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Obama's Kashmir conundrum


Mar 6, 2008
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BBC NEWS | South Asia | Obama's Kashmir conundrum

By Andrew Whitehead
BBC News

Protest in Srinagar, 6 January
India does not want its control of the Kashmir Valley questioned

Kashmir, said Barack Obama just a few days before his presidential election victory, is "obviously a potential tar pit diplomatically".

Few could argue with that. Those outsiders who have sought to broker a deal in Kashmir, one of the world's longest running conflicts, have got themselves into a fix.

They have not solved the dispute; they have managed to embroil themselves in some very sour diplomatic rows.

For six decades, the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan has defied attempts at resolution.

One of the United Nations' oldest military contingents is stationed there - it has also been one of the most ineffective.

Just suggesting outside mediation is usually enough to provoke an angry response from the Indian government.

Bill Clinton role?

Yet in that same interview with Time magazine, Mr Obama held open the prospect that his administration would get involved in sorting out Kashmir and might even send a high profile envoy.

Barack Obama
I think there is a moment where potentially we could get [Indian and Pakistani] attention. It won't be easy but it's important
Barack Obama

One of the "critical tasks" for his administration, Barack Obama told Time's experienced political commentator Joe Klein, was working with Pakistan and India "in a serious way" to try to resolve the Kashmir crisis.

He spoke of the need "to devote serious diplomatic resources to get a special envoy in there, to figure out a plausible approach, and essentially make the argument to the Indians: you guys are on the brink of being an economic superpower, why do you want to keep messing with this?

"To make the argument to the Pakistanis: look at India and what they are doing, why do you want to keep on being bogged down with this particularly at a time where the biggest threat now is coming from the Afghan border?

"I think there is a moment where potentially we could get their attention. It won't be easy but it's important."

Joe Klein then put it to Barack Obama that it sounded like a job for former President Bill Clinton.

"Might not be bad," responded Senator Obama. "I actually talked to Bill... about this when we had lunch in Harlem."

It was hardly a roadmap for Kashmir, but nor was it just a stray remark.

Amid the clamour of the closing days of the presidential election campaign, the remarks did not get a lot of attention in the US media.

But they were noticed and analysed across South Asia.

Kashmiri separatists were pleased, the Pakistan establishment did not seem to know what to make of it and the Indian authorities were distinctly annoyed.

India controls the Kashmir Valley and believes it has largely vanquished the armed separatist groups, many of which have had links to Pakistan.

A US special envoy could be seen as throwing into question the Indian claim to Kashmir, and encouraging Kashmiris to campaign against Indian rule.

Ever since a peace accord with Pakistan back in 1972, India has insisted that the future of Kashmir is a bilateral matter.

Its message to the rest of the world's diplomats could be summarised as: "Keep away from Kashmir, it's none of your business."

Straws in the wind

The received wisdom in India was that either Barack Obama was naive in his remarks on Kashmir or he would be pulled back by the seasoned South Asia experts in Washington.

The Mumbai attacks in late November and then the broadly successful completion of state elections in Indian-administered Kashmir, were seen as strengthening India's stand.

Indeed the veteran American journalist and foreign affairs expert Selig Harrison declared this month that President-elect Obama had "made his first big foreign-policy mistake" even before taking office. The supposed mistake: pledging US intervention in the Kashmir dispute.

"By questioning Indian control of the Kashmir Valley," wrote Harrison in the Washington Times, "the United States would strengthen jihadi forces in both Islamabad and Srinagar, the capital of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. More importantly, it would undermine improving US-India relations."

But there have been some straws in the wind to suggest that the new administration will be more active over Kashmir.

Susan Rice, one of Mr Obama's closest foreign policy advisers, made reference to Kashmir last week during Congressional hearings for her nomination as the new US ambassador to the United Nations.

She commended the role of the UN in responding to threats to international peace and security - "from the Balkans to East Timor, from Liberia to Kashmir, from Cyprus to the Golan Heights".

That sent another shudder through the Indian external affairs ministry.

David Miliband's words on Kashmir touched a nerve in India

Also last week, an article by Britain's Foreign Secretary David Miliband - published in the Guardian newspaper while he was on a visit to India - again turned the focus on the Kashmir conflict.

"Resolution of the dispute over Kashmir would help deny extremists in the region one of their main calls to arms and allow Pakistani authorities to focus more effectively on tackling the threat on their western borders," Mr Miliband wrote.

He did not suggest an international envoy. Nevertheless, the Indian establishment fired a sustained volley of criticism at their ministerial visitor.

"There is no linkage between Kashmir and the terror India has been facing emanating from Pakistan," said a spokesman for India's governing Congress party.

"The bureaucracy in the British foreign office should have educated him a little bit on the facts."

A leading figure in the main opposition BJP was even more forthright. "In recent years, there has been no bigger disaster than the visit of David Miliband," declared Arun Jaitley.

A British minister, of course, can hardly be said to reflect the views of the Obama administration. But the remarks will be seen as indicating a new line of thinking in Western capitals.

As the world seeks to get the measure of the new man in the White House, South Asia's politicians and diplomats are wondering whether there may now be a determined attempt by outside powers to promote a settlement of the Kashmir crisis.

Andrew Whitehead is a former BBC correspondent in Delhi.
An international intervention would only prompt for the UN resolutions to be carried out, which India is very much afraid of.
I don't think such angry remarks from India are going to help anyone. Hopefully the people of Kashmir will come out the winners here.
I don't know why the indians have gone insane ever since the Kashmir issue has gone older.
When ever someone have asked them just to sway their tail (not to move it away) over Kashmir, india always have burst out as if someone has asked india to hand over Dehli to them.

It is a clear indication of a weaker stance.
It is a very natural act. Ever noticed when during an argument you don't have much (logic, stance and thoughts) to argue...you SHOUT!
That's what india has always done.
Rest the people are quite savvy.
New Delhi: The Indian government is nervous about the policies the new US administration, headed by President Barack Obama, could pursue on Kashmir, CTBT and other tricky issues, which it didn't worry about with the Bush presidency, the Mail Today reported on Tuesday.

'On Monday, a day before President- elect Obama took charge as the 44th US president, India's foreign secretary Shiv Shankar Menon said he was ‘nervous’ about this change,' The Mail said.

It quoted senior analysts and India's Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon as expressing apprehensions about the Democratic administration. 'How much will the US change is a matter of speculation… I am nervous what this change will mean,' Mr Menon was quoting as saying during an interaction with university students in Delhi. An Indian foreign ministry spokesman denied Mr Menon made the comments.

The newspaper recalled that Mr Obama had made it clear after he won the presidential election that he would appoint a special envoy for Kashmir. Then, last week, in her testimony to the US Congress, Obama's UN Ambassador- designate Susan Rice called Kashmir as one of the ' global hot spots' and compared it to conflict areas such as the Golan Heights, the Balkan region, Liberia and East Timor.

'In one of her earlier statements, Rice, the former foreign policy adviser to Obama, had said that Kashmir, along with Chechnya and Iraq, is an active recruiting ground for al-Qaeda,' the newspaper noted.

It noted that in her testimony to the US Senate on January 13, Secretary of State- designate Hillary Clinton said the Obama administration will support the bill the President- elect and the vice- president- elect Joe Biden had introduced last year to triple non- military aid to Pakistan.

India has consistently opposed the appointment of a special US envoy for Kashmir and it told British Foreign Secretary David Miliband last week that Kashmir was a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.

The Mail quoted former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal as saying that while it natural for the US to give primacy to its strategic interests, 'it does not mean India should sacrifice its national interests...This will undermine the Indo-US strategic partnership developed over years.

India should not pay any price for the US Afghan policy.' India's foremr National Security Adviser Brajesh Mishra also reptedly said that Mr Obama's personal involvement in the Kashmir
issue would damage Indo-US relations.

On the other hand, a Congressional Research Service report has warned the Obama administration should stay away from the Kashmir issue as it could anger India and raise Pakistan's expectations.

The Mail quoted the 19- page report, Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai, India and Implications for US Interests as saying that the terror attacks on Mumbai could further complicate America's South Asian policy.
Indeed the veteran American journalist and foreign affairs expert Selig Harrison declared this month that President-elect Obama had "made his first big foreign-policy mistake" even before taking office. The supposed mistake: pledging US intervention in the Kashmir dispute.

I have pointed this out before as well, and will continue to do so.

Selig Harrison is rabidly anti-Pakistani. In his own book on Baluchistan he admitted to having close relationships with the Sardar's involved in the Baluch insurgency back in the seventies, and he fabricated facts related to a Pakistani operation in Baluchistan.

He has also testified in front of the US legislature and advocated the breakup of Pakistan in that testimony.
Even though Obama has talked about "Solving" the Kashmir issue, we must not for a second think that it would mean something about resolving the issue in our or the kashmiri people's favour. India however, has constantly mentioned on the International forum that "Kashmir Valley" should be left alone and should be dealt by the Indian government, Only!
I have pointed this out before as well, and will continue to do so.

Selig Harrison is rabidly anti-Pakistani. In his own book on Baluchistan he admitted to having close relationships with the Sardar's involved in the Baluch insurgency back in the seventies, and he fabricated facts related to a Pakistani operation in Baluchistan.

He has also testified in front of the US legislature and advocated the breakup of Pakistan in that testimony.

That's exactly why I firmly believe that this whole "Solve the Kashmiri Issue" shouldn't be taken out of Context. It may very well be a plot against Pakistan so that it ends up loosing it's kashmiri territory. One thing's for certain, whatever the policy maybe, Pakistan wouldn't benefit from it.
All the Americans and indeed the West in general will say is please stop fighting you have the Line of control as the cease fire line they will pressurise both nations to accept this has the border.

If anybody thinks that the United nations or USA is going to say to either India or Pakistan give up territiory or create new borders then people are way off the mark.

Solving kASHMIR IS ABOUT reducing tension in a neighbourhood where 2 poor developing countries have nuclear waepons who are constantly threatening war.

Even more worrying is that in the same region we have islamic terror groups

To the WEST its a potential nitemare...

They think solve the Kashmir dispute and all will be resolved.

BUT WILL THAT STOP AN ARMS RACE or mutual; hostlity.. ?????
We should not ignore Miliband's statement for resolving Kashmir issue.
P. Musharraf has said it many times if we seriously need to tackel the terrorism than Kashmir dispute must be setteled.
We need a powerful and well organized group like Hezbollah, they are the national resistance for Lebanon and we need a Kashmiri Hezbollah resisting for Kashmir...

Quite frankly Pakistan must do something, and if China truly is our friend it will bring upon India great pressure of all sorts to get this issue solved by the end of 2010...

India does not want to resolve the Kashmir issue in fact the BJP doesn't want to resolve this issue...Because these radical Hindu groups exploit the Kashmir issue for re-election...If there were peace and Kashmir was resolved and rightfully belonged to Pakistan or a independent Kashmir than, how would these radical Hindu parties rally their people against a common enemy...

Here are some steps we should take.

1) Armed resistance by well trained groups. Target Indian police stations, bomb their trucks, cut off supply lines,

2)Effectively Infiltrate India ignite and support separatist groups.

3) Push China to pressure and condemn India for it's actions in Kashmir and occupation.

Is it any surprise that two sick and perverted entities like Israel and India both whom brutally occupy their neighbors land, rape, kill, torture, burn, humiliate, shoot, stone, and constantly violate innocent people Are such close friends of one another...

After all they have so much in common!
Though on the other hand if Obama is willing to support Kashmiri independence or liberation, he should then pressure Indian, sanction India, put a trade embargo on India, and a weapons/arms embargo. Deny Visas to Hindu Indians they same people who elect such radical terrorist parties into power like BJP, and must also share the burden...

This is a very good way of resolving this issue India must be punished, and the fanatics who hold power there must understand their barbarity will not go unchecked..
Bro, can you please let us know what makes you believe that uncle sam will put any sanctions/sale embargo against India ?

As far as BJP is concerned at least people elect and their choice has been accepted by political parties (except once) they are not imposed on the people.
Bro, can you please let us know what makes you believe that uncle sam will put any sanctions/sale embargo against India ?
No sanctions or embargo will be applied against India. The US stands to make a lot of money off of India, and seeks to bolster it as a counterweight against China.

The most that woudl happen is some behind the scenes nudging for India and Pakistan to settle the dispute.

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