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OIC military action against myanmar

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Sep 22, 2011
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What do you guys think of a kind of military operation to save muslims in myanmar , we have strong airforce , im not sure about refueling of some countries . So lets discuss a plan if it went on .

Turkish f-16 - we have like 7 i think refueling in the air to reach myanmar

pakistan airforce very close

saudi f-15 ( i think they are long range i dnt no if they can reach , do they have refuelers?)

UAE has f-16 block 60s

iran air force is quite old i dno about air refuelers

indonesia maybe?

who else is there , please lets discuss a operation to save them.

this is why i insist Turkish navy needs AC we could have leaded in an operation

Also we have strong navies to save them , turkish navy saved turkish citizens very quickly in libya while america etc asked us to help their citizens aswell .

Around 60 nations come on if you put them together they will be very strong , i dont mean an operation to kill their citizens but save muslims or atleast stop this massacre.
What do you guys think of a kind of military operation to save muslims in myanmar , we have strong airforce , im not sure about refueling of some countries . So lets discuss a plan if it went on .

Turkish f-16 - we have like 7 i think refueling in the air to reach myanmar

pakistan airforce very close

saudi f-15 ( i think they are long range i dnt no if they can reach , do they have refuelers?)

UAE has f-16 block 60s

iran air force is quite old i dno about air refuelers

indonesia maybe?

who else is there , please lets discuss a operation to save them.

this is why i insist Turkish navy needs AC we could have leaded in an operation

Also we have strong navies to save them , turkish navy saved turkish citizens very quickly in libya while america etc asked us to help their citizens aswell .

Around 60 nations come on if you put them together they will be very strong , i dont mean an operation to kill their citizens but save muslims or atleast stop this massacre.

Any operation will have to be done from Bangladesh. Pakistani and Saudi air forces, Iranian and Turkish navies, and if anything Bangladeshi ground forces. :guns: They would most likely use Bangladeshi airbases. :coffee:
If all OIC Countries form an alliance they can literally destroy Burma.Even Saudi or UAE Air Force alone can take out Burmese Millitary without taking much casualties.Imagine in an alliance what these countries can do..If combined these countries can easily make a force of at least 50 fighter jets (EuroFighters, F-15's, F-16's) Pakistan could of course provide land forces but i think control of air space would be enough but any such mission would require cooperation of Bangladeshi which is highly unlikely.
what is wrong with bangladesh for god sake , why dont they help as you said unlikely , Turkish airforce and navy which has refueling , iran navy , saudi airforce , uae air force , pakistan air force , bangladesh ground force , this is way more than enough .
What operation are you talking about bro? Islamic countries are not even ready to give refuge to poor Rohingyas and you are talking about an unanimous operation! I doubt Muslim leaders would even issue a pressurizing statement during impending OIC summit.

Nothing like this could ever happen mate. The best you and me could do is to pray for Rohingyas.
why not i dont understand what do we lack? turkey gave more than 300 million to libya , somalia , we helped pakistan alot in floods many muslim countries , we have enough military together , what are we scared of? arab and iran has oil and gas as a tool and strength , big population , if arab countries and a turkey and a few countries who are doing quite good help them aswell it will be good . Who are they scared of?

we could fund money to bangladesh so they give refuge to them , 50+ nations if they all chip in some cash then thats hell of a lot of money. 10,000,000 x the number of countries in OIC or more from some and less from some will be billions
If a nations citizens who are divided over faith fight each other or quarel as to how they can live together. let them sort out the issue.
If OIC plans to strike Mayanmar, then what? what are you going to achive? are you planning to exterminate the Manyanmari Budhist to make a Islamic republic of Mayanmar.
Come out of your pathetic religious glass and see the world as a human being.
The fight between two ethnic groups will always result in death and destruction to both side. there might some difference in the proportion of losses on one side yet its their country, let the Budhist and Muslims of Mayanmar sort it out themself.
we as citizens of this planet can only help them sort out the issue, not make the fight more intensive with self inflicting wounds to entire human race.

and what if CHINA as a Budhist nation comes to the aid of Mayanmar?
is your OIC ready to face the fury of the CHINESE forces?
There is Another solution Pakistan should test its ICBM on Myanmmar
RIP Rohingya
If a nations citizens who are divided over faith fight each other or quarel as to how they can live together. let them sort out the issue.
If OIC plans to strike Mayanmar, then what? what are you going to achive? are you planning to exterminate the Manyanmari Budhist to make a Islamic republic of Mayanmar.
Come out of your pathetic religious glass and see the world as a human being.
The fight between two ethnic groups will always result in death and destruction to both side. there might some difference in the proportion of losses on one side yet its their country, let the Budhist and Muslims of Mayanmar sort it out themself.
we as citizens of this planet can only help them sort out the issue, not make the fight more intensive with self inflicting wounds to entire human race.

and what if CHINA as a Budhist nation comes to the aid of Mayanmar?
is your OIC ready to face the fury of the CHINESE forces?

i never said lets bomb myanmar people , civilians if you read carefully , so we the world should have let serbians until no bosnians left?

combined OIC is much stronger china and has very valuable assets , oil , gas strategic location , etc but im not here to argue with that.

we can save them with navies though or let bangladesh accept them and we can provide funds to bangladesh
i never said lets bomb myanmar people , civilians if you read carefully , so we the world should have let serbians until no bosnians left?

combined OIC is much stronger china and has very valuable assets , oil , gas strategic location , etc but im not here to argue with that.

we can save them with navies though or let bangladesh accept them and we can provide funds to bangladesh

Why not start with Syria and get rid of Al Assad? Closer to your home and the casualty figures are much much higher over there.
i never said lets bomb myanmar people , civilians if you read carefully , so we the world should have let serbians until no bosnians left?

combined OIC is much stronger china and has very valuable assets , oil , gas strategic location , etc but im not here to argue with that.

we can save them with navies though or let bangladesh accept them and we can provide funds to bangladesh

Bangladeshi government is spineless. Nobody is scared of the Burmese, Pakistan alone can manhandle them it is just that nobody really cares about the Rohingya it a sad and inconvenient truth.

Why not start with Syria and get rid of Al Assad? Closer to your home and the casualty figures are much much higher over there.

Nobody can agree on the Syrian issue however against Burma everyone is supposedly on the same page. :coffee:

If a nations citizens who are divided over faith fight each other or quarel as to how they can live together. let them sort out the issue.
If OIC plans to strike Mayanmar, then what? what are you going to achive? are you planning to exterminate the Manyanmari Budhist to make a Islamic republic of Mayanmar.
Come out of your pathetic religious glass and see the world as a human being.
The fight between two ethnic groups will always result in death and destruction to both side. there might some difference in the proportion of losses on one side yet its their country, let the Budhist and Muslims of Mayanmar sort it out themself.
we as citizens of this planet can only help them sort out the issue, not make the fight more intensive with self inflicting wounds to entire human race.

and what if CHINA as a Budhist nation comes to the aid of Mayanmar?
is your OIC ready to face the fury of the CHINESE forces?

:rofl: :rofl: China would not risk all of its oil for the Burmese. Wishful thinking on your part, they would just condemn the hostilities and call for a ceasefire. Chinese are not dumb.
i never said lets bomb myanmar people , civilians if you read carefully , so we the world should have let serbians until no bosnians left?

combined OIC is much stronger china and has very valuable assets , oil , gas strategic location , etc but im not here to argue with that.

we can save them with navies though or let bangladesh accept them and we can provide funds to bangladesh
the topic of this thread speaks of military action and the OP shows an interest of bombing Mayanmar and you are now refuting from this very basic fact.
are you saying the OIC can fight CHINA with all your resources excluding the help of USA or RUSSIA.
Sure INDIA will not pick sides as we belive if two parties have trouble its their duty to sort it out. we have been the leaders of NAM since time immemorial.
Most OIC countries have too much domestic problem at hand, especially after arab spring. All they can do is issue a statement.
this is what is called as senseless talking.
where you born with this defect or some one droped you head first when you where a child?

It was a Joke, However Myanmar is easy to handle, If Pakistan threatened them to take Military action Against them, They might Stop But OIC should decide To take necessary Actions Against Burmese To stop this bloody Massacre.
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