسويه السعودية تأكد أني أريد الأفضل لها. معتقداتي مارح أخليها تفصلني عن عروبتي .أنا أعتز بأي قوة عربية
i think they should induct few russian systems not go all out to USA systems they are not reliable for and muslim country
Regarding your armed forces, Oman's military is strong enough to protect Oman, my point is that Oman maximize its full military capability when it operates with the rest of the GCC's PAS.

Peace friend :smart:
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