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Officers Detained at Dulles, Call off visit


May 12, 2009
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Pakistani Officers Detained

A delegation of Pakistani military officers, traveling to the United States Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Fla., were detained for questioning by airport security agents after arriving at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, a Pakistani official said Monday night.

The officers were detained after one of them made what a flight attendant considered to be an “inappropriate remark” on the way to Dulles, said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. That officer was removed from the flight after it landed, he said, and the rest were detained after they disembarked. They were later released. (An American military official confirmed the account.)

Members of the delegation of about eight officers, led by a two-star general, were offended by their treatment and canceled the meeting at Central Command, the official said. He said that Defense Department officials had apologized for the incident and that it was unclear whether the meeting would take place.

ISI should Bitchslap them.......it's about time any of the NATO tankers didn't blow up.
Great stuff - These Pakistani officers SHOULD spread the word about the US has become to others - and they in turn should make it known that military to military relations between Pakistan and US are a great danger to the Pakistani state - it is not required, the US and Pakistan have nothng to offer each other, in fact, soon, in less than 10 years, unless Pakistan takes an independent direction, the US will be involved in armed aggression against Pakistan.

While our forum members and some in the Pakistan armed forces continue to see the Indian as a threat, the real threat has been and will be, the US.
^^ One off incident --

I see a lot of Pakistani officers (Generals and commissioned officers) at my place...so pretty sure they get here safe sound and they like the place.
Teacup, tey, no big deal - but then again, what is a big deal to you guys? Have any US officers been treated in that manner in Pakistan? See, that's why I argue that this is such a dysfunctional and absurd relationship, it's entirely one sided, for both sides, for the Pakistanis, it's free goodies for their armed forces and they then half heartedly commit Pakistan into policies that the population certainly do not support, the US types think the Pakistanis are on board in a fundamental way, and then get burnt when they realize that Pakistanis had no intention of signing up in the manner the US types thought the Pakistanis had. Both sides start with the intention of burning the other, what the heck kind of relationship is that? .
People do get detained for making "inappropriate remarks" when flying U.S. airlines. Nothing extraordinary about it. Welcome to America post-9/11.
It was a single individual who made the allegedly inappropriate remark - and the entrie group was detained - normal? What does that say about what US authorities think of Pakistani officers? Did they know these were officers? and they still detained them?

OK, look beyond this issue - Can the US be a friend or ally? no, Can Pakistran be a US friend or ally? no. In both cases, the very basic thing between countries simply does not exist, namely, respect or general good will- Pakistanis detest US policies and US types detest Pakistanis period.

Further, or at least to my thinking, the US is engaged in what it calls "a complex relationship" with Pakistan and Pakistanis just call it duplicity, and the US types call it a double game - and this skewed perspective that both have of each other will in less than 10 years, unless Pakistan detaches itself from this F16 and Frigates business and in general arms transfer business, will land Pakistan in armed confrontation with a friendly neighbor or with the US.

Recall the relations the US once had with Iran, for them and for Pakistan, this is now the norm between them - how will Americans respond when after all their assistance, they will discover reality that they are as despised in Pakistan as they were before? And they are getting ready to pump even more money into Pakistan, it's all surreal.
Great stuff - These Pakistani officers SHOULD spread the word about the US has become to others - and they in turn should make it known that military to military relations between Pakistan and US are a great danger to the Pakistani state - it is not required, the US and Pakistan have nothng to offer each other, in fact, soon, in less than 10 years, unless Pakistan takes an independent direction, the US will be involved in armed aggression against Pakistan.

While our forum members and some in the Pakistan armed forces continue to see the Indian as a threat, the real threat has been and will be, the US.


Sir---I don't know who you are---truly you are not the same muse that left for a while---seemingly---there is another person posting under your disguise.

Anyway---pak millitary officers are not like little children whimpering and crying like if someone stole their ice cream cone---. What if an enemy player set this all up for the officers to have a reaction and create a scene---in order to create a rift amongst the officers---.

Do you really really think that your milltary officer has such a vain personality and they would fall into the opponents trap so easily---

I don't like your thinking----YOU DON'T QUALIFY FOR THINK TANK any more---think tank members need to have forward thinking---you should be leading the way with your vision and open approach---a vision that you share with the members to make them understand---ideas that you have ought to lead the way for members to look upto you.

Very disappointed with your posts---.
A Two Star Gen detained and release! I think Fata senators responded well enough couple of year ago.
US authorities should be told in clearcut manner what is an official tour means.
What if an enemy player set this all up for the officers to have a reaction and create a scene---in order to create a rift amongst the officers

What does that say about security for Pakistani officers in the US? Thank you for making an excellent point - indeed, the US if what you suggest is a real possiblity, seems rather fertile ground for the enemies of Pakistan, you seem to be saying.

I don't like your thinking----YOU DON'T QUALIFY FOR THINK TANK any more---think tank members need to have forward thinking---you should be leading the way with your vision and open approach---a vision that you share with the members to make them understand---ideas that you have ought to lead the way for members to look upto you.

There's a remedy for that, I was not born with "Think tank" and "Think tank" has never effected the content of my posts, I did not allow it to censor my post before and I will not allow it to do so in the future -- MK you do not have first hand experience and I cannot make the same claim - you don't have to buy or like what I am saying, but that does not effect or change the content of my post.

But experience or not, you don't like what is being expressed and so somehow it's wrong? is that a reasonable position?
Yes I'm back and apparently in much disfavor for suggesting that not all the money in the world will make Pakistanis think well of the US policies or forget it's betrayal and not all the blood sacrifices in the world will make Americans think well of Pakistanis - and that in such a situation Pakistani armed forces should keep their distance and focus on their aim, you can be sure US forces are focusing on their aim.
It was a single individual who made the allegedly inappropriate remark - and the entrie group was detained - normal?
In my experience, yes.

What does that say about what US authorities think of Pakistani officers?
It says nothing.

Did they know these were officers? and they still detained them?
What difference would that make? (Presumably they were only detained long enough to flip their passports and get them confirmed by the Pakistani consul.)

OK, look beyond this issue -
Um, no. It's like asking whether you can trust your doctor because he keeps the door between the waiting room and his office locked. If you talk about breaking through the walls then you can't blame the nurse for calling security. That has nothing to do with his skill as a physician, does it?

P.S.: You sure you're muse? You write like Jigs.
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