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Obama calls for 'unconditional' release of Israeli soldier


Sep 20, 2013
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President Barack Obama on Friday called for the unconditional and immediate release of an Israeli soldier who was apparently captured in a clash with Hamas.

He said it would be difficult to put back together the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel that collapsed earlier today. However, the president added the US will continue working toward a ceasefire.

Obama said Israel was committed to the ceasefire, but the ceasefire was violated. He said it was heartbreaking to see what's happening in Gaza.

The US president said he wants to see everything possible done to ensure Palestinian civilians are not killed.

He said Israel must be able to defend itself, but that irresponsible actions by Hamas have put civilians in danger.

The truce was brokered by the US and United Nations but collapsed less than two hours after it began.

Obama calls for 'unconditional' release of Israeli soldier - World - DAWN.COM

Civilians are dying and this Zionist beggar is worrying about freeing one Israeli soldier.
There's no soldier, that was an Israeli fabrication. Look at the sticky thread in the Middle East section on Gaza.

All of it is explained there. Also in my thread:

Israel already breaks 72 hour cease fire ........

There was a clash after Israel took advantage of the cease fire to advance at least thousands of meters into Rafah which allowed them to occupy some neighborhoods.

Before that, they had no control over Rafah since Hamas fended off every attempt to invade. Some of their fighters were present during this offensive action and defended their selves.

Three were killed in the gun fight. Israel lied about one being captured. They then indiscriminately bombed Rafah killing 120 Palestinians civilians hours after their violation of the cease fire.

In total, during that day 170 Palestinians had been killed. This is a clear fabrication in which Israel used as a pretext to commit a massacre.

It can't be described as none other than bloodthirsty killing.
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President Barack Obama on Friday called for the unconditional and immediate release of an Israeli soldier who was apparently captured in a clash with Hamas.

He said it would be difficult to put back together the ceasefire between Hamas and Israel that collapsed earlier today. However, the president added the US will continue working toward a ceasefire.

Obama said Israel was committed to the ceasefire, but the ceasefire was violated. He said it was heartbreaking to see what's happening in Gaza.

The US president said he wants to see everything possible done to ensure Palestinian civilians are not killed.

He said Israel must be able to defend itself, but that irresponsible actions by Hamas have put civilians in danger.

The truce was brokered by the US and United Nations but collapsed less than two hours after it began.

Obama calls for 'unconditional' release of Israeli soldier - World - DAWN.COM

Civilians are dying and this Zionist beggar is worrying about freeing one Israeli soldier.
He said Israel must be able to defend itself
What about the Palestinians?
Usualy it is the feeble that must be able to defend itself, the strong has his strenght as a deterrent.
So, what Obama is emplying is that Usrael is the feeble one .
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Civilians are dying and this Zionist beggar is worrying about freeing one Israeli soldier.
He has no choice; his country's entire political system, and economy is Jewish hostage. Forgive him. But I tell you what, the time is not far when Zionists will be hunted like dogs in USA just like they were in Germany and Europe. Deep inside, the Christians hate Jews for they hold (and correctly so) Jews responsible for Jesus death.
Hamas is giving one more excuse to Israel for offensive posture and also it is risking the life of several Palestinians for one Israeli soldier.
Hamas is giving one more excuse to Israel for offensive posture and also it is risking the life of several Palestinians for one Israeli soldier.

Seems like you can't read:

There's no soldier, that was an Israeli fabrication. Look at the sticky thread in the Middle East section on Gaza.

All of it is explained there. Also in my thread:

Israel already breaks 72 hour cease fire ........

There was a clash after Israel took advantage of the cease fire to advance at least thousands of meters into Rafah which allowed them to occupy some neighborhoods.

Before that, they had no control over Rafah since Hamas fended off every attempt to invade. Some of their fighters were present during this offensive action and defended their selves.

Three were killed in the gun fight. Israel lied about one being captured. They then indiscriminately bombed Rafah killing 120 Palestinians civilians hours after their violation of the cease fire.

In total, during that day 170 Palestinians had been killed. This is a clear fabrication in which Israel used as a pretext to commit a massacre.

It can't be described as none other than bloodthirsty killing.


Paid propagandist.
Hamas is giving one more excuse to Israel for offensive posture and also it is risking the life of several Palestinians for one Israeli soldier.
the tunnels proved effective , they snatched the solja and pulled him in the tunnel...
This is what everyone expects from U.S, being the mouthpiece of Israel as always. But he doesn't know he is making a fool out of himself by these ridiculous statements. This is a war, no matter how unbalanced the forces of both sides are, still, rules of war apply in case of POW. That's the case if the soldier is actually taken as prisoner by Gazans. Hamas has denied it so far, and it seems Israel has used another lie as an excuse to kill more than 150 people in one day.
Man what a bastard Obama and the rest of the American politicians are.

Hamas is giving one more excuse to Israel for offensive posture and also it is risking the life of several Palestinians for one Israeli soldier.

The hypocrisy is not surprising but to almost everyone else, it would make their stomach turn. So many POW in Israeli jails, including many civilians being held there pretty much indefinitely. While the Israeli war machine continues their attacks, including attacks on civilians and this guy to be the obedient little mistress backs them like this.

If it was an Israeli civilian I would understand his statement as long as the same was said about locked up Palestinians.

The hypocrisy is blindingly obvious to everyone, the saddest part is that we've grown to expect nothing less from the world police. :usflag:

Hamas is giving one more excuse to Israel for offensive posture and also it is risking the life of several Palestinians for one Israeli soldier.

Hamas is giving the Israelis an excuse and that is right, I agree with you. But then whether Israel should do what it did because it has a lame excuse is a different story entirely.
Man what a bastard Obama and the rest of the American politicians are.

The hypocrisy is not surprising but to almost everyone else, it would make their stomach turn. So many POW in Israeli jails, including many civilians being held there pretty much indefinitely. While the Israeli war machine continues their attacks, including attacks on civilians and this guy to be the obedient little mistress backs them like this.

If it was an Israeli civilian I would understand his statement as long as the same was said about locked up Palestinians.

The hypocrisy is blindingly obvious to everyone, the saddest part is that we've grown to expect nothing less from the world police. :usflag:

Hamas is giving the Israelis an excuse and that is right, I agree with you. But then whether Israel should do what it did because it has a lame excuse is a different story entirely.

Killing of civilian is never justified ..but in current scenario where world opinion is going against Israel these acts will not bring any benefit to Palestinians. I also think that if they will release the Israeli solider unharmed, it will bring much pressure on Israel.
Killing of civilian is never justified ..but in current scenario where world opinion is going against Israel these acts will not bring any benefit to Palestinians. I also think that if they will release the Israeli solider unharmed, it will bring much pressure on Israel.

Israel is losing this war very badly, as is the US. Every one of these conflicts ends worse for Israel than the last. It was one thing to have heavily biased media in the West and indifferent or supportive politicians. Social media is crucifying Israel everywhere.

This sums is up quite nicely:

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