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Obama calls for 'unconditional' release of Israeli soldier

Hamas is giving one more excuse to Israel for offensive posture and also it is risking the life of several Palestinians for one Israeli soldier.

Hamas never gave any excuse for Israel to attack/occupy Palestinians. Israel makes that sovereign decision and is responsible for its actions. Quit being so naive. They get away with it because of their military power.

Brzezinski: Netanyahu 'making a very serious mistake'

Watch"Fareed Zakaria GPS," Sundays at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN

Fareed speaks with former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski about Israel's military operation in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on CNN told Wolf Blitzer that the invasion of Gaza was a strategy to demilitarize Gaza, explaining the use of force. But it has been quite a robust use of force…Do you think that it is going to succeed, the Israeli strategy?

No, I think he is making a very serious mistake. When Hamas in effect accepted the notion of participation in the Palestinian leadership, it in effect acknowledged the determination of that leadership to seek a peaceful solution with Israel. That was a real option. They should have persisted in that.

Instead Netanyahu launched the campaign of defamation against Hamas, seized on the killing of three innocent Israeli kids to immediately charge Hamas with having done it without any evidence, and has used that to stir up public opinion in Israel in order to justify this attack on Gaza, which is so lethal.

I think he is isolating Israel. He's endangering its longer-range future. And I think we ought to make it very clear that this is a course of action which we thoroughly disapprove and which we do not support and which may compel us and the rest of the international community to take some steps of legitimizing Palestinian aspirations perhaps in the U.N.


So he will get one more Noble prize for this stupidity.... Even Israel is not confirm that he is captured or killed but Obama knows him. :what:
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Obama and US congress are war criminals, period.
He has no choice; his country's entire political system, and economy is Jewish hostage. Forgive him. But I tell you what, the time is not far when Zionists will be hunted like dogs in USA just like they were in Germany and Europe. Deep inside, the Christians hate Jews for they hold (and correctly so) Jews responsible for Jesus death.

No we don't.Jesus was a Jew and the first Christians were Jews also.
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Astonishing statement. Unconditional release? In a situation like this with so many Palestinians dead? If Hamas (or whoever took the soldier) have this soldier in the middle of this conflict, they should be expected to hand him over? That takes a very special way of thinking & even for a guy like me who does not support Hamas one bit, that seems a very weird statement.
He has no choice; his country's entire political system, and economy is Jewish hostage. Forgive him. But I tell you what, the time is not far when Zionists will be hunted like dogs in USA just like they were in Germany and Europe. Deep inside, the Christians hate Jews for they hold (and correctly so) Jews responsible for Jesus death.

This is another reason; a direct threat to US presidents from Menachem Begin. There is plenty of evidence today that it was implemented in the JFK assassination.

When the American President Ronald Reagan threatened to review American-Israeli relations over the indiscriminate carpet bombing of Beirut in 1982, once again the Prime Minister of the "Jewish state" used the Holocaust to clamp down on his critics, Menachem Begin wrote president Reagan:

"Now may I tell you, dear Mr. President, how I feel these days when I turn to the creator of my soul in deep gratitude. I feel as a Prime Minister empowered to instruct a valiant army facing Berlin where amongst innocent civilians, Hitler and his henchmen hide in a bunker deep beneath the surface. My generation, dear Ron, swore on the alter of God that whoever proclaims his intent to destroy the Jewish state or the Jewish people, or both, seals his fate, so that which happened once on instruction from Berlin---with or without inverted commas--- will never happen again" (Iron Wall, p. 404-405).

No we don't.Jesus was a Jew and the first Christians were Jews also.
Why don't you convert to or declare your Judaism? and what is the point of being Christian in your opinion, If Jesus himself was a Jew and the first Christians were Jews? His religion and teachings should be meaningless then. The only thing is that they conflict grandiosely with Judaism.
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This is another reason; a direct threat to US presidents from Menachem Begin. There is plenty of evidence today that it was implemented in the JFK assassination.

When the American President Ronald Reagan threatened to review American-Israeli relations over the indiscriminate carpet bombing of Beirut in 1982, once again the Prime Minister of the "Jewish state" used the Holocaust to clamp down on his critics, Menachem Begin wrote president Reagan:

"Now may I tell you, dear Mr. President, how I feel these days when I turn to the creator of my soul in deep gratitude. I feel as a Prime Minister empowered to instruct a valiant army facing Berlin where amongst innocent civilians, Hitler and his henchmen hide in a bunker deep beneath the surface. My generation, dear Ron, swore on the alter of God that whoever proclaims his intent to destroy the Jewish state or the Jewish people, or both, seals his fate, so that which happened once on instruction from Berlin---with or without inverted commas--- will never happen again" (Iron Wall, p. 404-405).

Why don't you convert to or declare your Judaism? and what is the point of being Christian in your opinion, If Jesus himself was a Jew and the first Christians were Jews? His religion and teachings should be meaningless then. The only thing is that they conflict grandiosely with Judaism.

Menachem himself was reported to be a cultural atheist...right?
Menachem himself was reported to be a cultural atheist...right?
And member of the terrorist group IRGUN.
You should know by now that most Zionists are cultural or even religious atheists, but when if need be they can claim that they are religious and accept all Jewish cultures, which is not true. They have claimed it many times that Israel was mainly for Western Jews.
Ben Gurion (one of Zionist Usrael founding fathers) used to believe that Usrael frontiers should be dynamic, which depicts their mentality if you prolong it to other matters.
that my state ............. in blue.....
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