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‘Hindutva pop’: The singers producing anti-Muslim music in India

Man these fucking pajeets have a fetish for muslims beating the crap out them. I think most of them think that all muslims are like the indian muslims, soft, very subservient and not at all self respecting.May Allah SWT have mercy on these piss drinkers 'cause we wont.
Lmao you can't make this sh*t up. Who the hell will support them after getting their ear raped by that noise that they call music. At least hire some good singers to make some catchy songs lol.
No Moral high ground or Authority to comment on it when our own house is in shambles

Rana Sana and Punjab police did same on May 25th
And Rana Sana and Cherry Blossom also violently killed Tahir Qadri's supporters

Our internal elements have same mentality the PML/PPP goons and gangsters and thugs

That is the reality since April
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I find it interesting that almost ALL the LYRICS was MISTRANSLATED to give wrong meaning.

This is classic PROPAGANDA. lol.

Pretty sure pakistanis can understand the actual Lyrics and provide a proper translation here.
North India is a cesspool, sucking the tax money and producing shit music.
Are you "Southies" really any different from the Northern ones? an Indian is an Indian regardless. The vast, vast majority of you share the same hivemind and mentality.

Anyone know where I can download the second lady singer song, sounds great.
I'll be playing it when I attend an RSS rally, we don't have them here in the UK due to the threat of big nasty Pakistani males beating their brains out. I'll have to go to the US.
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