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Obama administration seeks decline in aid to Pak.


Nov 18, 2010
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The Obama Administration has requested to the U.S. Congress for a steep decline in its economic and security aid to Pakistan for the year 2014, a latest Congressional report has said.

The request, if accepted, will see this aid coming down by more than one-third against that given to Pakistan in 2012.

“The Administration has requested nearly $1.2 billion economic and security aid to Pakistan for financial year 2014.

This represents a steep decline from total assistance of about $1.9 billion (excluding Coalition Support Fund) during financial year 2012,” the report on U.S. aid to Pakistan prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) said.

Estimated financial year 2013 allocations are not yet available, said CRS, which is the bipartisan and independent research wing of the U.S. Congress and prepares periodic reports on issues of interest to the U.S. lawmakers, so that they can take informed decisions.

Since 1948, the U.S. has pledged more than $30 billion in direct aid, about half for military assistance, and more than two-thirds appropriated in the post-2001 period.

According to the CRS, the fiscal 2014 budget request indicates the level of importance the Obama Administration places on a “stable, democratic, and prosperous” Pakistan because of its “critical role” in the region with respect to U.S. counter-terrorism efforts, nuclear non-proliferation, regional stability, the peace process in Afghanistan, and regional economic integration and development.

For fiscal year 2014, beginning October 1 this year, the Administration is requesting a total of $1,162.57 million, of which about two-thirds is for economic assistance and one-third is for security assistance.

“The total includes $281.2 million, considered to be Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) that is not part of the core request but is identified by the Administration as extraordinary, temporary funding needs for frontline states,” CRS said.

The civilian assistance will focus on five key areas -- energy, stabilisation, social services (especially health and education), economic growth (including agriculture), and improving governance, including transparency and gender equality.

Security assistance will focus on building counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism capabilities, strengthening military-to-military cooperation and supporting the ability for Pakistan to provide security to its citizens, particularly along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, the report said.

The Administration’s financial year 2014 budget request seeks $765.7 million (and $ 252.2 million in Overseas Contingency Operations funds) within the Economic Support Fund (ESF) for energy assistance, economic growth and agriculture, education, health, and cross-cutting issues such as supporting gender equality, human rights, better governance, and political participation, CRS said.

In the Foreign Military Financing (FMF), $300 million for Pakistan in the financial year 2014 request, would provide support for the counter-insurgency (COIN) and counter-terrorism (CT) capabilities of Pakistan’s security forces, and would encourage US-Pakistan military-to-military engagement, the report said.

The Administration has requested $17.87 million under Non-proliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programmes (NADR), to provide training to build the capacity for Pakistan to detect, deter, and respond to terrorist threats and improve border security

Obama administration seeks decline in aid to Pak. - The Hindu
There was talk before that the current Kerry-Lugar bill would contain conditions on Pakistan to dismantle the terrorist training infrastructure and take action against the 26/11 accused but it seems this is not the case anymore. Let's see what happens after 2014 but one thing is for sure the US will not just abandon Pakistan it is not in it's interest nor the worlds to do that.
There was talk before that the current Kerry-Lugar bill would contain conditions on Pakistan to dismantle the terrorist training infrastructure and take action against the 26/11 accused but it seems this is not the case anymore. Let's see what happens after 2014 but one thing is for sure the US will not just abandon Pakistan it is not in it's interest nor the worlds to do that.

when one door closes another opens... china announced they are given what was it some billions to prop the economy up...
when one door closes another opens... china announced they are given what was it some billions to prop the economy up...

Did that actually happen? did they provide them a soft loan or a grant? I have not seen it yet
Did that actually happen? did they provide them a soft loan or a grant? I have not seen it yet

there was a topic here just days ago about the loan china is given or shortly to give to help prop up the economy. I'll see if I can find it
there was a topic here just days ago about the loan china is given or shortly to give to help prop up the economy. I'll see if I can find it

Thanks I have been away so have not seen many new threads
See? Now that the Yanks are in withdrawal mode, the requirement for Pakistan's support role in their WOT is coming to an end. The Yanks are once again going to ditch Pakistan like they did earlier......and as usual, will leave Pakistan holding the candle!

Since Pakistan would not be of much use to them after the withdrawal, they have decided to dump it to like a sack of rotten potatoes. Like the saying goes:

Wham bam! Thank you ma'am!
American aid is actually our money. It's borrowed from us. We are propping up the tyrants in Washington.

is that what your state media brainwashed you into thinking... is that your understanding of our economy. and it is funny you speak of propping up of tyrants... this coming from a Chinese is quite a hoot.
Pakistan is like a dark hole of American tax payer money. Obama is fedup after wasting millions!
Cut this aid all of it! We shouldn't be taking any aid!

Aur nahin to kiyaa hamein kaun siii pocket money kei tourrr pe miltiii thiii....yeh tou Swiss Accounts mein hiii jamaa ho rahiii thiii ! :cheesy:

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