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Obsession that Fly higher than the Pigeon


Sep 25, 2016
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These Guys have Completely Lost their Minds ... @Joe Shearer your Opinion on this ?
@waz @Oscar @Arsalan @Windjammer @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @Bratva @TOPGUN @Basel @Kaptaan @Bilal Khan 777 @Horus @Imran Khan @Jungibaaz @Spring Onion @war&peace @Dazzler
Check this video out , i hope all of you can understand Hindi/Urdu to understand it ..
Can someone be Obsessed to that Level ? and presenting such Report on Media ? ? ? is there any History about US or Russian Using Birds for such highly Sophisticated Missions ? ? and presented on Media the way they are doing ??? hard to believe but that is crazy but funny as well :)
Why stop at pigeons! what about common vermin like mice, rats and even cockroaches. then animals like cats and dogs. other birds like crows, falcons and vultures can be in use as well.

These Guys have Completely Lost their Minds ... @Joe Shearer your Opinion on this ?
@waz @Oscar @Arsalan @Windjammer @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @Bratva @TOPGUN @Basel @Kaptaan @Bilal Khan 777 @Horus @Imran Khan @Jungibaaz @Spring Onion @war&peace @Dazzler
Check this video out , i hope all of you can understand Hindi/Urdu to understand it ..
Can someone be Obsessed to that Level ? and presenting such Report on Media ? ? ? is there any History about US or Russian Using Birds for such highly Sophisticated Missions ? ? and presented on Media the way they are doing ??? hard to believe but that is crazy but funny as well :)

These Guys have Completely Lost their Minds ... your Opinion on this ?
Check this video out , i hope all of you can understand Hindi/Urdu to understand it ..
Can someone be Obsessed to that Level ? and presenting such Report on Media ? ? ? is there any History about US or Russian Using Birds for such highly Sophisticated Missions ? ? and presented on Media the way they are doing ??? hard to believe but that is crazy but funny as well :)

History is full of strange weapons of war using animals, most aren't at all successful, I am aware of pigeons being trained in WWII to deliver small bombs. There was an attempt in the cold war to use a cat with a wire to listen in on other people's conversations, that failed too.

As for the obsession of Indian authorities and media about Pakistani spy pigeons, camels and other animals, that's inexplicable.

These Guys have Completely Lost their Minds ... @Joe Shearer your Opinion on this ?
@waz @Oscar @Arsalan @Windjammer @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @Bratva @TOPGUN @Basel @Kaptaan @Bilal Khan 777 @Horus @Imran Khan @Jungibaaz @Spring Onion @war&peace @Dazzler
Check this video out , i hope all of you can understand Hindi/Urdu to understand it ..
Can someone be Obsessed to that Level ? and presenting such Report on Media ? ? ? is there any History about US or Russian Using Birds for such highly Sophisticated Missions ? ? and presented on Media the way they are doing ??? hard to believe but that is crazy but funny as well :)

These are lunatic times. Nothing surprises me any more.
History is full of strange weapons of war using animals, most aren't at all successful, I am aware of pigeons being trained in WWII to deliver small bombs. There was an attempt in the cold war to use a cat with a wire to listen in on other people's conversations, that failed too.

As for the obsession of Indian authorities and media about Pakistani spy pigeons, camels and other animals, that's inexplicable.
But it let's us to see a glimpse of the Indian people's mind....how insecure and scared they are and that is why we should always be ready as they can do anything out of their insanity and obsession at the national scale.
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These Guys have Completely Lost their Minds ... @Joe Shearer your Opinion on this ?
@waz @Oscar @Arsalan @Windjammer @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @Bratva @TOPGUN @Basel @Kaptaan @Bilal Khan 777 @Horus @Imran Khan @Jungibaaz @Spring Onion @war&peace @Dazzler
Check this video out , i hope all of you can understand Hindi/Urdu to understand it ..
Can someone be Obsessed to that Level ? and presenting such Report on Media ? ? ? is there any History about US or Russian Using Birds for such highly Sophisticated Missions ? ? and presented on Media the way they are doing ??? hard to believe but that is crazy but funny as well :)

Thats left of yours. No more US donated f16 or chine fc-1, you now depends on indigenous pegions. hahaha...

Trained birds can be used to kill people by carrying RDX.

These Guys have Completely Lost their Minds ... @Joe Shearer your Opinion on this ?
@waz @Oscar @Arsalan @Windjammer @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER @Bratva @TOPGUN @Basel @Kaptaan @Bilal Khan 777 @Horus @Imran Khan @Jungibaaz @Spring Onion @war&peace @Dazzler
Check this video out , i hope all of you can understand Hindi/Urdu to understand it ..
Can someone be Obsessed to that Level ? and presenting such Report on Media ? ? ? is there any History about US or Russian Using Birds for such highly Sophisticated Missions ? ? and presented on Media the way they are doing ??? hard to believe but that is crazy but funny as well :)

birds have been used for espionage and communications in history
i do not know how effective it has been

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