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NUST goes Nuts, shamefully imposing restrictions on students !

Why you are giving examples of student organizations goons again & again? And show me where i asked fore Hijab/Dupatta? Why you want to put words in my mouth as per your wish?

Function of Educational Institutes are far more critical than army - Only if you know the importance.

Trust me, I know the importance far better it was you who had given the army example as a rebuttal or shall I quote that again?

As i mentioned educational institutes also have sanctity like other institutes, for example in Hospitals no matter how competent a doctor is, you will not like him/her to spend time on gup-shap, romantic talks or smoking at canteen during duty times, same like students should focus on their education, they can do whatever they want outside premises of institute.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...ng-restrictions-students-7.html#ixzz2fviHHSkI

Now, please do illuminate as to what was meant by these highlighted parts in your discourse by Foucoldian Discource Analysis, which states that all language is used in terms of power relations, expound on the highlighted parts. Are you not for controlling student attire, their discretion of leisure time spending as well as having concrete guidlines of what they wear? According to developmental Psychology the Young Adult time of a person's life is vital for further development it is where they understand themselves better for further career development and acquire social skills for workplace environment.

M., Awais. (2007). Agents of Development: Assessing the Young Adult in Pakistan in and after Graduate and Vocational Study. Punjab University. Unpublished Thesis. Details a great work done with over 2000 individuals interviewed and surveyed. Here is what they find:

-Pakistani Young Adults (20-35) face maladjustment in universities in major metropolitian areas of Pakistan, unnecessary and over restrictive cultural norms are held responsible by the students for this case.

-Young Adults in Pakistan do not acquire proper cross-gender behaviour due to continual discouragement and norm based malignancy of cross-gendered interaction

-Maladjustment in cross-gendered interactions give significant problems to workplace adjustments, the regression decreaces in the departments/majors that encourage or remove norm based malignancy on cross-gendered interactions

-Females face a much higher degree of conformity pressure both from the legal and peer groups (legal means the university) out of the 1371 females surveyed 68% reported being harassed by the university officials for personal space violation (here means behaviours directed to control personal behaviours such as dressing, cosmetics, peer relations)

-78% of the females reported at least 1 instance where they felt in danger of personal space (harassment)

-Focus group discussions done in 2 universities of Lahore, 1 of Quetta, 2 of Peshawar, 2 of Karachi and 1 of Rawalpindi/Islamabad revealed a general consensus of the university environment not being friendly to development (the researcher explained to them prior what it means)

Philosophically, the 'decency' and 'sanctity' you are asking for means norm-based or legal control measures: that is either the institute punishing you or the peer group giving you the cold shoulder. No wonder that feminism in Pakistan is dead but, sir, your points are in line to 'control': the indecency you imagine are alcohol parties and orgies: trust me, they do not happen.

The girls in the right hand picture are having a fun at an all girls institution where they have had a water fight. These pictures were released on the net by someone. They were not for the public. It is just like someone releasing pictures of girls being dressed for marriage ceremonies. The picture on the left is of a fashion show: these pictures are available everywhere on bilboards and TV ads in Pakistan.

Let's try to be decent within, shall we, rather than cover everything we see.
Bachay, tumharay tau zehan mein' he fatoor hai. Iss ka koi ilaj nahin'.

Read @jaibi's comments above. You are taking those pics out of context, just like you do Quran & Sunnah.

It's not your fault, it's Allah SWT will that soul of some people are forced into eternal darkness, there must be some historical reasons that you are suffering the wrath of Allah SWT. Sins of elders, perhaps?

See, how I'm also capable of emotional blackmail? :lol:

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Bachay, tumharay tau zehan mein' he fatoor hai. Iss ka koi ilaj nahin'.

Read @jaibi's comments above. You are taking those pics out of context, just like you do Quran & Sunnah.

It's not your fault, it's Allah SWT will that soul of some people are forced into eternal darkness, there must be some historical reasons that you are suffering the wrath of Allah SWT. Sins of elders, perhaps?

See, how I'm also capable of emotional blackmail? :lol:
kiun bachon ko tang kar rha hai lalay !!! :D
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Pehlay issko poori karro, phirr baki baatein karna: (prove that just one of the below has been realized)

Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice, as enunciated by Islam, shall be fully observed;

You must be kidding me! The thing with Mullah's is their one liners, no explanation is ever given. Just like them, your kind (pseudo righteous Mussalman) believe that, we, the rest of nation are supposed to gulp down your word without any questions. Well, guess what? We don't!

Furthermore, you very well know the "political" reasons behind them amendments and items of power in 1973 constitution.

Since you highly Liberal people Dont understand Islam , let me quote Provisions from Constitution of Pakistan .

So as long as you Live in Pakistan , you Live by Its Rules , Dont like it ? , then Dont Live here .

Either Change the constitution , or live by it , there is no third Choice.
if she is comfortable in that I have no problem at all
& man how can u have such extreme views ? & you have the gall to criticize our social values while staying in our country Canada at the same time ?

even the taliban had their rules, so did the apartheid in south Africa doesn't make them acceptable, you cannot impose rules which contradict the world ethics @ large, your rules will have to be compatible with the present
civilization & this rule of NUST is clearly a violation of basic human rights, you cannot impose whatever rule as you please your rules will have to meet the norms & guides of the larger world community.

wearing hijab is now banned in many parts of the world, isn't that "violation of basic human rights" and it's not like these freaking rules were invented yesterday they have been around there for ages maybe even before you and me were in this world, when you opt to be part of an institution than you are BOUND to obey the rules there if you don't like the rules there than STFU and GTFO easy as that.

A few examples of "harsh rules" quick google came up with

School Rules

In the use of the internet, pupils are to: 1. obtain permission from the school to upload their websites/webpages on to the school website. 2. NOT post pictures of themselves and their schoolmates in school uniform, staff members or any part of the school premises and property. 3. NOT post defamatory comments about schoolmates and staff members 4. NOT use vulgarities or post undesirable pictures 5. NOT infringe on the intellectual property of others

or how about this one?

St Mary's Convent School

Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside school. Hence misbehavior in public streets and conveyances justifies dismissal. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct in liable to disciplinary action.

Isn't that harsh? eh? are we going to ***** about it?

how about few other examples from liberal countries outside Pakistan?

Strict headteacher introduces 'tinkle pass' and hand gestures to stop talking - Parentdish UK

how about this

School bans girls from wearing skirts - Parentdish UK

banned from school on haircut?

Boy, 4, banned from school because of his mohawk hair - Parentdish UK

or how about having no mirrors in washroom?

School bans mirrors to stop girls plastering on make-up - Parentdish UK

or how about dyed hair?

Girl suspended from school for 'unnatural' dyed red hair - Parentdish UK

and since you are feeling so sorry about the fine that chick got in NUST for wearing tights ...

Trust me, I know the importance far better it was you who had given the army example as a rebuttal or shall I quote that again?

So, you still couldn't understand example but still says that you know about importance far batter? And believe me in past disciplined institutes have produced far greater graduates and human being than today. And go read researches done in west as well, women are in trouble there as well, It's more to do with overall morality of society which is going into gutter day by day.

Talibans takes responsibility of forming NUST dress code policy !

And who took responsibility of compulsory hijab in KPK
So, you still couldn't understand example but still says that you know about importance far batter? And believe me in past disciplined institutes have produced far greater graduates and human being than today. And go read researches done in west as well, women are in trouble there as well, It's more to do with overall morality of society which is going into gutter day by day.

And who took responsibility of compulsory hijab in KPK

Again, this thesis is false. The actual reason for harasment of women and thier position is due to the culture of hegemonic masculinity we have and whether that be as a jock in the west or the Molvi in the East the thing remains the same: it is the man who tells what's what. I want you to read upon emphasized femininty and hegemonic masculinity and then argue: morality developed asides from consensus in enforced via hierarchies and power and in that whether be by religion or any other authority lies the problem. The male sense of masculinity world wide is constructed wrong and religion is no answer because it has enhanced this power rather than challenge it.

I base this on research, if you want I will gladly quote everything by reference from the east and west.
Again, this thesis is false. The actual reason for harasment of women and thier position is due to the culture of hegemonic masculinity we have and whether that be as a jock in the west or the Molvi in the East the thing remains the same: it is the man who tells what's what. I want you to read upon emphasized femininty and hegemonic masculinity and then argue: morality developed asides from consensus in enforced via hierarchies and power and in that whether be by religion or any other authority lies the problem. The male sense of masculinity world wide is constructed wrong and religion is no answer because it has enhanced this power rather than challenge it.

I base this on research, if you want I will gladly quote everything by reference from the east and west.

I guess all your argument and debate is based on assumption that i am advocating religious environment in educational institutes, otherwise there is no other reason of ignoring the importance of discipline - i will again give you same example - you can't produce a good soldier if you give him/her relaxations, same applies to educational institute - you can't produce quality graduates & human beings if your institute are not disciplined and focused on their job.

I don't need research references, i already have in-house adviser, a psychology graduate living with me since decade
I guess all your argument and debate is based on assumption that i am advocating religious environment in educational institutes, otherwise there is no other reason of ignoring the importance of discipline - i will again give you same example - you can't produce a good soldier if you give him/her relaxations, same applies to educational institute - you can't produce quality graduates & human beings if your institute are not disciplined and focused on their job.

I don't need research references, i already have in-house adviser, a psychology graduate living with me since decade

My advocacy is on the notion of 'discipline': we need innovation, creativity and catering. The discipline = good worker concpt died with the British empire. The Americans took over the work market because of their productivity based education, training and workplace environment. The British model, in fact, the European model now emulates that especially in higher education. Everyone is a decent human being given a safe environment. After that institutional holding on the individual should be minimal we are creating an environment to cater a person and his productivity not manufacture an individual who will 'fit' into wherever we wish.

I am glad to hear it, though I would still like to point you out to research, I do not confess to be right but I believe we should focus on empirical research more than on opinions and ideologies.


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