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OIC launches Europe mission in Brussels


May 3, 2009
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OIC launches Europe mission in Brussels

BRUSSELS - Anatolia News Agency


OIC Secretary-General İhsanoğlu (R) meets with EU commission chief Manuel Barroso after an opening ceremony of the new office in Brussels. AA photo

The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC) opened yesterday a representative office in Brussels with a ceremony attended by Secretary-General Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu and EU Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso.

The new OIC mission will be in touch with the European Parliament and the European Council to develop interfaith and intercultural dialogue as well as to fight against Islamophobia.

İhsanoğlu said the OIC’s wanted to advance relations with the EU through the new OIC mission. “We need to seriously fight against Islamophobia to further strengthen ties between the Islamic world and Europe and to eradicate the unnecessary sensitivities,” he said June 24. He also said Islam should be welcomed as a family member in Europe, not as a guest. “This is not something to be achieved in one day. But when it is be achieved in the long run, the prejudices against Islam and even Turkey’s EU membership will be eliminated,” he said.

“If Islam becomes political content, it will be a double-edged sharp knife. We saw such results in Norway, France and several places across Europe,” the secretary-general said, warning against using hateful remarks, hostility and discrimination as policy-making tools against Islam.

OIC launches Europe mission in Brussels
They should focus on the causes of islmophobia and not on in the effects.They're tackling it the wrong way,the problem doesn't exist with the europeans,a cornered animal will strike back to defend itself.If Islam wants to survive in Europe it must adapt to european values like christianity did-[there are no double standards here]-,there is no other way around,reform or be removed.
They should focus on the causes of islmophobia and not on in the effects.They're tackling it the wrong way,the problem doesn't exist with the europeans,a cornered animal will strike back to defend itself.If Islam wants to survive in Europe it must adapt to european values like christianity did-[there are no double standards here]-,there is no other way around,reform or be removed.

Respectfully disagree.

Europe wasn't at odds with Islam during the cold war? Why? Why were the major Euro nations serving as cheerleaders to buck up Islamic extremist against the Soviets?

Europe has actively supported Islamic extremism and is still doing the same by arming the rebels in Syria.

Islam has many problems, but Europe has a rotten heart.

Islamic extremism is good against communists, but when they come home to roost, oh they are bad.
Respectfully disagree.

Europe wasn't at odds with Islam during the cold war? Why? Why were the major Euro nations serving as cheerleaders to buck up Islamic extremist against the Soviets?

Europe has actively supported Islamic extremism and is still doing the same by arming the rebels in Syria.

Islam has many problems, but Europe has a rotten heart.

Islamic extremism is good against communists, but when they come home to roost, oh they are bad.

I can't argue with you here,these double standards are appaling but what should we do now? Take it lying down? Yes,you are right,they,we (altough me and the majority of european citizens have no role in supporting Islamic extremism) supported these goons to further our political agenda but that doesn't mean we should tolerate them in our house,after all it's the citizens who will suffer not the obnoxious politicians who caused all this,and by citizens i mean europeans,atheists,budhists, christians and the majority of moderate muslims who are dragged in this fight altough they just want to peacefully live their lives.
I can't argue with you here,these double standards are appaling but what should we do now? Take it lying down? Yes,you are right,they,we (altough me and the majority of european citizens have no role in supporting Islamic extremism) supported these goons to further our political agenda but that doesn't mean we should tolerate them in our house,after all it's the citizens who will suffer not the obnoxious politicians who caused all this,and by citizens i mean europeans,atheists,budhists, christians and the majority of moderate muslims who are dragged in this fight altough they just want to peacefully live their lives.

Well then why dont the ordinary people wake up then?

They are happy with their leaders arming rebels and the basically criminals.

The thing is that no one cares.
Well then why dont the ordinary people wake up then?

They are happy with their leaders arming rebels and the basically criminals.

The thing is that no one cares.

Nobody is happy with arming loonatics,but the politicians don't care,unfortunately this "awakening" and protest against our current political elites takes the form of support to the extreme right,everywhere they are up in the polls and backlash against minorities.Add a severe econimic crisis to this situation and we will soon have an epic clusterf6ck in Europe if the situation isn't adressed.

Holy cr@p
What is OIC , a political organization of Islam. This comment should be in stupid & funny thread.

Yep,the fact that a society representing political Islam comes to tell us basically that we are racists and change our ways is the stuff of epic madness.
They should focus on the causes of islmophobia and not on in the effects.They're tackling it the wrong way,the problem doesn't exist with the europeans,a cornered animal will strike back to defend itself.If Islam wants to survive in Europe it must adapt to european values like christianity did-[there are no double standards here]-,there is no other way around,reform or be removed.

Can you explain what Islam can do to "adapt" to European values?

Don't compare Islam to Christianity....its different.

Muslims must respect the law, learn the language of their country, and be loyal to their country...what else do you think Muslims need to do to 'adapt' to Europe?

PS..you are from Romania...how big is Islam there? Do you see Muslims around there? I thought Western Europe had more Muslims hence more concerned...

E.Europeans hate Muslims because of Turks though... many Europeans don't like Turks and see them as eternal enemy to Europe since they conquered it in the past..

Holy cr@p
What is OIC , a political organization of Islam. This comment should be stupid & funny thread.

What do you mean by 'political organization of Islam'? OIC is there to supposedly look after Muslims...
Can you explain what Islam can do to "adapt" to European values?

Don't compare Islam to Christianity....its different.

Muslims must respect the law, learn the language of their country, and be loyal to their country...what else do you think Muslims need to do to 'adapt' to Europe?

PS..you are from Romania...how big is Islam there? Do you see Muslims around there? I thought Western Europe had more Muslims hence more concerned...

E.Europeans hate Muslims because of Turks though... many Europeans don't like Turks and see them as eternal enemy to Europe since they conquered it in the past..

Yes,we have muslims here,especially in the area i live,and in my experience it is contrary of what you said,i tend not to immediately put Islam down after an "incident" thanks to the turks and the turkish community in Romania.They are the perfect example of muslims contributing to society,not causing trouble and live their life without dragging their religion in politics.

You've described "adapt" perfectly :"Muslims must respect the law, learn the language of their country, and be loyal to their country" + if i might add,keep religion out of politics and even personal life-if their children want to marry outside of religion,dress in a different non islamic way,they should not be forced to do otherwise.

It's not about comparing Islam and Christianity,they're both religions and they get the same treatment in Europe,as i've said,no double standards.

Err,NO,not all eastern europeans hate turks,romanians don't,they really don't ,quite the opposite and for good reasons ;)
Can you explain what Islam can do to "adapt" to European values?
What do you mean by 'political organization of Islam'? OIC is there to supposedly look after Muslims...

My comments on their comments & deeds. He say using Islam as political tool is double edge sharp knife. This comments also applied on OIC which is formed on basis of religion. They themself use Islam as political tool & preach others to not use, Whats a hypocracy?
Yep,the fact that a society representing political Islam comes to tell us basically that we are racists and change our ways is the stuff of epic madness.

They form a political organization on a religion where members have a so many differences except one similarity that they are muslim majority countries & teach others not create phobia of this. Why in the world nobody creates Christian , Bhuddhist, Hindu, Atheist etc. political organization. Hypocracy at the best.
Yes,we have muslims here,especially in the area i live,and in my experience it is contrary of what you said,i tend not to immediately put Islam down after an "incident" thanks to the turks and the turkish community in Romania.They are the perfect example of muslims contributing to society,not causing trouble and live their life without dragging their religion in politics.

You've described "adapt" perfectly :"Muslims must respect the law, learn the language of their country, and be loyal to their country" + if i might add,keep religion out of politics

It's not about comparing Islam and Christianity,they're both religions and they get the same treatment in Europe,as i've said,no double standards.

Well in that, welcome Islam as a 'family-member' and not as a guest..as written in the OP.

Islam is now an inevitable part of Europe and will be staying there Inshallah...

Also, what do you mean by "mixing" politics with religion? How do Muslims in your country do that? I support democrats here b/c I think they are more humble to Muslim community and don't utter anti-Muslim propaganda like republicans do....so is this "mixing" religion with politics?.. because my political support for democrats come, in part, from their pro-Muslim stance...

and even personal life-if their children want to marry outside of religion,dress in a different non islamic way,they should not be forced to do otherwise.

Religion in personal life is not state's matter.

Religion arises in family...so obviously it would have influence on the children..now, if some parents want their kids to behave in a certain way..that is absolutely normal...in all societies, things like this exist...not a big deal.

Even here, strict Christian households have these problems with their kids...no biggy...

Err,NO,not all eastern europeans hate turks,romanians don't,they really don't ,quite the opposite and for good reasons ;)

Obviously..I said 'many' e.europeans..didn't say "all"....

Btw, what 'good reasons' you are talking about? Elaborate :azn:
Obviously..I said 'many' e.europeans..didn't say "all"....

Btw, what 'good reasons' you are talking about? Elaborate :azn:

1.Altough we were under turkish rule,we soon discovered that "infidel,muslim turkish" rule was gentler than fellow "orthodox brothers" russian rule or catholic christian austro-hungarian rule.
2.As i've mentioned the turkish community in Romania is the poster child for how a minority community should look-hard working,educated,friendly.
3.General good relations between our goverments.
4.WW2-In 1940 when USSR gave us an ultimatum to give them Basarabia we wanted to fight but we knew that we would get attacked by Hungary and Bulgaria also if we did.For that we had a previous agreement with Yougoslavia,Greece and Turkey that they would attack Bulgaria and Hungary.Our fellow orthodox (Yug,Greece) backed out telling us that it's better to surrender to USSR's demands.The turks were the only ones who lived up to their promises and guaranteed to attack Bulgaria if they were to attack us.

Good enough reasons? They are for the most romanians :P

You should learn to atleast read properly before hitting the keboard. He said that 'Islam shouldn't be used as a political football in Europe.' NOT that he's here for political islam. :rolleyes:
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You should learn to atleast read properly before hitting the keboard. He said that 'Islam shouldn't be used as a political football in Europe.' NOT that he's here for political islam. :rolleyes:

I know but if they use Political Islam then simply other nation or opponents used it for their interest.
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