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(OLD News 2019) COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa given 3 years extension

Bad decision, even if its necessary (wartime situation). It should be one year at max. I see Bajwa's legacy as same as Kayani.
Why? . It's common practice , COAS never replace when some national security issues are in question.

We've been having national security issues since 1947 mate.

There's isn't a war going on...we shouldn't be dependent on people, rather institutions.

Let's face it, this decision is mainly because IK and COAS get along with each other, and make a good team. That maybe a good reason in itself, since we all know how animosity between the PM and COAS can have bad results.

But don't sell that national security thing over here my friend. What if I tell you I posted somewhere 3 months back that he'll get the extension? There was no "national security" or Article 370 threat then was there?

It could have been for 1 year if there was an impending "war".
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