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Obama asks Iran to return downed US drone !

Iran to U.S.

If u piss USA off, it can reply with two of those....
"We're not at war with the Iranians," Rives said. "When we're in our current conditions with them, this was an accident, it was a malfunction, the plane went down, it was our plane, there is no question over that. So it's just a common sense request under international law."

:rofl: US has no common sense.... Yes, US is at war with Iranians under covert operations.

accident, malfunction ]
plane, our planeeeeee (repeating) ]
international law ]
USA thinks that they are dealing with Zardari lol

Iran will be mass producing these babies in no time ... NEW NAME

Obama , SOMETIMES I feel his IQ is of that of a STUPID drop out , he must read all his answers from piece of paper given to him by his Masters
When somebody becomes totally devoid of shame and humanity this is what happens! To such a beast even the foulest of his deeds seems logical and rosy. And the biggest tragedy is that there is no shortage of stooges to support and defend that beast.
As much humiliating as this request sounds, i think many of you failed to understand the intended political message of this request. It's supposed to make Iran the ''aggressor'' and US a "victim" in the eyes of many hill billy Americans. Iran is now the aggressor for taking a US plane hostage and US the innocent victim losing a plane to Iran. Though i'm sure it might just backfire, however it will for sure infuriate some American audience.
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