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Number of Chinese arriving in Pakistan increasing due to CPEC

Chakar The Great

Apr 25, 2018
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United Kingdom

After unfolding of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the number of Chinese people traveling to Pakistan has increased, with some of them going on official visits, some to work on the projects and others involved in business activities.

Being neighbours, it is easy to travel to Pakistan and moreover, it is economical as the prices in Pakistan are still much more affordable as compared to other global competitors, according to an article published by China Daily on Thursday.

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The tourism industry of Pakistan will also open avenues of collaboration for Chinese and local entrepreneurs.

This act will prop up small and medium enterprises in various services sectors which are a priority for the current government. Any joint venture between the Chinese and Pakistani entrepreneurs may be of mutual benefit.

It will also help to promote mutual understanding and people-to-people contacts will strengthen public diplomacy. Such endeavours will also strengthen the existing ties of deep-rooted friendship between the two nations.

The northern areas of Pakistan are a topographic heaven with snow covered mountains, natural freshwater lakes, waterfalls, pine forests, and breathtaking views.

People interested in adventure tourism can definitely enjoy this part of Pakistan as facilities such as paragliding, para-skiing and extreme mountaineering are in abundance.

Pakistan’s unique bio-diversity is an attraction in its own. Coming down from the wilderness of the mighty Karakoram we can reach the historical cities of Taxila, Mohenjo-Daro, and Harappa.

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These cities have a history of a few thousand years and are an attraction for history lovers. Gandhara civilisation is special attraction for the Chinese as it is the cradle of Buddhism. Going further down south are the coastal areas of Karachi and Gwadar. Karachi being a cosmopolitan city with lots of economic activity offers a wide range of urban opportunities.

Travelling to the west of Karachi we can find beautiful natural beaches and amazing topographical structures. Peshawar and Lahore are historic cities of Pakistan and depict Pakistani culture and civilisation. Pakistan is blessed with desserts too like the Cholistan in Punjab and Thar in Sindh. With the development of China in each sector, people are travelling and spending their holidays abroad in large numbers, and this is an ever-growing trend.

Chinese spent $120 billion in 2015 on their travels abroad. If a fraction of this amount is attracted by Pakistan, it can help the nation overcome its economic problems.

On the other hand, the Chinese people may enjoy more hospitality in Pakistan than in any other country. According to the China Tourism Academy – a think tank under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, “The number of trips made by Chinese people to other countries or regions reached 135 million in 2016, compared to 5.0 million in 1995. This represents an annual increase of 17.6 per cent on average over 21 years. China’s outbound tourism market is estimated to increase by 5.0 per cent annually in the coming years, bringing the number of outbound tourists to 157 million in 2020.”
Millions of Chinese visit different part of the world for vacations and spend billions on tourism related activities, Only if Pakistan could attract that, Pakistan would become regional tourism hub in no time. Needless to mention that since the improvement in security situation of Pakistan over the last 3 years all the rooms have been booked in advance in Northern areas of Pakistan during summer. The roads get jam packed. Pakistan is even finding it hard to cope with domestic tourists. So a massive expansion is required.
China is the world's most populous country in the world.

We can attract a lot of Chinese tourists if we market Pakistan properly.
Build resorts on the coastline with relaxed laws. I will visit. Imagine sipping a frozen margherita by the beach with amazing restaurants serving authentic food. Just perfection.
CPEC is good for Pakistan but in no way will the Chinese hire Pakistani workers over their own.
Heck I won't either
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