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NSA infiltrates servers of China telecom giant Huawei, says report

USA shame on you!

Shame on us for what???? You guys have been trying to steal our communication and data for decades in my opinin. I've never seen you having any shame over the crap that the Chinese hackers do. In fact, there are Chinese members on this forum and on other forums that blatantly say that China stole US or Western designs for many things. China has a great reputation for making reverse engineered copies of everything.......where do you think it gets the knowledge to do so......its stolen!
In this case, if this debate about the NSA is true, I don't think they stole anything as there is nothing to steal. The tech that China is using through this company, is old news. The US had that 2 decades ago when the internet started to become commercial. So sorry, the US doesn't infringe copyrights. It enforces those and protects those.
Shame on us for what???? You guys have been trying to steal our communication and data for decades in my opinin. I've never seen you having any shame over the crap that the Chinese hackers do. In fact, there are Chinese members on this forum and on other forums that blatantly say that China stole US or Western designs for many things. China has a great reputation for making reverse engineered copies of everything.......where do you think it gets the knowledge to do so......its stolen!
In this case, if this debate about the NSA is true, I don't think they stole anything as there is nothing to steal. The tech that China is using through this company, is old news. The US had that 2 decades ago when the internet started to become commercial. So sorry, the US doesn't infringe copyrights. It enforces those and protects those.
Oh, US is so superior and don't need to steal anything. What the only thing US to do is to steal information around world such as SMS, sns account info, gov info, bank info, maybe my PDF account info... Damn, I have no privacy.
Shame on us for what???? You guys have been trying to steal our communication and data for decades in my opinin. I've never seen you having any shame over the crap that the Chinese hackers do. In fact, there are Chinese members on this forum and on other forums that blatantly say that China stole US or Western designs for many things. China has a great reputation for making reverse engineered copies of everything.......where do you think it gets the knowledge to do so......its stolen!
In this case, if this debate about the NSA is true, I don't think they stole anything as there is nothing to steal. The tech that China is using through this company, is old news. The US had that 2 decades ago when the internet started to become commercial. So sorry, the US doesn't infringe copyrights. It enforces those and protects those.

You are the biggest hypocrite on this planet. Big :usflag:shame:usflag:.
Shame on us for what???? You guys have been trying to steal our communication and data for decades in my opinin. I've never seen you having any shame over the crap that the Chinese hackers do. In fact, there are Chinese members on this forum and on other forums that blatantly say that China stole US or Western designs for many things. China has a great reputation for making reverse engineered copies of everything.......where do you think it gets the knowledge to do so......its stolen!
In this case, if this debate about the NSA is true, I don't think they stole anything as there is nothing to steal. The tech that China is using through this company, is old news. The US had that 2 decades ago when the internet started to become commercial. So sorry, the US doesn't infringe copyrights. It enforces those and protects those.
The US doesn't steal and conduct industrial espionage is one the biggest baloney misconception I heard in a while. LOL.
Oh, US is so superior and don't need to steal anything. What the only thing US to do is to steal information around world such as SMS, sns account info, gov info, bank info, maybe my PDF account info... Damn, I have no privacy.

I never said the US is superior in everything. In fact, if you look at our history, it is the people that make it the best country ever. Our nation is a blend of every race and culture. THAT's what makes us strong and the talent that everyone brings and combines gets us ahead.
As far as the "privacy" is concerned.....if I am not doing anything wrong to a degree that it becomes a public threat or hazard to the nation or its citizens, I don't think I have anything to worry about. I don't think these guys are busy reading my love sms messages to girls. They are there to protect a nation and its interest. I can't imagine how they could benefit having someone's account numbers if what you say is actually true or even worthy to trust.
Oh, US is so superior...
Compare to your China, we are superior.

...and don't need to steal anything. What the only thing US to do is to steal information around world such as SMS, sns account info, gov info, bank info, maybe my PDF account info...
Despite our economic relations, China is hostile to US and China have conducted various forms of espionage no different than the Soviet Union when The Cold War was going on. If anything, because of the economic relations with US, China advances at a faster rate than the Soviet Union did in terms of scientific knowledge.

Damn, I have no privacy.
Your China believes you have none, so what is the problem ?
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I never said the US is superior in everything. In fact, if you look at our history, it is the people that make it the best country ever. Our nation is a blend of every race and culture. THAT's what makes us strong and the talent that everyone brings and combines gets us ahead.
As far as the "privacy" is concerned.....if I am not doing anything wrong to a degree that it becomes a public threat or hazard to the nation or its citizens, I don't think I have anything to worry about. I don't think these guys are busy reading my love sms messages to girls. They are there to protect a nation and its interest. I can't imagine how they could benefit having someone's account numbers if what you say is actually true or even worthy to trust.
You are a rational man. Things happened, don't hide and face the criticism. What I concerned is that trade protectionism will only harm Huawei in short term but do harm to your economy in the long term. The world has darkness, this news just show hypocritical faces of USA. That's my point.
You are a rational man. Things happened, don't hide and face the criticism. Tthis news just show hypocritical faces of USA. That's my point.

I am sorry, what criticism do I need to face??? I live in a country where I am free to do anything I want to. I can write on the internet or go protest against something that I don't like as being a part of one of the greatest democratic systems and I can even disagree with the current party's agenda that's running the US government. All of this, as a free man without any limitations guaranted to me by the United States constitution. All I have to do, is to be civil and remain within the democratic system and not become a public hazard. That's human rights!
I don't fear that my governent will shut down my internet or certain websites to stop communication or the fact that they will run tanks on me or on others during a protest. Or worst case, they'll come take me away and I'd be killed without a reason. No sir, these things don't happen in the United States.
Also, as far as the trade secrets are concerned, China obtained majority of the technology from the US and Western businesses who went to China for manufacturing. How could something hurt your trade secrets by me having access to them (allegedly and supposedly) when I gave that ability to you in the first place???
Compare to your China, we are superior.

Despite our economic relations, China is hostile to US and China have conducted various forms of espionage no different than the Soviet Union when The Cold War was going on. If anything, because of the economic relations with US, China advances at a faster rate than the Soviet Union did in terms of scientific knowledge.

Your China believes you have none, so what is the problem ?

We will overtake the US in about 7 years :lol:

Then we are superior.

Militarily we have always defeated you. You know when and where.

In fact it is due to trade with the US we are being held back. Without our trade with the US, we would have far more domestic companies gain market share and develop our own brands.

We have the capital, markets, technology to develop out own economy.

Opening our economy to the Yankees is one of the greatest mistakes ever made.

I am sorry, what criticism do I need to face??? I live in a country where I am free to do anything I want to. I can write on the internet or go protest against something that I don't like as being a part of one of the greatest democratic systems and I can even disagree with the current party's agenda that's running the US government. All of this, as a free man without any limitations guaranted to me by the United States constitution. All I have to do, is to be civil and remain within the democratic system and not become a public hazard. That's human rights!
I don't fear that my governent will shut down my internet or certain websites to stop communication or the fact that they will run tanks on me or on others during a protest. Or worst case, they'll come take me away and I'd be killed without a reason. No sir, these things don't happen in the United States.
Also, as far as the trade secrets are concerned, China obtained majority of the technology from the US and Western businesses who went to China for manufacturing. How could something hurt your trade secrets by me having access to them (allegedly and supposedly) when I gave that ability to you in the first place???

We have never stolen any secrets from the US.

The US has given us nothing but problems.

We would grow without the US at a far greater rate.

Actually the US has no real freedom, you are brainwashed with your propaganda to have freedom.

Freedom is one thing the US does NOT have.

Occupy wall street proved the fallacy of US 'freedom' when US military crushed those protestors. It was brutal and barbaric and not a nation that believes in freedom of expression.
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Shame on us for what????

No, there is no shame in "intelligence gathering" or hacking as everyone is doing it. But there is shame in being hypocritical, accusing others of "wrongdoing" while being caught doing exactly the same thing. Of course US is a guilt based rather than shame based society, and there is no guilt in being hypocritical, so being called shameless won't phase you, no worries.
I am sorry, what criticism do I need to face??? I live in a country where I am free to do anything I want to. I can write on the internet or go protest against something that I don't like as being a part of one of the greatest democratic systems and I can even disagree with the current party's agenda that's running the US government. All of this, as a free man without any limitations guaranted to me by the United States constitution. All I have to do, is to be civil and remain within the democratic system and not become a public hazard. That's human rights!
I don't fear that my governent will shut down my internet or certain websites to stop communication or the fact that they will run tanks on me or on others during a protest. Or worst case, they'll come take me away and I'd be killed without a reason. No sir, these things don't happen in the United States.
Also, as far as the trade secrets are concerned, China obtained majority of the technology from the US and Western businesses who went to China for manufacturing. How could something hurt your trade secrets by me having access to them (allegedly and supposedly) when I gave that ability to you in the first place???
Actually, you don't need to face the criticism to USA government. I would also point out that you are free to be cheated by your government. That's the reality. Your democratic system never make you morally superior and it's nonsense to me.
You must imagine that the internet and websites can be well controlled anytime in China and the people of China live in the deep water. NO! But you are free to imagine.
USA has the most strict control regulation of international trade and security and not allowed the technology to be transferred to China. Your control regulation must doesn't work If you think China obtained majority of the technology from western for the trade.
Project Shotgiant proved everything and I will end the conversation here.
After this incident, will this prompt Beijing to put more funding for developing its own computer language and OS instead of relying on 386x language?
After this incident, will this prompt Beijing to put more funding for developing its own computer language and OS instead of relying on 386x language?

In terms of the email hack yes it was probably 386x based.
However their hardware can easily have Linux or Unix or something else.
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