Trying to find some answers from the past to address the situation prevailing now
M.A. Jinnah on Hindu-Muslim question (April 17, 1938;Calcutta)
"Although some of the pronouncements of the President and other leaders of the Congress at Haripura created an impression of a really genuine desire for the settlement of the Hindu-Muslim question, ....yet there is no slackening on the part of the Congress in the determination of their set purpose to annihilate every other party, and particularly the All-India Muslim League.
The Congress attitude, so far as it can be summoned up, is first that the Communal Award must go lock, stock and barrel; secondly, that there must be no separate electorates, and thirdly, that there must be no differential franchise, and if possible, there should be no reservation of seats of any community.Mussalmans will be wiped out from securing any adequate representation either in the legislatures or in the municipal, local and district boards- as did happen in Bihar recently, since the Government have even removed the cumulative voting which existed before they assumed office. It is no use masquerading under the name of nationalism. The Congress is a Hindu body mainly. It is begging the whole question to say that 'we are eager to do our very best to arrive at an agreed solution' and qualify it by saying 'consistently with the fundamental principles of nationalism' as if the Muslim League were opposed to the fundamental principles of nationalism. Muslims have made it clear more than once that, besides the question of religion, culture, language and personal laws, there is another question, equally of life and death for them, and that their future destiny and fate are dependent upon their securing definitely their political rights, their due share in the national life, the Government, and the administration of the country.
They will fight for it till the last ditch, and all the dreams and notions of Hindu Raj must be abandoned. They will not be submerged or dominated and they will not surrender so long as there is life in them." (M.A. Jinnah 1938)