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Obama changed definition of civilians in drone war; Authorized killings

Yea but we qualify that by saying maybe or we think. You on the other hand are telling us I quote:

FYI, he is getting re-elected in November.

Are you sure everyone does that? It is understood here.
Don't tell me we haven't tried it.

Pakistan has constantly asked US for Predator Drones control, US rejected it.
Pakistan has constantly asked advanced weapons and technology share, US rejected it.
Pakistan has repeatedly asked US to attack most wanted terrorists hidding in Afghanistan, US rejected it.
Pakistan has request US to stop killing innocent people by many sucide bombers from Af'tan, US ignored it.


So if they are Pakistani drones they would automatically only hit militants while american drones only hit civilians.
Advanced weaponry what are f16's chopped liver
What suicide bombers coming from afghanistan? Perhaps worry about the ones from Pakistan before imagining others from some where else.

A definition that if your riding in the back of Ayman al-Zawahiri's pick up your probably a terrorist sounds like a resonable assumption
Obama is a sorry excuse of a human being. That is all I have to say.....

I recall the attitude of Pakistani media when Obama was elected - they were ecstatic and could not stop repeating "Barack HUSSAIN Obama" - as if some Muslim was now President of the US and it marked the beginning of a new kind of relationship between US and Muslim majority countries -- :cheesy:
So if they are Pakistani drones they would automatically only hit militants while american drones only hit civilians.
Advanced weaponry what are f16's chopped liver
What suicide bombers coming from afghanistan? Perhaps worry about the ones from Pakistan before imagining others from some where else.

A definition that if your riding in the back of Ayman al-Zawahiri's pick up your probably a terrorist sounds like a resonable assumption

On one hand they say, you cannot win the war with air strikes on other hand they say US is not giving them LGB and drone to win the war. The need of the hour is boots on the ground, US is willing to provide even that, so clear up what you need.
I recall the attitude of Pakistani media when Obama was elected - they were ecstatic and could not stop repeating "Barack HUSSAIN Obama" - as if some Muslim was now President of the US and it marked the beginning of a new kind of relationship between US and Muslim majority countries -- :cheesy:
It wasn't just Pakistanis, all Muslims were prancing about and getting high off the fact Obama became president.

Are you sure everyone does that? It is understood here.
Provide proof of which member said "IK will be the next president or will in the election" otherwise shut up

you're saying Obama's going to win as if you're some fortune teller

We predict IK will win, nobody here even said IK IS going to win - there is a clear difference. Anything can happen during a election and the decisions are within the hands of Pakistani voters.

Now go do one and stop trying to compare a leader like IK to Obama.

Asim, this is a fairly good read and came out in NY Times just yesterday. The article is 8 pages long and I didn't have a way to copy paste it here - http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/29/world/obamas-leadership-in-war-on-al-qaeda.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1

The gist is on how Obama takes a personal interest on filtering and authorizing the "kill-list". The reporter of course paints a picture of him taking a personal interest and personal responsibility for all the actions. Ironically, Bush was more restrained and responsible in his use of drones, and as far as the Afghan war was concerned, you can't really blame him for anything. Yet his image in the Muslim world is worse than that of Obama.
Love how you put in the word Muslim there.

Bush was and is hated by everyone, including millions of Americans.
It wasn't just Pakistanis, all Muslims were prancing about and getting high off the fact Obama became president.

Provide proof of which member said "IK will be the next president or will in the election" otherwise shut up

you're saying Obama's going to win as if you're some fortune teller

We predict IK will win, nobody here even said IK IS going to win - there is a clear difference. Anything can happen during a election and the decisions are within the hands of Pakistani voters.

Now go do one and stop trying to compare a leader like IK to Obama.

Love how you put in the word Muslim there.

Bush was and is hated by everyone, including millions of Americans.

so much charged up for nothing.
Come on now, that's not the real you - no need for that kind of thing

And murdering 24 Pakistani soldiers is an acceptable thing?

No respect for Obama until he declares a public apology. He has the blood of 24 Brave Pakistani soldiers in his hands - as well as hundreds of innocents killed by drone strikes which he is conducting under his administration.
The Hands-On Approach to Lethal Force

Paul Pillar

|May 29, 2012

An illuminating feature article by Jo Becker and Scott Shane of the New York Times about the use of lethal missile strikes from unmanned aerial vehicles evokes memories of Lyndon Johnson personally approving the individual targets for bombing sorties against North Vietnam. President Obama, according to the article, signs off on each strike in Yemen and Somalia and on the “more complex and risky strikes” in Pakistan, or about a third of the missile strikes overall. Former navy admiral and director of national intelligence Dennis Blair mentioned an additional memory by critically comparing reliance on the drone strikes to the use of body counts in Vietnam.

Despite such echoes from a painful past war, and despite the legitimate concerns about use of the drones that Becker and Shane explore, their account is in another respect reassuring. It gives us the most extensive public picture so far of the process and criteria that go into each decision to kill someone by remote control from high altitude—and sometimes to kill others who are not the target but happen to be nearby. We still aren't getting to see the secret Justice Department memorandum that makes a legal case for using this method to kill U.S. citizens, as was done with the strike in Yemen last year that took out Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan. But we do read of White House counterterrorism advisor John Brennan talking about how before each decision to fire a missile the president insists that his subordinates “go through a rigorous checklist: the infeasibility of capture, the certainty of the intelligence base, the imminence of the threat, all of these things.” Then there is the reassurance of knowing that the chief executive is directly involving himself in weighing the considerations that need to be weighed before the trigger is pulled. That is probably the best safeguard against overlooking the broader strategic factors that need to be taken into account at least as much as the narrow tactical one of taking a bad guy out of commission.

Some possible drawbacks of this presidential involvement come to mind. An obvious one is that the process is a drain on presidential time and attention. Another possible drawback, which parallels Blair's criticism about heavy reliance on the drones, is that by getting down in the weeds of individual target decisions, the president himself becomes more tactical and less strategic. This carries the associated risk of the drone strikes being increasingly equated with counterterrorism, the killing of men in Asian and African hinterlands being equated with keeping Americans safe from terrorism and our thinking starting to resemble the body-count mentality of the Vietnam War. On balance, however, an appropriately broad rather than narrow approach is more likely to be applied when this president—the former law-school professor who has evinced good awareness of the political and diplomatic repercussions overseas of the application of U.S. military force—makes the task one of detailed and careful analysis by himself.

The antithesis to this approach toward the use of lethal capabilities is provided by Mr. Obama's Republican challenger, and in ways that go beyond the obvious differences in what an incumbent president and a non incumbent candidate can demonstrate. Mitt Romney has accused President Obama of not spending enough on the military. As Christopher Preble has noted in these spaces, Romney's “Fire. Ready. Aim” approach of pledging to devote at least 4 percent of the nation's GDP to the base defense budget would bring that spending to levels not seen since World War II and represent something like an additional $2.5 trillion in expenditures. But as inchoate as the financing is how all this military capability would be applied. Romney returned to his keep-the-military-strong theme in a speech on Memorial Day, in which he still did not address the matter of application.

In his speech, Romney mentioned countries that in his view make the world an unsafe place: bête-noir-du-jour Iran, of course, as well as Russia and China. He spoke of deterrence through strength but not of exactly what it is the United States would be deterring. Even more to the point, he has not explained how—bearing in mind that the United States currently spends far more on its military than any conceivable combination of foes put together—the difference between spending levels he favors and levels favored by Obama or anyone else would make any difference in being able or unable to deter a threat or do whatever else the United States would need to do with military force. This is not only not down in the weeds; it is not even hitting the treetops.

One of the legitimate concerns about the drone strikes is that they are coming to exhibit the “if I have a hammer then everything looks like a nail” syndrome. The same danger—as was exhibited in such a costly and tragic way by the Iraq War—is true on a larger scale of the overall military capability of the United States. Avoiding that danger, at the level of either a single weapon system or the nation's entire armed force, requires careful and detailed deliberation—including at the presidential level—of costs and risks as well as needs and benefits.

Postscript: The lead story on the front page of Wednesday's Washington Post is headlined: "Drone Strikes spur backlash in Yemen; Outrage over civilian casualties; Escalated U.S. campaign fuels support for al-Qaeda." If the president of the United States were not already personally weighing the pros and cons of each prospective drone strike in Yemen, the reactions described in this article are a good reason to expect him to do so. These reactions also are a reason the overall gain or loss to U.S. interests of the drone-based killing program would be a legitimate topic for discussion in the presidential campaign—if any candidate wanted to make it an issue.
Drone strikes have devastated Al Qaeda and their cohorts.

I totally support these strikes in killing terrorists.
A Nobel Peace Prize Winner with a kill list - Thats a new low even for Nobel Prize.
That is an invalid argument, which has been debunked several times - while Pakistan has argued a lack of resources for not launching an operation in NW (a legitimate argument, since the costs of such an operation would not be limited to the deployment of tens of thousands of more troops and associated equipment and logistical costs, but also the associated costs from increased militant and terrorist attacks against targets across Pakistan, as well as the costs to relocate, house and later resettle hundreds of thousands of refugees), Pakistan has also, at the minimum, proposed alternatives to unilateral US Drone Strikes like joint drone strikes, Pakistan operated drone strikes and PAF strikes, based on shared US-Pak intel.

So....your arguement is it cost too much to control your own so-called "soveriegn territory"?
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