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Officials: Israel launches airstrike into Syria

It could be an anti-aircraft missile system or advanced rockets. Anyway, the Israelis might have thought about Assad providing chemical weapons to Hezbollah ,which is unacceptable from their side. I wonder what they are going to do with Hezbollah these days, I think they will have to handle them very well ,if they want to take a military action against Iran.

Israel can not take a military action against Iran just yet. Area's too large and some targets are underground. Not to mention Iran will most likely respond with ballistic missiles (whether they hit the target or not is another issue).
A strike on Iran by Israel and USA within 2013 after the June election is quite likely.

Iranian troops face Israel from Syria. US video demonstrates upgraded bunker buster

US officials recently gave Israel a video demonstration of the new features which enable its biggest bunker buster bomb (Massive Ordnance Penetrator) to destroy Iran’s underground uranium enrichment plant at Fordo near Qom, in a bid to dissuade Israel from a unilateral attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

This is reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The video displayed the improved bomb, which Israel does not have, as hitting the ground near its target and setting off a massive underground explosion.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that this videotaped demonstration was in line with the Obama administration’s latest campaign to convince Israel that the US is getting ready to strike Iran itself.

In actual fact, the improved American MOP is not news - any more than the Israeli Air Force’s possession of bombs capable of penetrating the Fordo underground plant. This capability has given Israeli officials the confidence to assert that Israel can destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities on its own.

What Washington has in common with Jerusalem is that while both make no secret of their capabilities – and Israeli leaders are also free with threatening rhetoric - neither is actually exercising them.

The only parties on the move are Iran and Hizballah.

At the end of the week, DEBKAfile’s military sources report that both established a military presence in Syria and Lebanon, just across Israel’s two northern borders. An Iranian airlift placed Iranian boots on the ground in Syria for the first time in more than two years of its civil war. It was also the first time Israel had ever seen uniformed Iranian soldiers present at close quarters on the soil of a close neighbor.

The arrivals are members of the violent Basij volunteer militia which is trained in urban combat tactics for suppressing anti-regime unrest in Iranian cities. They are the first Iranian troops to confront Syrian rebels in combat. Roughly 6,000-8,000 militiamen have arrived so far – a figure comparable to the size of the Hizhballah elite units fighting for Bashar Assad in Syria.

The Basij militiamen were stationed in Damascus and sent to guard Syrian Shiite border villages situated opposite Hizballah-controlled South Lebanon. This deployment has placed Iranian troops opposite the intersection of the Israeli, Syrian and Lebanese borders.

Iran’s expanding military intervention in Syria accounts partly for this week’s surprise call-up of thousands of Israeli reservists for duty on the country’s northern borders. Although they were sent home after 24 hours to disguise their mission and calm rising tensions, they were in fact ordered to report back Sunday, May 5. These reservists will then pick up the gear and weapons needed for real combat, and take up positions along Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon.

Sirens blared over parts of the Golan Friday, May 3, their sensors touched off by the preparations for these military movements. The official pretext offered of a “technical glitch” was about as convincing as the Israeli military spokesman’s attempt to deny knowing who sent a drone from Beirut towards Israel on April 25.

The sirens on the Golan were apparently not loud enough to be heard in Washington and Jerusalem.
Yea we should not compro with national security.... But then its good only for short time... Just show your hardware and move out.... Anything too much is bad. Cold or aggressive....

I'm having a hard time understanding you, Israel's policy is what a rational person would call 'bad'. It's noticeably very aggressive in many situations. They've gotten condemnations around the world for excessive use of violence. Especially on occupied territories. Israel blockaded Gaza for example and had a very violent policy towards it which often times included unprovoked attacks, human rights violations, use of phosphorus, counting the amount of calories in Gaza. They also block goods from entering Gaza and they refuse to show the list of what they prevent. Which means its more than weapon materials. They strictly only want humanitarian aid so they can keep Gaza on a brink of collapse. In the West Bank also, they have nepotism, they do not take action when their Jewish people violently attack soldiers or Palestinian civilians and the army just sits around and watches. When a Palestinian does so they beat them, fire tear has and shoot rubber bullets and arrest them. This is fascist policy and Israel has an oppressive nature and occupation gene. Now both of their 'enemies' they created as a result of their occupation are stronger than they used to be and come back gaining. Gaza gains from Israeli operations as well. In the war with Lebanon Israel killed 1,200 in 34 days, but they felt embarrassed by Hezbollah so they had to try to gain their 'deterrence' again and they had to try to show the region that they are 'victorious' and able to strike hard which resulted in them using extremely disproportionate force in Gaza in 2009 and committed many war crimes and used much more force simultaneously in Gaza than they used in Lebanon. And the international world knows this but some in the West excused it. But know they isolated themselves and almost all UN members supported a Palestinian state. Don't follow Israel's footsteps.
Israel can not take a military action against Iran just yet. Area's too large and some targets are underground. Not to mention Iran will most likely respond with ballistic missiles (whether they hit the target or not is another issue).

Why is it not an issue? They need to be able to damage Israel's economy and to target their military bases. Only they will gain if they manage to hit Israeli weapon depots.
Why is it not an issue? They need to be able to damage Israel's economy and to target their military bases. Only they will gain if they manage to hit Israeli weapon depots.

I said it was another issue. I didn't say it was not an issue.
Do you think they would be able to? I would be surprised if they could.

That's the point. I'm a little skeptical about Iran's capabilities and what they say on PressTV.
This is where Israel has the advantage over Iran. But in the long run, the only thing that US/Israel can hope for is to take out its nuclear facilities via surgical and precision strikes. Invading it like Iraq won't be feasible.
The PRC along with Russia won't let such an Airstrike go away without retaliation trust me. DebkaFile is full of lies and propaganda.
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Only a brave country like Russia can stop the mad man sadly no one else can stop the mad man
Only a brave country like Russia can stop the mad man sadly no one else can stop the mad man

Iran is more than capable of doing MASSIVE damage to Israel. Israel wont be intercepting all Iranian missiles. That's why there has been no attack on Iran thus far. Iran can pack a punch.
Attacking another country is illegal act , Asia needs Russia and China to be leaders
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