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Official British Brexit thread.

@waz , @Blue Marlin , @UKBengali , @Steve781 , @Hamartia Antidote ET al.
Good laugh.:rofl: seems some people still believe they can get rid of our language as the world's lingua franca/global language . It's not a coincidence. Lol. I know some despise the global dominance of Anglo Saxon on world affairs. :D

forum de défense pakistan

pourquoi limiter à la seule Union européenne?

Je parlerai français à partir de maintenant!

"The forces that have made English so powerful are more cultural than governmental," writes Keating.

"Why do all these young civil servants coming from Eastern Europe speak English? Because they've been watching American television and movies their entire lives. It has little to do with the UK.

"It isn't only in Europe that English is the main means of inter-cultural communication. It is a global phenomenon. A Brexit isn't going to change that.

Si seule la France pourrait faire des émissions de télévision mauvaises comme les Américains. Le monde mange vers le haut comme le caviar.
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France and Germany are both losers. Napoleon and Hitler. They know they can't beat Britain fair and and square, so they come up with EU.


EU nations 'to be morphed into one' post-Brexit.

EUROPEAN political chiefs are to take advantage of Brexit by unveiling their long-held plan to morph the continent’s countries into one GIANT SUPERSTATE, it has emerged yesterday.

The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an “ultimatum”.

Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.

Not being in EU do not means being in continental Europe :lol:

No wonder people call French "Europe ka Pathan"
(With due respect to both French and Pathans :lol: )

Yes, they want to be . Forgetting that even if it was not English it will be German. Lol
But Spanish and French are spoken in much more areas/countries then German. Using one of these would make more sense rather then German.
Not being in EU do not means being in continental Europe :lol:

No wonder people call French "Europe ka Pathan"
(With due respect to both French and Pathans :lol: )

But Spanish and French are spoken in much more areas/countries then German. Using one of these would make more sense rather then German.
more countries in EU speak french than german?
There have been two sought and found. :blink:
More than that bro. In fact I more than anybody else I know how the French in general despise English language global dominance and Anglo Saxon supremacy on world's culture /media/entertainment industry etc believe me when I say that. :)

French politicians have been trying for years to limit English language and culture dominating /affecting their francophone country and French speaking world in general invane though .lol
They often go to such extent to achieve this so much so that it's almost a joke. Lol

France protects itself from the dreaded English language by banning 'fast-food' and 'podcasting'

13:53 11 Mar 2008, updated 12:28 12 Mar 2008


France has launched a new drive to stop a glut of English words from invading the native tongue. Terms including "email", "blog" and "fast-food" should all be banished from the language, according to French culture ministry chiefs. Others words threatening to steam-roller French vocabulary out of existence are "supermodel", "take-away" food and "low-cost airline". Even such obscure terms as "shadow-boxing" and "detachable motor caravan" - which have apparently slipped into French usage - are included in the 65 pages of banned words on the ministry's new website, which was launched this week. French linguists at the Academie Francaise - the body that monitors and protects the their language - have come up with Gallic equivalents to more than 500 mostly English words for the website, being run by the culture ministry's "General Commission for Terminology". It is expressions related to new technology that have clearly caused the greatest headache for the language experts - with an entire page on the site being devoted to the word "podcasting". A spokesman for the Terminology Commission writes: "The word derives from the brand iPod, and its usage in French is causing some confusion. "The Commission recommends that the French equivalent from now on should be 'diffusion pour baladeur'." Neither do the French appreciate the term "Wi-Fi" - easily pronouncable in French as "wee-fee" - because it is short for the English phrase "wireless fidelity". So they recommend that France's millions of internet users say "acces sans fil a l'internet" instead. Scroll down for more ...

The detailed list of words covers almost every sphere of life - with builders being told they should no longer glibly talk about "multifunctional industrial buildings" and "rise pipes", but now use "batiment industriel polyvalent" and "colonne montante". Scientists can no longer refer to "serial analysis of gene expression" and "suppression subtractive hybridization". From now on they must say, "analyse en sirie de l'expression des genes" and "hybridation soustractive selective". And television sports commentators are being advised to stop using the word "coach" or "corner" for football matches. They should instead say "entraineur" and "coup de pied de coin". But the site also contains several bizarre misconceptions of words not actually used in English at all. Scroll down for more ...

It recommends that people should stop referring to a snack bar as a "scramble" and start calling it a "kiosque". And women who want a make-over must no longer ask to be "re-looked", but request to be "remodelle" instead. A Terminology Commission spokesman said: "The list has been published because in some areas of life, people are becoming obliged to use foreign words that are not comprehensible to all, when there is always a French equivalent that will do equally well. "French is a living language which is able to adapt in the modern world, but it is also rich enough to speak for itself, without the need for hundreds of English expressions."


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more countries in EU speak french than german?
In the world!
French, Spanish and Portuguese all had colonies and many countries still use these languages. German language is main spoken in some countries surrounding Germany. In Europe, the number of countries who speak German may be more then the ones who speak French. I was talking about the world in general as we were comparing it with English.

But Spanish and French are spoken in much more areas/countries then German. Using one of these would make more sense rather then German.

Its for Europe not around the world. So German will apply and it will be more appropriate. :D Merkel is now the rule maker in Europe anyway, we leaving will make her even more dominant, not they want to be, but they will by default. :confused:
In the world!
French, Spanish and Portuguese all had colonies and many countries still use these languages. German language is main spoken in some countries surrounding Germany. In Europe, the number of countries who speak German may be more then the ones who speak French. I was talking about the world in general as we were comparing it with English.

Obviously, German is spoken by more countries in Europe, so if English won't be E. U's language, German is the favourite to come second. :D
Sure it will bahi jannn,
the talk was about "replacing English" so i applied the same rule that "selected" English in the first place and based on that i made the statement about Spanish and French!
I hope ab kuch samj aaya ho ga janab ko!

Yea by that logic German will cover more countries in EU. :)
they want English out as its spoken by only small minority of EU population.. using that logic... :)
It's a reasonable idea if british leave there will be no english speaking country in EU so why bother to translate documents to english and waist money ...
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