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“Okay! We Won’t Eat Beef” Indian Muslims

Why should someone's eating habits at home or their own area be subject to the whims of the dickless hindu majority

Of course Jinnah was right!!! A fact Indian muslims and Kashmiris understand to well

An alleged secular democracy
we dont need ur certificate we are far more tolerant than any muslims
just see the response of the two communities when their gods are involved
u utter a word and they will kill you
blasphemy cases in pakistan remember that killer of punjabb governor .the killer was welcomed as a hero

if u want to take revenge from any non muslims just file blasphemy case ...

just saw the kamlesh tiwari case in india

and what hidus did they approached the court against mf hussain
and india was branded as unsafe
i mean enough of these sickular mentality
i myself have visited pakistan for 2 days so no needs to show your intelligence
i tried to search it but to no avail

Where there are few xtians or hindus then there is no pork, or if the local community dosent eat it, then again there is no pork

But it is legally protected and available for all non muslims as is alcohol

Pakistan also protects hindu marriage laws because we are not a hindu banana republic
Why should drawing cartoons of some desert chaps be offensive? Pretty illogical?

Not really,, its the same as drawing a picture of your krishna naked sitting on a donkey..

That is offensive, why would you choose to draw something about someone's God or important religious prophets

A cow to most humanity is an animal and food, unless they slaughter it in your living room why are you forcing your faith on others
We all know what happened to tall and handsome mommin ghettos during Gujarat and Muzzaffar nagar riots. You want more!! :rofl:

Mighty hindus eh!!! Piddled your pants against Akbar, Tamerlane etc but give you guys a unarmed minority then let the Hindutva chest beating begin
Stop wasting your time with this Adil Minhas guys.. he is someone form Pakistan.. has nothing to do with India and Uttar Pradesh.

Mods are free to confirm where I am posting from.

Don't so openly exhibit your retardedness online.
Mods are free to confirm where I am posting from.
Don't so openly exhibit your retardedness online.
You are posting form somewhere in Pakistan.... because Minhas is not a surname from UP ... major chunk of Minhas population lives across Pakistani Punjab.
People are not realizing that we should live and let live. Bullying others does not make your religion or philosophy towards life seem any more appealing than being a closed minded religious nationalist that wants to take revenge.

I feel like the Hindus are taking the cow thing way out of proportion.
Where there are few xtians or hindus then there is no pork, or if the local community dosent eat it, then again there is no pork

But it is legally protected and available for all non muslims as is alcohol

Pakistan also protects hindu marriage laws because we are not a hindu banana republic
the point is here in india muslims have taken disproportionate benefits it might have not benefited them economically or education wise
but they have been exploited by their leaders who have pitted them against the majority community now knowingly
when somebody resides in a country he has to adhere the law of the country rather than some religious laws
hindus in pakistan abide by pak laws
so muslims in india will have to follow the diktat of the govt they have been given way too leverages for vote bank politics
it will be in everybody interest

any ways u guys carry on:cheers:
the point is here in india muslims have taken disproportionate benefits it might have not benefited them economically or education wise
but they have been exploited by their leaders who have pitted them against the majority community now knowingly
when somebody resides in a country he has to adhere the law of the country rather than some religious laws
hindus in pakistan abide by pak laws
so muslims in india will have to follow the diktat of the govt they have been given way too leverages for vote bank politics
it will be in everybody interest

You Hindus should worry more about your liberal and feminist women, more so than Muslim Indians. They seem to be dictating terms when it comes to how India should be. Your own liberal women make you Hindus look like cucks.
For what it is worth, there have been too many threads on this topic.

Mods, please merge the threads.

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