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old biased article Forbes, but says Japan will lead East Asia, not China, your Views?

If I remember right from the news, Prime Minister of Japan has no term limits. But the Leader of the Party has term limit and this was exactly what Abe changed last year. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Technically speaking, the Prime Minster of the UK and Australia don't have term limits for the Prime Minister either. Party term limit does indeed translate into term limits for Prime Ministers.
Technically speaking, the Prime Minster of the UK and Australia don't have term limits for the Prime Minister either. Party term limit does indeed translate into term limits for Prime Ministers.
Ic. Just for curiosity, do all parties in Japan have the unified term limits or each party has its own for his leader?
Ic. Just for curiosity, do all parties in Japan have the unified term limits or each party has its own for his leader?

Each party has their own party president rules. The democratic party has a term for 3 years but became that just in 2012. Before that, a term was two years long. The komeito party currently have terms of 2 years long.
Japan and China - both bitches to North Korea. How can these two countries lead Asia when they both shit bricks whenever fat Kim starts threatening to set off a few bombs?

Face it, Chinese. North Korea is the future of Asia whether you want to admit it or not. The puppet has become the puppeteer.
I can see you are trying to be funny,but frankly to say your joke is still looked a little bit awkward,more practice is needed in my opinion

My first advice:if you think your joke is funny,don't over emphasize it,it will ruin the whole atmosphere
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China has no apitite to be a leader or to be led! Japan, or everybody else in Asia, is an important country. So is China.
Joke? Where's the joke? Is calling something a joke the Chinese version of calling any opposition a troll?

North Korea is the only Asian country that's relevant today. They're on the news at least 5 times a week and every country in Asia screams in terror when fat Kim goes on a temper-tantrum. Just because you don't like these facts doesn't mean it's a "joke".

Take it easy,I know a joker sometimes don't want to be seen as a joker,but he is a joker anyway...I am not saying you,I mean fat kim
Many of these China economic collapse articles came out during the 2015-2016 Chinese stock market crash. Many used superficial research with questionable logic. There were some hedge funds who bet against China and got slaughtered. There are plenty of corpses in the industry due to this misjudgement. A lot of it was driven by wishful thinking and misdiagnosis. Chinese economy does have its difficulties but not what these "experts" think it is.

I don't believe China is a challenge to USA yet, there is so much ground work to be done but it is no where near the fragility some pundits suppose it to be, it shows their lack of awareness. Actually the more external pressure is applied on China the faster it develops technology and the greater the internal cohesion.

Japan isn't able to be competitive in a broad range of technologies due to its economic scale (limited by current technology). It is also not as economically vibrant as many tout it to be, though still a nice place to have a vacation.

I can empathise with those who say Japan will be the most powerful nation of Asia and not China since they feel much more familiar and at ease with Japan (anime, cameras, cars, VCR, etc.). China for some goes against their world view. Such views are understandable but betting your investments against China is not recommended. Videos like this just plays into wishful thinking:

Outside of geopolitics and recent history many Chinese actually like Japan and Japanese people. It is just that East Asians tend to sound critical much of the time, we don't have that much hate but just sound critical. To be honest China doesn't fear Japan all that much, it is not because Japan isn't strong but China understands the dynamics behind Japan's actions.

17 of the 32 major hotels around Mount Fuji are owned by Chinese.

Japanese drama about Japanese real estate agents selling to Chinese buyers:
You are off topic. The thread is about who can lead and not who has more money in the pocket to buy more iPhones.

China is an inward looking country with people embracing narrow minded nationalism. How can you lead East Asia?

Besides absolutely unrealistic by thinking Japan will accept chinese leadership or vice versa. Don’t forget Korea. She will never accept Japanese leadership.

Let’s assume the term East Asia expands to the countries in the south, Japan could lead east Asia excluding China and Korea if she follows Germany that leads the Europe once she stops the demographic bomb and liberates herself from the US.
You are off topic. The thread is about who can lead and not who has more money in the pocket to buy more iPhones.

China is an inward looking country with people embracing narrow minded nationalism. How can you lead East Asia?

Japan could lead east Asia excluding China if she follows Germany that leads the Europe once she stops the demographic bomb and liberates herself from the US.
I guess you never heard president for life Xi Jinping speech about Globalism. And the news of chinese troops being stationed in Djibouti. China ruling asia is not a matter of how but when?

Also why haven't you been banned yet (again) is beyond me.
I guess you never heard president for life Xi Jinping speech about Globalism. And the news of chinese troops being stationed in Djibouti. China ruling asia is not a matter of how but when?

Also why haven't you been banned yet (again) is beyond me.
China is leader because the chairman of China communist party writes something and the PLA has troops on a country in Africa?

You are funnier than I thought.
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