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OIC launches Europe mission in Brussels

Why are Indians so harassed?
People of world have the right to learn about other side of the picture.
Not one sided, anti Islam propaganda by overt covert hindus!
1.Altough we were under turkish rule,we soon discovered that "infidel,muslim turkish" rule was gentler than fellow "orthodox brothers" russian rule or catholic christian austro-hungarian rule.
2.As i've mentioned the turkish community in Romania is the poster child for how a minority community should look-hard working,educated,friendly.
3.General good relations between our goverments.
4.WW2-In 1940 when USSR gave us an ultimatum to give them Basarabia we wanted to fight but we knew that we would get attacked by Hungary and Bulgaria also if we did.For that we had a previous agreement with Yougoslavia,Greece and Turkey that they would attack Bulgaria and Hungary.Our fellow orthodox (Yug,Greece) backed out telling us that it's better to surrender to USSR's demands.The turks were the only ones who lived up to their promises and guaranteed to attack Bulgaria if they were to attack us.

Good enough reasons? They are for the most romanians :P

1913 episode 2 :D

I also agree with you about Ottoman rule , it`s not the Turks themselves were so bad, in fact rule was liberal when Anatolian beys were in charge , the bad ones were locals who accepted Islam and started mistreat their neighbours and brothers by blood. And started to call themselves "Turks" even though they spoke no word of Turkish , giving really a bad name.
1913 episode 2 :D

I also agree with you about Ottoman rule , it`s not the Turks themselves were so bad, in fact rule was liberal when Anatolian beys were in charge , the bad ones were locals who accepted Islam and started mistreat their neighbours and brothers by blood. And started to call themselves "Turks" even though they spoke no word of Turkish , giving really a bad name.

Well,those bulgarians got greedy in 1913,for a nation who hadn't had a country since the 14th century they suddenly wanted to rule half the Balkans :astagh:

The turks,in my opinion were an honest foe,they wanted you to pay the taxes,give them some children as slaves and they will leave you alone,at least you knew what to expect as opposed to some other "christian brothers" who came as saviors only to steal and worse,tried to stamp out your national identity and even your language and replace them with theirs.Let's be honest,in 500+ years of direct turkish rule the greeks and the bulgarians kept theur identities,languages and traditions,compare that with what the russians have done in the lands they've conquered.I'm not saying that the turks were angels but for us,christians were worst.
Well,those bulgarians got greedy in 1913,for a nation who hadn't had a country since the 14th century they suddenly wanted to rule half the Balkans :astagh:

The turks,in my opinion were an honest foe,they wanted you to pay the taxes,give them some children as slaves and they will leave you alone,at least you knew what to expect as opposed to some other "christian brothers" who came as saviors only to steal and worse,tried to stamp out your national identity and even your language and replace them with theirs.Let's be honest,in 500+ years of direct turkish rule the greeks and the bulgarians kept theur identities,languages and traditions,compare that with what the russians have done in the lands they've conquered.I'm not saying that the turks were angels but for us,christians were worst.

And what have Russians did? I happen to know Bosnian Muslim professor , who visited back then in 70`s Central Asia, he spoke high positioned Uzbek (i think) imam , between Chinese , Persians , British etc. man thanked Allah it was Russians who came to dominate them. I will translate for you part of his column:

With him I had a long conversation about the conditions in which they live Muslims of Central Asia under Russian and then Soviet rule. This man perfectly plastic outlined the role of the Russians and the Soviets in their recent history. The Russians are in the area come 1861st year. Then he said: "We fought the Soviets for Big Turkmenistan, but we lost the battle because the objective history itself rejected. Russians and Soviets have accepted that we had, and then we realized that we can get them under their national government (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan) and preserve their national culture, and they are so impregnated with Islam and that Islam, as you see, lived in this area as part of the acclaimed folk culture. would never have achieved this industry, educational , scientific and cultural development that we have not accepted the Russians or us instead of them came the English, as in India, Iraq or Persiji.Sada we state, industry, science and modern scientific and academic institutions, theaters, operas, ballets and music academies and only waiting time, and we know that it will come when we will have our state independence. if we had not been agreed to and remained in that position where there are other Muslims in Asia and Africa, ie the position of colonial peoples and extreme poverty. "This man is not only discovered the secret Asiatic thought and patience, which I understand because I've had with us in Bosnia's patience most important feature of the human relationship to the events of life, but we pointed out the possible ways in which future development will go.


Your personal dislike of Russians and enmity between your two peoples should not cloud your vision.
And what have Russians did? I happen to know Bosnian Muslim professor , who visited back then in 70`s Central Asia, he spoke high positioned Uzbek (i think) imam , between Chinese , Persians , British etc. man thanked Allah it was Russians who came to dominate them. I will translate for you part of his column:

Your personal dislike of Russians and enmity between your two peoples should not cloud your vision.

They tried to replacethe romanian identity in Basarabia with an invented "moldovan " identity,replaced the alphabet with a chirilic one and tried to stamp out the romanian identity of those people.Trying to erase a nation is genocide,ethnic cleansing.It's about facts not personal disputes and no one in the world can tell the romanians that the russians are good people.
They tried to replacethe romanian identity in Basarabia with an invented "moldovan " identity,replaced the alphabet with a chirilic one and tried to stamp out the romanian identity of those people.Trying to erase a nation is genocide,ethnic cleansing.It's about facts not personal disputes and no one in the world can tell the romanians that the russians are good people.

Using that logic English committed genocide against Irish , Scots and Welsh. Ethnic cleansing would be if they cleansed those people from their land , what you`re describing is assimilation to Russian cultural sphere. I agree it`s wrong.
I know but if they use Political Islam then simply other nation or opponents used it for their interest.

No one is using political Islam in Europe :rolleyes:

He talked about using Islam as a political tool to win support as for instance French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen recently compared Namaz to Nazism.
No one is using political Islam in Europe :rolleyes:

He talked about using Islam as a political tool to win support as for instance French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen recently compared Namaz to Nazism.

Correct. But both parties are culprit. Certain people twisted facts & use Islam for their political goal to achieve support of muslim majority countries. Weatern countries support these people against soviet block but after collapse of soviet union these people turn against them. Then here come term religious terrorism aka Islamic Terrorism. But who are the real loser , simple muslims who used as pawns in hand of western countries & fundamentalist leaders & didn't evaquate themself from illeteracy & poverty cycle.
I believe that religion should be separated from the state and from politics. The Church must engage in spiritual matters, and not to fight for power.
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