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Aug 9, 2008
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Remember Hainan Island incident? When a US spyplane flying in Chinese airspace was accidentally collided by an intercepting J-8 fighter? Well, here is a tribute to Wang Wei, the pilot of the J-8 that collided with the spyplane and was subsequently lost.

The author was a Chinese teen living in China. He wrote this in English. Not too bad for someone who's primary language is Chinese.

The title of this is "Ode to Wang Wei".

"Somewhere in the South China Sea does lay,
A Chinese fighter pilot by the name of Wang-wei.
How is it he has chosen in that place to stay?
Did he take a wrong turn and go the wrong way?

"For, you see, Wang-wei, he so loved to play,
With recon planes who came out to survey,
What China was planning, to see what may,
Occur in the future with Taiwan in the way.

"So, he thought to himself,
'These American spies, how dare they,
Intrude into our waters – now they must pay!
I will show them, surely, the Chinese way,
They will remember me on this momentus [sic] day.'

"He was filled with bravado, as he buzzed around the plane,
The American crew, they just thought him insane,
'What is it with this guy, has he no brain?
He has everything to lose and nothing to gain.'

"But Wang-wei was determined to be remembered that day,
For his bravado, his flashy and flamboyant way,
He soared 'neath the plane, then in front with his spray,
Spewing fumes in their faces as if to say,
To every American who dares to spy China's way,
'I'm here, I'm there, I'm always in your way,
I'm the Tom Cruise of China, I'm the great Wang-wei!'

"Yeah, Wang-wei, he went down on that very day,
In the daredevil game that he so loved to play,
He went down for his country, or so they say,
To remind to all recons who again spy China's way,
'My life's in the balance, it is that you now weigh,
Do not spy on dear China or else you must pay,
For that I went down to the place I now lay,
The occasion [sic] by which you will mark this day!'"

Remember Hainan Island incident? When a US spyplane flying in Chinese airspace was accidentally collided by an intercepting J-8 fighter? Well, here is a tribute to Wang Wei, the pilot of the J-8 that collided with the spyplane and was subsequently lost.

The author was a Chinese teen living in China. He wrote this in English. Not too bad for someone who's primary language is Chinese.

The title of this is "Ode to Wang Wei".

The fact about was EP-3 in Chinese airspace befor the collinsion is not clear. But it was spying on the island that was sure. It's pity PLAN lost a pilot.
I think the case only show two things:
1.They really should sent Su-27,it should have survive the "bump" menuver,which soviet Su-27 done to Norweigian Airforce P-3's back in coldwars. Leadership really should have made their mind about interception.
2.PLAN really suck on search and rescue! Hopefuly they learn from this and made some progress in that area.

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