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NYPD officer arrested in India 'as revenge' for 'Nannygate' diplomatic scandal

They are not reporting it over here, so don't know much about the case. Everything on news is still about the missing flight and the mudslides in the west.

As for the case, there was similar case in US last year, though back then it was a military personnel returning from duty. But since this happened in India, I am not sure what the US government would want to do. Considering it was a failure on the part of the TSA for missing.
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Bullets in his jacket pocket, and people are asking justification for it? I dare anyone to land in JFK airport with bullet in his jacket pocket.

The jacket was in his checked bags, NOT on his person:

"Encarnacion, who is assigned to the 25th Precinct, tucked three spare rounds into his jacket pocket, and forgot about them.
The bullets were still in the pocket when he packed his jacket in his suitcase."
The jacket was in his checked bags, NOT on his person:

"Encarnacion, who is assigned to the 25th Precinct, tucked three spare rounds into his jacket pocket, and forgot about them.
The bullets were still in the pocket when he packed his jacket in his suitcase."

It has actually not to do anything where it was found:

Punishment for certain offences. 2[
(1) Whoever--
(a) manufactures, sells, transfers, converts, repairs, tests or proves, or exposes or offers for sale or transfer, or has in his possession for sale, transfer, conversion, repair, test or proof, any arms or ammunition in contravention of section 5; or
(b) shortens the barrel of a firearm or converts an imitation firearm into a firearm in contravention of section 6; or 3[
(d) brings into, or takes out of, India, any arms or ammunition of any class or description in contravention of section 11 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three years but which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine.
Section 25 in The Arms Act, 1959

And this is just a part. As you might know, there are dozens of rules against carrying ammunition in India, let alone boarding at an International airport.
WTF? He thinks he can enter a foreign country with three LIVE ROUNDS in his POCKET?! How the hell did he even board an international flight with such objects in his possession?

This is serious sh!t.

Damn right he was arrested!

He didn't have three live rounds, they were in his jacket pocket loose inside the suitcase. You obviously don't know meaning of live rounds.
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