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Jul 17, 2010
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In a speech culminating a nostalgic visit to Indonesia, where Obama spent four years as a young boy, Obama spoke fondly of his formative years in the world's most populous Muslim country.

"Indonesia is a part of me," said Obama, whose next stop on a 10-day Asia tour is a G20 summit in South Korea.

His speech was an update to a major address he gave 17 months ago in Cairo where he declared a "new beginning" in U.S.-Muslim relations after the tensions over the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the Bush government's response to them.

Since his Cairo address, irritants remain on both sides. Al Qaeda still seeks to attack its Western enemies. Little progress has been made in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and U.S. troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Confidence in Obama has dropped in many Muslim nations as a result.

"In the 17 months that have passed we have made some progress, but much more work remains to be done," Obama said.

Obama said "no single speech can eradicate years of mistrust" but he promised, "No matter what setbacks may come, the United States is committed to human progress. That is who we are. That is what we have done. That is what we will do."

On the Middle East specifically, Obama said the Israeli-Palestinian peace process faces "enormous obstacles" after he relaunched talks in September only to see the dialogue bogged down over disputes between the parties.

"But let there be no doubt: we will spare no effort in working for the outcome that is just, and that is in the interest of all the parties involved: two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security."

Obama was being forced to cut short his twice-postponed visit to Indonesia by concern that an ash cloud from the deadly Mount Merapi volcano would prevent Air Force One from taking off in time to attend the G20 summit in Seoul.

But his curtailed schedule still allowed time for a visit to Jakarta's national Istiqlal Mosque, the largest in southeast Asia, and his speech at the University of Indonesia.

Speaking to a crowd of thousands, Obama said Indonesia served as a powerful example as an emerging democracy working to develop its economy and a Muslim nation that is tolerant of other religions.

"Your achievements demonstrate that democracy and development reinforce one another," he said.

Obama has been greeted as a returning hero in Indonesia, where he moved with his mother in 1967, a sharp contrast after the heavy blow he received at home in mid-term elections on Nov. 2, when rival Republicans scored big victories over his fellow


Indonesia is the second stop on Obama's four-country tour of Asia, which ends on Nov. 15. Obama was also received with adulation in India, his first stop, where even critics were charmed by the U.S. leader and especially his wife, first lady Michelle Obama
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Indonesian Minister Blames Michelle Obama for Handshake

Immediately after a ceremony on Tuesday welcoming President Obama to Indonesia, the country’s conservative Muslim information minister took to Twitter to argue that America’s first lady, Michelle Obama, was entirely to blame for a televised handshake between the two that has left him open to charges of hypocrisy.

As The Associated Press reports, the vast majority of Indonesians practice a moderate form of Islam, but the minister, Tifatul Sembiring, “has flaunted his piety, making a point of avoiding contact with women who are not related to him.”

After footage broadcast on Indonesian television clearly showed Mr. Sembiring reaching out to clasp the first lady’s hand after they were introduced by Mr. Obama, a female journalist whose hand the minister has refused to shake poked fun at him on Twitter.

Stung, Mr. Sembiring claimed on his Twitter feed that Mrs. Obama had made it impossible for him to avoid touching her hand, writing: “I tried to prevent [being touched] with my hands but Mrs. Michelle held her hands too far toward me [so] we touched.”

That led Uni Lubis, a woman who is news editor of Indonesia’s ANTV, to suggest that perhaps a slow-motion video analysis of the handshake was needed, to reveal some hesitation not visible to the naked eye.

Mr. Sembiring has a local reputation of something of a moral scold and religious extremist. Sounding the alarm against locally produced pornography last year, the minister asserted that natural disasters, like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis, were divine retribution visited on Indonesians as a result of their immorality.

This is not the first time Mr. Sembiring’s musings on Twitter have been called into question. Earlier this year, he used his account to post a joke about AIDS and a quote from Adolf Hitler.

source: The NewYork Times
obama is a one term president to fool the black masses ,kkk getting ready ,usa going to go in in civil war by 2012 its gonna be a blood bath,i say bring it on:pakistan:
US does allow a lot of freedom to practice religion and it is good for Obama to improve ties with the muslim countries.
Obama should can it and shut up his ugly mouth piece

1- Did not closed any illegal war crime centers
2- Did not called back troops from war crime operations
3- Failed to discuss meaningful end to Palestinian issue
4- Failed to improve ties with Iran
5- Failed to improve relation with Muslim world
6- Drone attacks keep happening in Pakistan
7- His package of aid saved only the large corporations
8- His health care plan is being scrapped by Republicans
9- His party lost the seats in mid term ellections
10- Continued to trial a women kidnapped from Pakistan and sentenced her to life

He is a failed politician can't get anything done -

His legacy is he says 500 things and only gets 1-2 tasks done and boasts that 500 time
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