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Obama Is Not Likely to Push India Hard on Pakistan

nuke deal is no new news or overnight revelation we've known about it for past few years at this point; would IAEA inspectors be required or did hindustan bypass that?

how many jobs have been out-sourced to hindustan? I can't seem to get a reliable figure online. Obama was once on record saying (verbatim)

“We should be using our tax dollars to reward companies that create jobs and businesses within our borders. There is no reason why our tax code should actively reward them for creating jobs overseas.”

what contingency plan do the indians have in the event that such jobs were cut and/or eventually banned altogether? (in principle, a very anti-free trade/regulationary move that wouldnt bode well @ WTO)
nuke deal is no new news or overnight revelation we've known about it for past few years at this point; would IAEA inspectors be required or did hindustan bypass that?

how many jobs have been out-sourced to hindustan? I can't seem to get a reliable figure online. Obama was once on record saying (verbatim)

“We should be using our tax dollars to reward companies that create jobs and businesses within our borders. There is no reason why our tax code should actively reward them for creating jobs overseas.”

what contingency plan do the indians have in the event that such jobs were cut and/or eventually banned altogether? (in principle, a very anti-free trade/regulationary move that wouldnt bode well @ WTO)
hahahaha...........what a naive assessment. how many jobs are created?? do you know about cascading effect, even remotely heard of it?? india is a energy hungry nation, energy is precious to all the imp development. this will boost our GDP, this will lead to more disposable income, greater demands of good, more consumption, this will lead to more job creations.

if the same thing happened to pakistan they must be go gaga over the development. everything is not related to defence only, there are other issues also..
as a bachelor holder in economics, i don't need a condescending or emotionally insecure answer to an otherwise very basic question --which wasn't asked blindly just for the sake of asking a question.

furthermore, there's no need for you to bring up Pakistan or its hypothetical reactions as Pakistan is not in question here; nor was defence the sole item of discussion, in fact it was you who is bringing it up.

perhaps a calmer or more 'versed' individual in the neighbour country can answer this otherwise very simple set of questions
as a bachelor holder in economics, i don't need a condescending or emotionally insecure answer to an otherwise very basic question --which wasn't asked blindly just for the sake of asking a question.

furthermore, there's no need for you to bring up Pakistan or its hypothetical reactions as Pakistan is not in question here; nor was defence the sole item of discussion, in fact it was you who is bringing it up.

perhaps a calmer or more 'versed' individual in the neighbour country can answer this otherwise very simple set of questions
what i did say wrong....mentioning of pakistan hurt you, then i say sorry.
nuke deal is no new news or overnight revelation we've known about it for past few years at this point; would IAEA inspectors be required or did hindustan bypass that?

As you questioned about 'IAEA inspection', i think its not clear to you. No country which do international nuclear business can bypass IAEA inspection but only the declared nuke weapon states, and India is the only country these nations that will have defence nuclear research centres outside IAEA inspections. We have separated our nuclear installations on military and civilian basis just like other nuke weapons states.

how many jobs have been out-sourced to hindustan? I can't seem to get a reliable figure online. Obama was once on record saying (verbatim)

“We should be using our tax dollars to reward companies that create jobs and businesses within our borders. There is no reason why our tax code should actively reward them for creating jobs overseas.”

Than what wrong in that??? Did those companies stooped outsourcing in India? No. That it doesn't matter for India what US doing in its jurisdiction as far as its good for them, we can't do anything but its also true that they can't stop it by reducing tax. Its business.

what contingency plan do the indians have in the event that such jobs were cut and/or eventually banned altogether? (in principle, a very anti-free trade/regulationary move that wouldnt bode well @ WTO)

I have already answered, they can't do it. If they could than they have already done it. They have done whatever they had in their jurisdiction like hiking visa fee or Obama's new proposal as you quoted. They will not wait for India's action if it does good for them.

Its also true for hundreds of research labs the US companies have in Bangalore.
As you questioned about 'IAEA inspection', i think its not clear to you. No country which do international nuclear business can bypass IAEA inspection but only the declared nuke weapon states, and India is the only country these nations that will have defence nuclear research centres outside IAEA inspections. We have separated our nuclear installations on military and civilian basis just like other nuke weapons states.

so your civilian nuclear facilities will be bound to IAEA inspectors. Thanks for your answer.

Than what wrong in that??? Did those companies stooped outsourcing in India? No. That it doesn't matter for India what US doing in its jurisdiction as far as its good for them, we can't do anything but its also true that they can't stop it by reducing tax. Its business.

certain companies would have incentive not to outsource jobs; it's something that would perhaps have to be viewed on case-by-case basis as some firms may or may not be swayed by opportunity costs

I have already answered, they can't do it. If they could than they have already done it. They have done whatever they had in their jurisdiction like hiking visa fee or Obama's new proposal as you quoted. They will not wait for India's action if it does good for them..

not to be critical, but perhaps it is india doing the waiting; not the U.S. ; though again, outsourcing jobs is a major aspect of globalization and can be seen as a pro free-trade and competition-promoting application. Some may argue the world is again becoming flat, though that is a whole other debate
so your civilian nuclear facilities will be bound to IAEA inspectors. Thanks for your answer.

So is all other nuclear weapons states.

certain companies would have incentive not to outsource jobs; it's something that would perhaps have to be viewed on case-by-case basis as some firms may or may not be swayed by opportunity costs

I don't think so. Outsourcing is a good business so as far as its booming will not effect India.

not to be critical, but perhaps it is india doing the waiting; not the U.S. ; though again, outsourcing jobs is a major aspect of globalization and can be seen as a pro free-trade and competition-promoting application. Some may argue the world is again becoming flat, though that is a whole other debate

Its in US's hand whether they will allow their companies to do outsourcing from India or not, if not how they will survive new competition they faces around the world. Its not just US companies but many other europeana, japanese, korean companies have outsourcing in India as well as research labs its a win win situation for both. so US govt can't just run away from the global profits (non-US sales and R7DD) for the shake of outsourcing.
outsourcing is indeed profitable for the domestic firm, as it promises huge reduction in inputs and helps bring about brand awareness for the good or service in the host country

i'm simply bringing up American jobs (losses) with regards to outsourcing as it seems to be a new big debate in the U.S.

I'm not implying that because of outsourcing, American jobs on an aggregate level have been hugely affected, as outsourcing is only a fraction of the story regarding rising unemployment there (in the U.S.)

they can't seem to create enough jobs to offset the ongoing losses

as for pushing india hard on Pakistan, or even pushing Pakistan --i don't see it as yielding anything major simply because Obama has come not really in much of a position of power; rather I am sensing weakness in him.
outsourcing is indeed profitable for the domestic firm, as it promises huge reduction in inputs and helps bring about brand awareness for the good or service in the host country

i'm simply bringing up American jobs (losses) with regards to outsourcing as it seems to be a new big debate in the U.S.

I'm not implying that because of outsourcing, American jobs on an aggregate level have been hugely affected, as outsourcing is only a fraction of the story regarding rising unemployment there (in the U.S.)

they can't seem to create enough jobs to offset the ongoing losses

as for pushing india hard on Pakistan, or even pushing Pakistan --i don't see it as yielding anything major simply because Obama has come not really in much of a position of power; rather I am sensing weakness in him.

My two cents on outsourcing:

Outsourcing cannot stop. The process is irreversible, and most of the educated American public know this. However, the outsourcing destination might change! Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, etc. etc...

Is it necessarily bad for India if outsourcing to India stops? Not necessarily, not at all! In fact, my opinion is, 10+ years into this whole outsourcing thing, it is high time we (India) move up the value chain. This process is already underway, but India's labour pool is so massive that for the foreseeable future, it does look like India will be the outsourcing destination of choice, even if a parallel 'high-value' or 'product industry' starts up side by side.
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