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Officially the F-35 and MQ-9B for the United Arab Emirates

@ARCH٤R the new lobby put together by Sisi should sit down with its good friends from the UAE and get some tips and do their diligence before jumping into the snake pit that is Joe Biden's Washington DC. It's going to be MUCH more difficult than when the orange buffoon was in there.
@ARCH٤R the new lobby put together by Sisi should sit down with its good friends from the UAE and get some tips and do their diligence before jumping into the snake pit that is Joe Biden's Washington DC. It's going to be MUCH more difficult than when the orange buffoon was in there.
Lobbying will take a lot of time, perhaps decades to overturn the tides of the Israeli influence. I think Egypt should make sure it’s able to defend halfway through the Sinai at worst.
The most artificial nation I've seen in my life is UAE lol
In a land where there is nothing but sand....it is the only way to progress ahead. And Pakistanis love to live in the artificial life over there, appreciating or mostly criticism of it is another story.


WASHINGTON, November 10, 2020 - The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of the United Arab Emirates of Munitions, Sustainment and Support, and related equipment for an estimated cost of $10.0 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale today.

The Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has requested to buy eight hundred two (802) AIM-120C8 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); sixteen (16) AIM-120C8 AMRAAM guidance sections spares; two thousand four (2,004) MK-82 500LB General Purpose (GP) Bombs; seventy-two (72) MK-82 Inert 500LB GP Bombs; one thousand (1,000) MK-84 2,000LB GP Bombs; one thousand two (1,002) MK-83 1,000LB GP Bombs; two thousand five hundred (2,500) Small Diameter Bomb Increment 1 (SDB-1), GBU-39/B, with CNU-659/E Container; eight (8) GBU-39 SDB-1 Guided Test Vehicles; two thousand (2,000) KMU-572 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) Tail Kit for 500LB Bombs; one thousand (1,000) KMU-556 JDAM Tail Kit for 2,000LB Bombs; one thousand (1,000) KMU-559 JDAM Tail Kit for 1,000LB Bombs; four thousand (4,000) FMU-139 Fuze systems; six hundred fifty (650) AGM-154C Joint Stand Off Weapons (JSOWs); fifty (50) AGM-154E Joint Stand Off WeaponsExtended Range (JSOW-ER); one hundred fifty (150) AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) Tactical Missiles; six (6) CATM-88 AARGM CATMs. Also included are six (6) JSOW-C AGM-154C Captive Air Training Missiles (CATMs); six (6) JSOW-ER AGM-154E CATMs; ARD 446-1B and ARD 863-1A1W Impulse Cartridges; JSOW-C Dummy Air Training Missiles (DATM); JSOW-C Captive Flight Vehicles (CFVs); JSOW-ER DATMs; JSOW-ER CFVs; PGU-23/U training ammunition, encryption devices and keying equipment for test missiles (not for export); Laser Illuminated Target Detector, DSU-38A/B; software delivery and support; AIM-120C Captive Air Training Missiles (CATM) and Airborne Instrumented Units (AIU) Telemetry Sections; missile containers; munitions components; aircraft test and integration support; containers; mission planning; munitions security, storage and training; facility design, construction and quality standards; weapon operational flight program software development; transportation; tools and test equipment; support equipment; spare and repair parts; weapons and aircraft integration support and test equipment; publications and technical documentation; personnel training and training equipment, devices and software; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services; site surveys; and other related elements of logistics and program support. The total estimated cost is $10.0 billion.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of an important regional partner. The UAE has been, and continues to be, a vital U.S. partner for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East.

The proposed sale will improve the UAE’s capability to meet current and future threats by providing enhanced capabilities to various aircraft platforms in effective defense of air, land, and sea. The proposed sale of the missiles/munitions and support will increase interoperability with the U.S. and align the UAE Air Force’s capabilities with existing regional baselines. Further, the UAE continues to provide host-nation support of vital U.S. forces stationed in the UAE and plays a vital role in supporting U.S. regional interests. The UAE will have no difficulty absorbing these weapons into its armed forces.

The proposed sale of this equipment and support represents a significant increase in capability and will alter the regional military balance.

The principal contractors will be Raytheon, Tucson, AZ; and Northrop Grumman Information Systems, Ridgecrest, CA. If requested, F-16 integration will be completed via Direct Commercial Sale (DCS) between Lockheed Martin and the purchaser. The munitions will be sourced through procurement and the contractor determined during contract negotiations. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale. However, the purchaser typically requests offsets. Any offset agreements will be defined in negotiations between the purchaser and the contractor(s).

Implementation of this proposed sale will require annual trips to the UAE involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical reviews, support, and oversight.

There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readiness as a result of this proposed sale.

This notice of a potential sale is required by law. The description and dollar value is for the highest estimated quantity and dollar value based on initial requirements. Actual dollar value will be lower depending on final requirements, budget authority, and signed sales agreement(s), if and when concluded.

All questions regarding this proposed Foreign Military Sale should be directed to the State Department's Bureau of Political Military Affairs, Office of Congressional and Public Affairs, pm-cpa@state.gov.


Sky Guardian

Sea Guardian



(2,004) MK-82 500LB
(1,000) MK-84 2,000LB
(1,002) MK-83 1,000LB
(2,500) Small Diameter Bomb Increment 1 (SDB-1)
(2,000) KMU-572 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)
(1,000) KMU-556 JDAM Tail Kit for 2,000LB
(1,000) KMU-559 JDAM Tail Kit for 1,000LB Bomb
(650) AGM-154C Joint Stand Off Weapons (JSOWs)
(150) AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM)

The MQ-9B SkyGuardian™ / SeaGuardian Drones are equiped with Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) mission kits, receivers, and acoustic processors..
The (SDB) small-diameter bomb will add to the Reaper UAV's weapons arsenal, which already includes the GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided bomb, the AGM-114 Hellfire II air-to-ground missile, the AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missile, and the GBU-38 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM)..

Good for them. They were looking at F-35s since 2011.
Lobbying will take a lot of time, perhaps decades to overturn the tides of the Israeli influence. I think Egypt should make sure it’s able to defend halfway through the Sinai at worst.

Looking for the post and if there was a link you posted to an article? Was it in the armed forces thread or the projects thread? Or was it neither and maybe twitter?
Lots of great hardware, but it’s a tiny country with a very small population. Reminds me of a small scorpion that can pack a punch and hurt, but get overwhelmed by a bigger foe.

As for the Sparta tag I think that’s great, it’s just that they have no Spartans. Time machine needed to go back and get them.
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Lots or great hardware, but it’s a tiny country with a very small population. Reminds me of a small scorpion that can pack a punch and hurt, but get overwhelmed by a bigger foe.

As for the Sparta tag I think that’s great, it’s just that they have no Spartans. Time machine needed to go back and get them.

My analysis on the sale of F-35 and MQ-9B to the United Arab Emirates by U.S.

God forbid, in case of HIC, UAE wont survive even if they can doubled their mil hardware. Its a tiny tonny artificial place and their armed forces don’t have power neither projection to go beyond its border for the offensive posturing. For instance, 2-3 tactical or short range missiles will wipe-out emirates from the gulf. The dynamics of the battlefiled has been changed drastically from the past couple of years. You’re more relying on the aggressive diplomacy instead of using weapon. Perhaps, hybrid/asymmetric approach is another way of dealing.

Saudia failed to defend from the missile attacks after spending billions of dollars on the U.S. defense and weapon systems. It couldn’t be possible in today’s world that you can protect and defend yourself in case of multi-battlespace engagement (air, land, sea and space). It’s a pre-established norm of the modern wars that in every single adventure, the opposition will ready to use (extensively and unexpectedly) full of its battlefield machinery whether in case of HIC or LIC. So, how you defend and respond to such broad spectrum of opposition’s capabilities especially when your size is not even half of the opposition?

UAE never became an Israel for the U.S. even though if they abolish and terminate every single Islamic law. That’s exactly what they’re trying to do. The global powers have their own interests and objectives. They only provide you a sophisticated weapons when they can see you as a tool for the containment of their enemy. That’s what United States is currently doing, selling-off sophisticated military hardware to India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan for whom? It’s not all about the money to support its own military hardware manufacturers.

Still failed to understand, why UAE is purchasing such weapon systems that are specifically desigined for the offensive role in real terms. F-35 is a stealth combat fighter and has capability to breach any air defense system in the world. Such purchases actually triggers friend and foe both and creates panic in the larger adversaries. They might start bullying you for no reason just to enforce and maintain their hegemony.

UAE doesn’t have such strategic challenges nor capable to establish against anyone. It has nothing do with the financial and economic situations of the countries. All of its neighbours are might not financially powerful but their mass, their forces (in any case) has enough capability and deterrence to enforce their supermacy against the Emirates.

The implications of changing balance-of-power are wider than expected in the future.

What do you think?

@Horus @Irfan Baloch @graphican @Trailer23 @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @TOPGUN @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Windjammer
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GCC..A mighty air force
EF Typhoon Tranche 3 and 4
F-18 Super hornet
F16 Block 60
Mirage 2k-9
Still waiting for the announcement of the E/A-18G Growler

With..Local manufacturing .. Self-sufficiency .. Heavy maintenance .. Ammunition manufacturing .. Spare parts manufacturing .. Manufacturing of external parts.. and AWACS - electronic warfare - Air refueling - hundreds of thousands of munitions.. it is really a terrifying force..

Yes it is a lot .. and it will cover the next 10 years if not more..
A great deal that fulfills what is required and promised ... and any technology transfer will take place in subsequent bilateral negotiations between the UAE and the arms manufacturers after the deal is passed by Congress..
However, 0X100000000000000000=0 and that will remain a bottomline in Middle east. Huthis have done it, Israelis knows it, and Iranians laugh at it.
Unnecessary acquisition. Better diplomacy work toward Iran and Turkey will solve their future threat. Gulf nations should prepare for the new economic future in the next 10-15 years who will depend less on oil. They have already got enough military power by the way, no need to make it excessive, the money can better spend on something more productive.
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And here comes the bitterness and jealousy as expected. UAE was never islamic to begin with since it's early days. Pakistan neither is Islamic. Stop kidding yourself son and stop drinking from your own kool-aid. UAE has allies and has firm agreements with them to sell whatever they want to each other. Maybe you should learn diplomacy from them instead.

Stop being jealous. UAE has the most futuristic cities in the world and probably most futuristic country. This has attracted unfortunately unwarranted haters
Having been to the UAE I have to admit that you are right. I was surprised by how developed UAE was, and with a vibrant community of people from all over the world . The leaders of those countries have done a fabulous job. It's funny seeing some pakistanis here insulting the UAE, when the country itself is one of the poorest in South Asia(already one of the most poorest and backward region on earth) much less the world. Instead of learning from countries like the UAE , it seems they are more busy arguing over who is more religious/Islamic than the other. Lool. Never kind that it's the Arabs that brought them that religion in the first place 🤦🏾‍♂️. One thing is for sure, South Asian countries have a longggggg way to go. 🤦🏾‍♂️
Lots of great hardware, but it’s a tiny country with a very small population. Reminds me of a small scorpion that can pack a punch and hurt, but get overwhelmed by a bigger foe.

As for the Sparta tag I think that’s great, it’s just that they have no Spartans. Time machine needed to go back and get them.

They can only go back in time and get Spartans if they existed on this land -- but sadly that was never the case.
Lots of great hardware, but it’s a tiny country with a very small population. Reminds me of a small scorpion that can pack a punch and hurt, but get overwhelmed by a bigger foe.

Speaking of scorpions, I don't know if you know this, but I lived in Rawalpindi in the early 70's when I was a young whippersnapper and after playing in the backyard and climbing rocks and jumping in bushes etc., my mother calls me in time for dinner and of course I have to take a shower first since I'm filthy. Throw my clothes on the bathroom floor and jump in the shower. 5 minutes I'm done ready to eat and sitting on the dinner table chowing with Pops, we hear my mother screaming from the bathroom and in we run to see a massive brown scorpion had crawled out of my clothes and was wondering the bathroom floor.

My father took off his slipper and made puree out of the poor thing lol and flushed it down the toilet. But that, along with several other good ones are some of the great memories I have of Pakistan.

Oh, the other one was the "bushes" I would jump into, were all 10 foot tall marijuana plants that just grew wildly in the backyard. :lol:
Speaking of scorpions, I don't know if you know this, but I lived in Rawalpindi in the early 70's when I was a young whippersnapper and after playing in the backyard and climbing rocks and jumping in bushes etc., my mother calls me in time for dinner and of course I have to take a shower first since I'm filthy. Throw my clothes on the bathroom floor and jump in the shower. 5 minutes I'm done ready to eat and sitting on the dinner table chowing with Pops, we hear my mother screaming from the bathroom and in we run to see a massive brown scorpion had crawled out of my clothes and was wondering the bathroom floor.

My father took off his slipper and made puree out of the poor thing lol and flushed it down the toilet. But that, along with several other good ones are some of the great memories I have of Pakistan.

Oh, the other one was the "bushes" I would jump into, were all 10 foot tall marijuana plants that just grew wildly in the backyard. :lol:

Hahaha great story brother. The fact is the big ones are not dangerous, but I guess that's not very comforting.
You guys don't really have much dangerous wildlife in Egypt aside the Egyptian Cobra, which to be honest is quite a timid snake and flees.
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