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NSG meet on India's membership inconclusive, to be taken up in next plenary in Seoul


Feb 21, 2013
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VIENNA: India's membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group is expected to be deliberated upon by the atomic trading club at its plenary later this month in Seoul as a meeting here on India's bid remained inconclusive.
Though the US was strongly pushing India's case and most member countries supported it, it was China which opposed it arguing that the NSG should not relax specific criteria for new applicants. The NSG controls access to sensitive nuclear technology.
A number of countries, which were initially opposed to India's bid on the ground that it was yet to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), eased their positions and were ready to work out a compromise. However, China stuck to its position.
In the meeting, China did not openly oppose India's membership directly but linked it to signing of NPT.
The NSG works under the principle of unanimity and even one country's vote against India will scuttle India's bid.
Besides China, the member countries in the 48-nation group which were opposed to India's membership were New Zealand, Ireland, Turkey, South Africa and Austria.
Sources here said chair of the NSG has taken note of views expressed by member countries and will list the matter for further discussion at NSG pleanary scheduled to be held in Seoul on June 24.
It is understood India was hopeful of getting support from China as it had supported India's case in 2008 when India got a waiver from the NSG to allow US' nuclear trade with India.
India has asserted that being a signatory to the NPT was not essential for joining the NSG as there has been a precedent in this regard, citing the case of France.
Mexico yesterday backed India's NSG bid during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi there. The Mexican support followed that of the US and Switzerland. Japan too has expressed its support for India's inclusion in the grouping.
The NSG looks after critical issues relating to nuclear sector and its members are allowed to trade in and export nuclear technology. Membership of the grouping will help India significantly expand its atomic energy sector.
The US has been pushing for India's membership.
Ahead of the meeting here, US secretary of state John Kerry had written a letter to the NSG member countries which are not supportive of India's bid, saying they should "agree not to block consensus on Indian admission".
A joint statement issued after talks between Modi and Obama said the US called on NSG participating governments to support India's application when it comes up at the NSG Plenary later this month.

@nair @proud_indian @Roybot @jbgt90 @Sergi @Water Car Engineer @dadeechi @kurup @Rain Man @kaykay @Abingdonboy @SR-91 @nang2 @Stephen Cohen @anant_s

@jbgt90 @ranjeet @4GTejasBVR @The_Showstopper @guest11 @ranjeet


Different experts in debate on Rajya Sabha Tv channel were optimistic about the membership of NSG. However my personal view is "We will get seat only if USA persuade all others." Presently the way things are going USA has not shown direct interest but working behind the doors.
Different experts in debate on Rajya Sabha Tv channel were optimistic about the membership of NSG. However my personal view is "We will get seat only if USA persuade all others." Presently the way things are going USA has not shown direct interest but working behind the doors.

Why depend on US? US can only do so much heavy lifting for India. We went all out during the previous NSG waiver case and there has been little to none substantial benefits which have accrued from India except for one nay on Iran vote.

The other point is that geopolitical scenario is quite different and Xi is no Jintao. We can't convince China to do one single thing we want our way so what makes you think we have the pull to convince China to support Indian candidacy at expense of Pakistani interests.

India wants our vote - You got it!. You want us to convince our allies - Ok! thats on house. You want us to pressure neutrals - Ok! Fine. China and Turkey are though a bridge too far
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India should be in the NSG and it will be in the coming future. Maybe not in this month but in the near future for sure.
What is interesting to see is the intensity of the support of the US admiristration if their is a republican as the next POTUS in the white house.
Why depend on US? US can only do so much heavy lifting for India. We went all out during the previous NSG waiver case and there has been little to none substantial benefits which have accrued to India except for one nay on Iran vote.

The other point is that geopolitical scenario is quite different and Xi is no Jintao. We can't convince China to do one single thing we want our way so what makes you think we have the pull to convince China to support Indian candidacy at expense of Pakistani interests.

India wants our vote - You got it!. You want us to convince our allies - Ok! thats on house. You want us to pressure neutrals - Ok! Fine. China and Turkey are though a bridge too far
Right Sir, Thanks for supporting all but china. China can be managed by India but turkey can be persuaded by USA as India has no leverage in case of Turkey.
Right Sir, Thanks for supporting all but china. China can be managed by India but turkey can be persuaded by USA as India has no leverage in case of Turkey.

Turkey is Pakistan light if you get the reference. Jokes aside, Pakistan has strong ties with Turkey and Turkey is crucial to US interests in ME so not sure much can be done there.
Turkey is Pakistan light if you get the reference. Jokes aside, Pakistan has strong ties with Turkey and Turkey is crucial to US interests in ME so not sure much can be done there.
Last time during the waiver in 2008 all these hurdles were cleared by President Bush and so one should be optimistic this time also.
US would convince New Zealand, Ireland, Turkey, South Africa and Austria.

China would convince China to continue better relations with India.
Turkey is Pakistan light if you get the reference. Jokes aside, Pakistan has strong ties with Turkey and Turkey is crucial to US interests in ME so not sure much can be done there.

I don't know why Turkey is messing with us
Why depend on US? US can only do so much heavy lifting for India. We went all out during the previous NSG waiver case and there has been little to none substantial benefits which have accrued to India except for one nay on Iran vote.
I concur with you opinion, We shouldn't depend on US.
At the same time its America's chance to prove they are dependable. We call you 'partner' when russia is called 'time tested friend'. We know Russians, French ,Israelis and even Iranians are more dependable that US. Because thats what past tells us. Even though cold war ended in 91, substantial Indo-US relationship only started in 08 because we were very hesitant to view US even as a partner.

In the long run US want India not the other way around. US wasn't there in our bad days why should we need now. Even we get in NSG with US help you still not in a position to except anything major in return. We will not be UK to you or not even France our relationship would be something else. A new pole in a multipolar world. Foreign policy is build by brick by brick over the years. Civil nuclear deal was the first LSA,MCTR,NSG,SC are lined up.

IMHO, voting against Iran was a mistake which delayed the port contract (still, We were the only major power importing oil from Iran after the sanction)
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They aren't messing with you. They are supporting their friends. It's all a matter of perspective.

If India supports Iran or Russia in UN - it doesn't mean In dia is messing with Israel or USA or does it :-).

I would say Turkey as an ally has every right to support Pakistan's application for NSG membership while Turkey opposing India's application would be viewed very differently.
I concur with you opinion, We shouldn't depend on US.
At the same time its America's chance to prove they are dependable. We call you 'partner' when russia is called 'time tested friend'. We know Russians, French ,Israelis and even Iranians are more dependable that US. Because thats what past tells us. Even though cold war ended in 91, substantial Indo-US relationship only started in 08 because we were very hesitant to view US even as a partner.

In the long run US want India not the other way around. US wasn't there in our bad days why should we need now. Even we get in NSG with US help you still not in a position to except anything major in return. We will not be UK to you or not even France our relationship would be something else. Foreign policy is build by brick by brick over the years. Civil nuclear deal was the first LSA,MCTR,NSG,SC are lined up.

IMHO, voting against Iran was a mistake which delayed the port contract (still, We were the only major power importing oil from Iran after the sanction)

I think you have perhaps forgotten that starting from '47 till early 60's India ate because US send shiploads of grains, India's food security was developed in large part due to US assistance, Many marquee Indian institutions had US hand-holders, Our military aid dented Chinese aggression when India was literally at it's back.

After all this India chose to go with Soviet Union and that was that. Despite the hostilities, aid from US kept flowing, Indian citizens kept getting Visas to US to get higher education and jobs. Once USSR fell, US again played a major role in India's resurgence through it's IT industry.

So you see, US response has solely been guided by choices India has made notwithstanding humanitarian assistance. Dependability is a two way street, you can't dip your pecker in every empty snatch like India has been doing and expect faithfulness and dependability.

Countries have witnessed what happens when the full wrath of US falls on them, India I would say got away with just friendly pat.

As for US needing India and not the other way around you are sorely mistaken. US is continents apart secure in it's bastion while India has a hungry dragon on it's back gate and a marauders on it's front.
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